The longest companionship is that even if I know that you will hurt me, I will still resolutely stay and protect you.

Zhang Datang is not a hero, he just wants to use his ability to do what he can.

Like protecting your friends …. Yes, it can be considered a friend.

Zhang Tang didn’t know what the other party thought, but for himself, Peony was a friend.

“Peng…” Peony lost control, and a laser shot out of his left eye again.

Hit in the face by the laser, Zhang Datang could not feel pain, but he still wanted to scold and lie in the groove.

Hit people without hitting them in the face! Even if the current peony is unconscious, it can’t hit me in the face!

“Peng!” Another laser shot into Zhang Datang’s face.


Really, I don’t want to say anything, Zhang Datang just wants to be quiet at the moment.

Old girl, I have a feud with you!

Am I not a long jade tree, handsome, dashing, heroic, righteous, tall, mighty, gentle and elegant?

Is it necessary to punch in the face?

“Peng!” Another laser.

This laser was very powerful and directly penetrated Zhang Datang’s head.

Yes, old girl, it’s really great, this laser came too quickly, and our friendship is like my head! Syllable! Broken got it? Broken!

“A: Resurrection in place, B: random resurrection, C: Coordinate resurrection.”

“Note: After this resurrection, you can get +20 attack power and +20 defense power.”

“Note: You can get a bottle of zombie booster for this resurrection.”

“Note: After this resurrection, you can obtain a physique, Ciyue Light Body!”

Looking at the reward, Zhang Datang resolutely pressed the resurrection on the spot.

Muscles reorganized, the body was reshaped, the original body disappeared, and Zhang Atang was revived in place.

Took Peony’s hand again, Zhang Datang looked at Peony affectionately, don’t say anything, old girl, continue.

With the rewarded Ciyue Light Body, I allow you to continue to attack my Yushu Linfeng handsome, dashing and heroic face.

Peony was dumbfounded, stared at Zhang Atang for a long time, and then directly put his face up.

Mouth-to-mouth, skillful kiss, Zhang Tang did not react, and was taken away from the first kiss like this.

It should be considered the first kiss, after all, a man’s kiss, no matter how many times he has kissed, is the first kiss.

This feeling is wonderful, peony’s lips are exceptionally lustrous and sweet, as sweet as candy.

But.. It’s enough to kiss, there’s no need to bite me, and there’s no need to release the laser so close.

Just bite me! Release the laser and forget it! You can’t kill me after a call, what a fuss.

The face was black, Zhang Datang could not feel pain, there were no scars on his face, and he could not die.

Peony’s attack power is too weak, which is very embarrassing.

The laser kept hitting Zhang Datang, Zhang Datang was full of helplessness, holding Peony’s hand, and could only stand there silently.

Pretending to be yourself, even if you cry, you have to finish it.

After about ten minutes, Peony’s left eye finally stopped emitting lasers, and she regained consciousness, as if she had amnesia, completely forgetting what she had just done to Cheng Ye.

“Why is your face so dark?” Peony was flabbergasted.

“Nothing.” Zhang Datang shook his head, feeling bitter in his heart: “Let’s go..” They waited for us at Stone Path Park. ”


Suddenly, Peony remembered something: “Did I just lose control again?” ”

Looking up at the ceiling, and then at Zhang Datang’s back was tattered, Peony felt extremely unpleasant in his heart.

“I’m sorry…”

Unable to control myself, hurt a friend….

This is the last thing peonies want to see.

“It’s okay.” Zhang Datang smiled brightly: “I’m not injured, it’s just that my clothes are a little torn, I’ll find a community later, just get a piece of clothing to wear.” ”


Peony was speechless, but she was still a little puzzled: “Why don’t you leave with Fang and them?” ”

Obviously leave on it: Why stay?

“Silly you.” Zhang Datang rolled his eyes: “If no one guards you and stops you, you will definitely go to the street to attack the zombies, and then you will be injured again… Although you don’t say it, you definitely hurt! ”

Suddenly, Peony only felt a burst of warmth flowing in his heart, as well as a faint sweetness of maltose.

“Let’s go.” The top has been broken by the laser, even after the resurrection.

Zhang Datang simply took off his shirt, he was not bad in physical fitness, there was no fat, and there were a few abs.

Peony took out another black eye patch from his pocket and put it over his left eye.

When I came out of the police station, the zombie Tibetan mastiff was still guarding the door.

Seeing Zhang Datang come out, the zombie Tibetan mastiff howled very obediently.

“Be careful!” Peony was shocked, and when he opened the blindfold, he was about to shoot a laser to attack the zombie Tibetan mastiff.

“Don’t, don’t!”

Hurriedly stopped, Zhang Atang swallowed a mouthful of saliva: “Don’t attack!” It’s friendly! ”

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