

"The winner is decided!"

"Winner! Fujii Meiye!"

When the referee announced the winner, the long-lost system prompt sounded in Meiye's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning three consecutive games in the Kenwon competition!"

"The system will start to randomly select two templates from the following templates!"

1. Retsukaioh

Character introduction: A genius who has been practicing Chinese martial arts since childhood and is known as the magic fist. He is proficient in various types of boxing and weapons and is one of the top powerhouses in the Baki world.

2. Oliva

Character introduction: Mr. Unchain (unrestrained man), the freest person in the world, who is dedicated to muscle training and has incredible physical fitness and recovery ability.

3. Pico

Character introduction: A primitive man from the dinosaur period, who has a strong body and fighting instinct that can hunt dinosaurs as his strength.

4. Shibukawa Goki

Character introduction: A master of Aikido, his small body has incredible skills. Pure strength is ineffective against him, and he can fight across several times the weight difference.

5. Little Ali

Character introduction: The son of Ali in the Baki world, who evolved Ali's boxing into a complete boxing technique


"Ding, the selected template is Rei Kaiou and Oliva"

"The host now has a total of five character templates.

They are:

1. Yudi Katsuki

Character introduction: A karate genius known as the ultimate weapon, who is familiar with all karate moves and has developed his own unique supersonic punch.

2. Sbek

Character introduction: One of the worst prisoners in the Baki world, with strong lung capacity and physical fitness. He once escaped from the deep sea without a breathing device. His unique skill of continuous fighting without breathing can last up to five minutes. He once destroyed the Statue of Liberty with his bare hands.

3. Jack Fanma

Character introduction: The son of the strongest creature Fanma Yujiro, who insists on doing exercises equivalent to 30 hours of training for ordinary people every day. In order to become stronger, he will do anything, even taking drugs and undergoing bone lengthening surgery.

4. Retsukaiwang

Character introduction: A genius who has practiced Chinese martial arts since childhood and is known as the magic fist. He is proficient in all kinds of boxing and weapons and is one of the top strong men in the Baki world.

5. Oliva

Character introduction: Mr. Unchain (unrestrained man), the freest person in the world, who is dedicated to muscle training and has incredible physical fitness and recovery ability


"The host can choose any of the five templates to proceed to the next stage of development!" After hearing the system's prompt, Ming Ye checked his current five templates.

"System, unlock the fierce sea king template!"

"Ding, following the host's instructions, the Liehaiwang template has been successfully unlocked!"

"Please keep up the good work and unlock the third template as soon as possible!"

At the moment when the system's prompt sounded, Mingye felt as if something had changed.

But it seemed nothing had happened. He looked at his hands.

Although the unlocking degree of the Retsukai King template was 0% now, he felt as if something had been added to him.

In a trance, he seemed to have experienced the realization of Retsukai King at the moment he was defeated by Miyamoto Musashi.

"Can it be used next time?"

""Let me help you complete it in this world!"

Mingye said while looking at his hands.

In his previous life, when he was reading comics, he was a little angry about the hasty ending of the character Rei Kaiou.

It is true that he might choose Jack Fanma or Oliva as a better choice now, but there is only one chance to choose the template in each stage.

If he misses Rei Kaiou this time, he may miss it forever!

Since the system randomly gave out Rei Kaiou.

That means he should take this opportunity to preserve Rei Kaiou's martial arts!

This is also part of the spirit of the chivalrous way he wants to follow.

"Shangyi Renxia","Be chivalrous for Qi","Be chivalrous for Qi".

These 12 words are the best summary of the chivalrous way.

The so-called chivalrous, who is upright, powerful, and makes private friends to become strong in the world.

To put it simply, it means not bullying the weak, taking action when encountering injustice, and doing justice when encountering injustice.

With a free body, do happy and heroic things!

This is the way of chivalrous!

As for the unfair ending of Rei Kaiou.

Mingye decided to choose Rei Kaiou, even if he chose Oliva or Jack. Fan Ma is better, and he will never regret his choice

"Ding, congratulations to the host for unlocking the second template. You can now open the reward for defeating Wu Lei'an! Do you want to open it?"

After hearing the system's words, Ming Ye regained consciousness from the daze he had experienced after opening the Liehaiwang template.

"Open it!"

Ming Ye said in his heart without hesitation.

"Congratulations to the host for winning a special reward! Yin Yang! Please check the description yourself!"

"Yin and Yang?"

Hearing this strange reward name, Ming Ye was a little confused, but he still started to check his own rewards.

After checking, he sat in the lounge, his face was still calm, but there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

"This reward actually has such an effect? "

Ming Ye looked at Yin Yang's item introduction with burning eyes.

After using [ Yin Yang] , you can have two character templates at the same time in this stage!

But the attributes between the two character templates cannot be superimposed.

You can only switch!

To put it simply, now that Ming Ye has unlocked the template of Hanayama Xun, his own physique is fixed, but if he chooses a template, the development direction will be further developed on the current basis!

For example, if he unlocks Lie, the flexibility of the body and the skills of Tianchao martial arts will be mastered naturally, but the improvement in strength may not be great.

But if he chooses Jack Fanma's template, the strength of the muscles and Jack's wild instinct will be reflected in him!

But with Yin Yang, he can switch between the two at will and fight.

Although the unlocking degree cannot develop synchronously, and the attributes of the two cannot be superimposed.

But this is indeed a good reward!

(Note: After the first template is fully unlocked, Ming Ye's current body shape has already taken the path of free growth, and will not undergo a huge change due to the sudden switch of the character in the future)

As for the template he can choose now, it is naturally selected from the remaining four templates in this stage!

Looking at the remaining four templates, Ming Ye chose the Oliva template without hesitation.

It is true that the Jack template is also very good, but the strength of Jack Fanma and Oliva is actually very different, and it is difficult to measure.

Now, from the perspective of physique alone, Mingye is already strong enough after fully unlocking the Hanayama Kaoru template.

But the overall muscle strength and body recovery ability still need to be strengthened.

So choosing the Oliva template is the best choice for him!

"Congratulations to the host, unlocking the Oliva template!"

The character unlock progress is displayed.

Lie Hai Wang (0%)/Oliva (0%)

Mingye tried to switch between the two templates, feeling the different sensations brought to him by the two templates.

This reminded Mingye of Gana.

A smile appeared on his face.

"Invisible and martial?"

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