Imperial Overlord

: Nine hundred and forty-two holy wars

"You said this is a highway?" a recruit asked, looking at the side of the highway pointing in the distance.

The veteran who showed him the way looked embarrassed, but he could only nod his head and said, "Yes, it is indeed a road... At least, it used to be a road here."

The road can no longer be seen as it is, because it has been blown up to a state indistinguishable from the surface of Mars.

The German Army Group North has attacked to a distance of less than 20 kilometers from here in the north, and the German G group has also captured the surroundings of Hongtkachi, which is also less than 20 kilometers away from here.

There are artillery pieces on both sides that can hit the road, and with the bombing of the Luftwaffe, the road not far from Moscow has been almost completely wiped off the map.

"Back up your stuff! Check your stuff!" With his hands behind his back, the Soviet officer in the distance was shouting his orders loudly.

The recruit reluctantly picked up his backpack from the ground and began to look at the various items inside: a full 150 rounds of 7.62mm rifle bullets.

These rifle bullets are quite heavy, plus the infantry's own weapons, as well as various daily necessities, in fact, he is already overloaded.

If you carry these things on your back, you basically can't run and dodge. He could only grit his teeth and walk forward, moving forward step by step with the weight.

The good news is that almost all the soldiers around are in similar condition to him, some people are carrying two heavy shells, some people are carrying food for several days.

Everyone carried a lot of weight, in order to bring more supplies to Moscow City to supply the increasingly severe supply situation in the city.

The blockade of German troops had been in place from the beginning, but it had only gotten tighter over time. Now almost every 100 rounds of ammunition in the city of Moscow is exhausted, and a soldier's life is lost.

At this time, the Germans would shell the road from time to time, and often drop a lot of bombs on these places.

The point is, many Soviet soldiers have a bleak feeling looking at the so-called road in front of them, which is full of craters like the surface of the moon.

There are countless bodies of soldiers lying on the road in front of them, some of which have been broken and some have just fallen down not long ago.

"Are the Germans crazy? They have so many shells going to this kind of place?" The recruit was carrying the backpack behind him, and he felt a heavy feeling.

Beside him, all the soldiers were carrying backpacks and preparing to march forward. It is the task of these Soviet troops to pass this blocked road as quickly as possible.

"Comrades! Comrades! We must carry forward the spirit of daring to sacrifice and send the supplies that Moscow needs most!" A political commissar was standing aloft, shouting loudly to his soldiers.

On the other side, the female soldiers of the Soviet Army Art Troupe standing in a row were holding their chins and singing beautiful songs.

"Rise, huge country, fight to the death!" Although they were only women, the voices sang in their throats were extremely powerful.

"Destroy the evil forces of fascism and gangs of all evils! Let the noble anger roll like a wave!" The singing encouraged the Soviet soldiers passing by them.

This is a nation that loves music and a nation that advocates fighting. Encouraged by the singing, the originally sluggish morale was being lifted up again.

"Go on a people's war! Holy war!" As they sang, this is a holy war for the Russian people, a war for the country!

"Let the noble anger roll like waves! Carry out the people's war! The holy war!" They stood on a mound beside the road. Although they had no weapons, they stood upright and firm like the warriors.

There was a young Soviet soldier carrying two heavy artillery shells, standing at the feet of these art troupe girls, looking up at these beautiful singing girls.

There was a hint of hope in his eyes, pure like a star. This was the first time he saw such a beautiful girl, and he dared to swear to God.

"The people of the whole country are vigorously fighting back against the executioner! Back against the tyrannical predators and man-eating beasts!" The girls in the art troupe did not see any soldiers watching them, or they were used to being watched.

These girls still held their heads high, showing their best looks with their fullest spirits: "Let the noble anger roll like a wave! Let the people's war! The holy war!"

A reporter accompanying the army picked up a camera made in Germany, aimed at the beautiful scenery, and pressed his shutter.

"Don't let the evil wings fly into our border, the vast fields of the motherland, and don't let the enemy ravage!" The girls were still singing non-stop, and in front of them, there were still soldiers passing by one by one.

From here, they rushed to the battlefield in front of them, preparing to complete their first official, actual combat mission when they joined the army.

"Let the noble anger roll like a wave! Carry out the people's war! The holy war!" The melody continued, and the military band behind the girls also played non-stop.

This is the last line of the song, and the playing stops here, and the singing also stops.

Although they don't have to go to the battlefield to give their lives, they are also doing their part for their country.

After a pause of a few seconds, the music played again, as if it were a replay, and the soldiers of the military band began to play their instruments again.

Over and over again, tirelessly, the soldiers of these art troupes repeated this song that was just created: "Rotten fascist monster, watch out for your head! Prepare a coffin for the unworthy descendants of! "

The Soviet soldiers sitting on the ammunition boxes stopped smoking, letting the ashes fall on their boots without realizing it.

They listened to this inspiring song over and over again, without applause or cheer, but all knew that they had made the song fly into their hearts.

"What's this song called?" a young soldier holding a weapon asked the person next to him: "I have never heard such a beautiful song."

"Oh, this song..."Holy War"!" The person beside him replied, "If you like it, listen to it a few more times... There isn't such a nice song over there."

The person answering the question looked at the black smoke in the distance, as if burning Moscow, and even he didn't know whether he meant "over there", Moscow over there, or heaven over there...


On the first day of the new year, Long Ling is here to give New Year's greetings to all book lovers! Wishing everyone good health and good luck in the new year!

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