Imperial Overlord

: Eight hundred and eighty-fourth battle of Oahu

While Stalin, the greatest leader of the Soviet Union, and his ruling clique were running away, the Japanese were attacking Oahu.

This probing attack transported 1,000 soldiers to the beachhead in one go. It is a pity that these soldiers have been suppressed by the US military on the beachhead, and they cannot advance or retreat.

The intensive firepower prevented these Japanese soldiers from raising their heads, and the Japanese artillery fire was no longer so timely.

Most of Yamamoto's combined fleet's battleships were resting and did not participate in this attack at all.

It is more appropriate to say that this attack was launched by the Japanese Navy's combined fleet, as it was launched by the Marine Corps themselves.

The Japanese hoped to end the Battle of the Hawaiian Islands before July 1941.

Because then, the Combined Fleet should return home to renovate, and then dispatch to the Indian Ocean to compete for sea dominance there.

What the Japanese hoped for was that, after eliminating the Indian Ocean fleet owned by the British government-in-exile behind it, they would have no worries, and then turn around and fight to the death with the re-established U.S. Navy.

It is indeed a deadly battle. I heard that the United States has launched three modified aircraft carriers. The trial will soon end, and the Americans will have aircraft carriers again.

So, I don't know if it's stupid, or if I'm mentally prepared to make a desperate attempt, the Japanese army stationed on Kauai couldn't help but launch an unplanned attack.

Although more than a dozen destroyers provided fire cover, without the heavy artillery and the overwhelming number of fighter jets, the Japanese attack became less severe.

"The grenade can't be penetrated? What are you talking about? The soldiers of the Empire of Japan will not stress the difficulty! Organize death squads! Blow up the enemy's bunkers!" Inside the front line, a Japanese officer held a command knife in one hand, He shouted while holding the collar of his subordinate in one hand.

His troops suffered heavy losses during the attack, and now at least 100 men were killed on the beach, but he still hadn't achieved the slightest advance.

The Japanese soldiers who were advancing one after another were crushed by the bullets fired by the oncoming American heavy machine guns, and they dared not even raise their heads.

"Bagaya Road! Charge me! Staying here is a dead end! Charge! Charge!" The Japanese commander pulled a soldier who was unwilling to move forward from the ground and shouted loudly, encouraging his men to move on .

The officer's shout finally paid off, and some Japanese soldiers began to rise from the ground and staggered onwards.

Their shoes were full of beach sand, and they swayed as if they would fall over at any moment.

Just jumped off the newly docked boat and carried their heavy machine guns from the boat to the beach. The newly arrived Japanese soldiers found their feet covered with the bodies of their predecessors.

It was a **** fight, **** to suffocating from the start. The Japanese soldiers continued to land from the water, and behind them, Kauai was actually only a very close distance from Oahu.

On the shore over there, there are cannons sent to support them. Although the shells are not sufficient, they have provided valuable support!

The destroyer was also pouring out its own ammunition desperately, as if it didn't want money, and hit the shells on the positions of the US military.

The U.S. military on the opposite side is also unwilling to take a step back. They opened fire desperately, as if shouting to the Japanese: Come and taste our bullets! Our bullets are endless!

Pearl Harbor was originally an important military base for the US military, and the ammunition depot in the port hoarded a large amount of weapons and ammunition.

Even though most of them were blown up, the remaining parts are still huge in number. For the U.S. military stationed here, the ammunition stockpile here is simply endless.

"Fire!" The U.S. commander in the position loudly encouraged his comrades. They kept shooting with heavy machine guns until the barrels were red, and then stopped.

Immediately afterwards, they will replace the unfireable machine gun with other machine guns to maintain the continuity of their firepower.

Compared with the Japanese machine guns, although the American machine guns are not advanced, they are ten times or even a hundred times better in terms of minor faults.

The heavy machine guns of the U.S. military have been improved until modern times and are still in use, but the heavy machine guns of the Japanese army tended to be eliminated during World War II.

With such a gap, the huge gap between the two sides in medium-distance support firepower is enough to make the Japanese soldiers pay a heavy price.

"Sir! Let the soldiers withdraw! Let's get out of here! Wait for the fleet to return before attacking!" A junior officer cried and knelt down in front of the Japanese officer, pleading loudly.

"Second Lieutenant Aso is dead! Lieutenant Kumamoto is also dead! If we don't order the retreat, we will all die here!" The officer cried loudly while crying.

The bullet flew past him, as if he didn't see it, he still knelt there, lowered his head and begged: "We are not afraid of death, but it is meaningless to die like this!"

"Cowards! The Americans' position is ahead! As long as you keep moving forward, you can occupy there and open the gap! Cowards! His Majesty the Emperor has no cowardly samurai like you!" The officer roared, pointing to American positions in the distance.

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor!" A Japanese death squad finally approached the US military bunker under cover, shouting slogans and jumping up suddenly.

Holding a pack of explosives in his arms, he screamed at the US machine gun and perished with the US bunker that kept spewing flames.

"Boom!" The huge explosion helped the Japanese army to suppress the U.S. military's strafing, and more Japanese soldiers stood up and shouted and rushed to the target in front of them.

"Bah! Bah!" What greeted them was a dense array of U.S. bullets. Countless Japanese soldiers fell, and the Japanese soldiers behind them continued to move forward.

Blood stained the beach red, and the shouts resounded through the sky. At this moment, the sound of gunfire came from the sea in the distance.

An American cruiser, escorted by several destroyers, entered the landing field. The Japanese army never imagined that the U.S. Navy would dare to start a counterattack at such a time.

"Stop those Yankees! Baga!" On the sea, the commander of the Japanese destroyer detachment, who had put down his binoculars, became annoyed and scolded, pointing to the American ship in the distance.

"Send a signal to the friendly fleet behind us! Tell them the American fleet is coming! Give them some color!" On the sea, the Japanese destroyers began to signal each other with lights and semaphores, turned their bows, and faced the American fleet. direction of appearance.

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