Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and forty-four Karjus's debut

The battle ended without warning. The Soviet tank troops retreated without armor and armor, leaving the wreckage of hundreds of tanks on the battlefield.

The entire battlefield looked very quiet, as quiet as if there had never been a battle. Although a tragic tank battle broke out here more than ten minutes ago.

The Soviets launched a strong local counterattack, then dropped the wreckage of almost 170 tanks and began a long retreat.

This may be the largest tank battle that broke out in the border area. The two sides dispatched at least 500 tanks and launched a fierce competition in a small area.

Smoke was still rising from the distant ridges, and the closer areas were full of various tank wrecks. Some of the tank turrets have been blown away, some are just faulty and abandoned there.

Karjus took off his earphones, climbed out of the hatch, went around to the front of the tank, and looked at the place where the shell had just hit.

The layer of steel plate attached to the outside was penetrated, leaving a not deep trace on the main armor. There is also a shallow pit in the turret...

It's been an exhausting battle, and a reborn battle. Karyus liked the feeling of being a new born. He stood silently on the tank, in a quiet daze.

A Leopard tank was cloned, and the hatch on the turret was lifted. The company commander of the 1st Company smiled and stuck his head out, and asked, "How many tanks have you killed?"

"Eight tanks, as the artillery commander said. They retreated too fast, or maybe we could have fought more." Karjus raised his head and reported his results to his company commander.

The first time I participated in the battle, I achieved the result of destroying 8 enemy tanks, which can already be said to be a very good record.

The company commander nodded with satisfaction and praised: "As expected of the genius named by the head of state, your record can be said to be the best in our company."

Karjus likes this title, he likes the adjective genius, and there is a head of state in front of this word, which makes him feel very comfortable.

After all, the current Karjus is still an 18-year-old child. He is not yet so calm, not yet the warrior tempered by the cruel battlefield.

"Clean up, we will clean up the battlefield with the friendly forces, check the total number of tanks destroyed by the enemy, and summarize the various problems that have arisen in this operation." The company commander mentioned this victory, and the smile on his face became even wider.

Just now, his 1st Company destroyed almost 45 Soviet tanks of various types on the front.

This number is almost three times the number of tanks his company has. In addition to Karjus destroying the most 8 tanks, the least one tank also destroyed 1 enemy tank.

Moreover, the newly formed 505th Heavy Tank Destroyer Battalion destroyed 80 enemy tanks during the first engagement with the enemy, twice the number of its own tanks.

With such a huge number of destructions, I have not lost a tank yet. It can be said that this battle is very perfect, and it is impeccable as the first victory of the army.

The Panther tank, which was manufactured using the design concepts of later generations, also showed a terrifying combat effectiveness in the outbreak of the war.

The elite German tank crews, taking advantage of their equipment, easily defeated their opponents and won the war.

"The 88mm caliber cannon is really easy to use, and it is easy to penetrate the opponent's tank." The gunner said to Karjus while praising his cannon and drilling out of the turret.

"I saw that every time our artillery shells are fired, they can be destroyed as long as they hit the target." Karius nodded in agreement.

The gunner looked a little embarrassed, and shrugged his shoulders before explaining: "The other side's tanks are constantly advancing, which interferes with my aiming."

In the battle just now, he used 11 shells to destroy 8 Soviet tanks, including two heavily armored kv-1 tanks.

"You've played well." Glancing at the same young gunner, Karjus comforted: "I'm not blaming you for not hitting the target, the real battlefield is more complicated than what we encountered during training. more."

What he said was not pure comfort, but what he had just felt. The Soviet tanks on the battlefield attacked desperately, which put considerable pressure on the German tank crews.

There was even a time when Karjus had considered the possibility of a retreat. Because the other party is too close to him.

Of course, in the end, he withstood the pressure and persisted until the air force arrived and did not issue an order to retreat.

You know, at that time, the nearest Soviet tank was less than 300 meters away from the German tank.

In the actual combat state, the enemy's tanks are constantly moving, and the accuracy of attacking the opponent will naturally decrease at this time.

In the era of World War II, there were no crosswind sensors and ballistic computers. Everything could only be judged by the experience of the shooter.

Without sophisticated auxiliary instruments, a stationary attack against a stationary one may not be able to hit a hundred shots, let alone a moving target.

The position where the Karyus tank is located is the best position facing the opponent's attack direction, and the impact of the enemy's tank movement is much smaller for him.

The one that fired ten shells only hit the tank crew of two Soviet tanks, and the position was obviously a little off, so it was so different.

"I know there may not be now, but if there is a chance, we must celebrate today's victory." Karjus said to his gunner with a smile.

"I can tell that you are really praising me, Captain!" The gunner nodded and said to Karius with a smile: "Long live the Führer!"

"Long live the Führer!" Karyus nodded and looked at the Soviet tanks in the distance.


In the Air Force Command, all the officers were busy. This may be the largest aircraft take-off and landing command in the world so far, and everyone is very busy.

In a limited period of time, Germany commanded various aircraft to take off more than 7,000 sorties at hundreds of field airfields behind the defense line of hundreds of kilometers.

This achievement is almost equivalent to letting all the planes that can fly on the German Eastern Front fly once.

The entire airspace was chaotic, and the attacking planes and the landing planes traveled back and forth at different altitudes, obscuring the sky densely.

There are so many targets to attack that Air Force commanders don't know exactly where to attack.

What is the situation like? Even though dozens of telephones between the Army and the Air Force have been talking all the time, it is still impossible to mark all the areas that need to be attacked on the map.

If the Air Force commander schedules a mission a little slower, a more important mission will take its place.

And if Air Force pilots were motivated and attacked when they saw Soviet troops on the ground, they would quickly run out of ammunition.

What is even more exaggerated is that under the attack of thousands of aircraft, the Soviet Union's collapsed troops have no tendency to decrease at all.

There were Soviet troops retreating in groups everywhere on the ground, tanks and cars burning on the road, and discarded weapons and equipment were seen everywhere on the ground.

Mosin Nagant rifles were thrown all over the place, along with plenty of Soviet-made light machine guns and wagons.

Compared with the army logistics force, which Germany has always been dissatisfied with, the Soviet logistics force is even more backward in equipment. Almost two-thirds of their supplies are transported by carriage.

This is the Soviet Union in 1941, not the steel torrent under the Iron Curtain that makes people shudder when they mention it. The current Soviet troops have not been mechanized, and there is still a long way to go before making people shudder.

At this moment, a large number of the Soviet Red Army are still traditional light infantry, and many times they can only rely on horse-drawn carriages and livestock to provide supply and transportation for their Although there is an astonishing number of 5 million troops in the air, But because of the big purge, the combat quality of this unit is very poor.

Of course, the unflattering road conditions in the Soviet Union are also one of the important reasons why the Soviet Union has not been able to popularize mechanization.

The presence of millions of the Soviet Red Army made the German army commander-in-chief, Field Marshal Brauchitsch, and the chief of staff of the Supreme Command, Field Marshal Keitel, very uneasy. They feared that this was a ruse by the Soviet Union to trick Germany into advancing deeper.

As a result, they ordered more than 40 reconnaissance planes of the Air Force and the Army directly to take off and reconnaissance, and finally determined that the rout of the Soviet troops was real.

On the second day of the war, that is, on the morning of March 21, Lundstedt's Army Group Center entered the territory of the Soviet Union, like a steel knife, splitting the Soviet offensive troops from the middle.

Then just now, when the German troops crossed the area occupied by the Soviet Union in Poland and entered Belarus, the most determined and powerful counterattack of the Soviet Union broke out.

It is a pity that this counterattack was thwarted by the 1st Panzer Division and the 505th Battalion, as well as the air force, and the German army entered the vicinity of Brest, threatening this important transportation hub.

There is not only a large amount of military supplies stored there, but also a large amount of diesel and gasoline for the front line.

The German army was already attacking there, and the surrounding Soviet troops were still busy retreating at this time, and they did not care about this important supply base at all.

As the commander of Army Group Center, Field Marshal Lundstedt's next target is Brest, which is directly in front of him.

As long as it is captured there, his troops can continue to move forward, cutting the formation of the Soviet front-line troops into two completely independent pieces in one breath.

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