Imperial Overlord

: Four hundred and eleven to church

In the dark night, the British army did not know the specific size of the German paratroopers, and the German paratroopers could not find their target because of the confusion. . fastest update

After the German soldiers wanted to gather together and form an offensive force, they took advantage of the night to launch a divisional siege and a tentative attack on the British army.

The British army had completely lost its effective command, and the troops were in chaos, but they happened to be mixed between the German paratroopers, preventing the German paratroopers from gathering to form a combat force.

The dazed British troops stumbled into the friendly bunker just occupied by Lyman and others.

They thought it was still under the control of friendly forces, but unexpectedly they encountered German troops. The two sides fought fiercely near the bunker. Due to the distance between the battles, tragic casualties soon occurred.

Lehmann saw with his own eyes a German paratrooper pierced by a bullet and fell into the bunker with blood on his face, on top of the British corpse.

At this time, he also changed the magazine on his assault rifle, and found his weapon again in another place.

Because they lost their machine guns, the German paratroopers led by Lehmann were not much better than the British in automatic weapons.

The British have Lee Enfield rifles, and the most used by German paratroopers are still bolt-action rifles such as the Mauser 98k.

So the only thing that really suppresses is this reliable stg-44 assault rifle in Lyman's hands. Every time the weapon spewed fiery tongues of fire, British soldiers were in a hailstorm.

The storm-like strafing made Lyman's assault rifle achieve amazing results. The British soldiers fell one by one, because the dense rain of bullets did not require precise aiming to hit the enemy not far away.

Although a lot of ammunition was wasted, Layman's suppression still played a very important role. The opponent couldn't get close easily, and he didn't dare to throw grenades in a very comfortable position.

That's why so far, no enemy grenades have been thrown into the German bunkers. If the opponent has the opportunity to use the grenade at this time, the German soldiers in the bunker will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Of course, this stalemate was not a good thing for the German troops. The British army obviously wanted to retake this anti-aircraft artillery position, and the German army was obviously at a disadvantage in number.

After Layman, who was holding a weapon, emptied his bullets, he retracted back into the bunker and continued to reload a new magazine. Then he saw another ally being shot and fell on his back, screaming.

The battle was going on fiercely, which made Lehman feel a little nervous. Just when he felt that the other party was going to approach the bunker and kill the German troops in the bunker with grenades, the British ** team retreated inexplicably.

Like a nightmare, when Lyman fired at the retreating British soldiers, he vented his anger to his heart's content.

Near the bunker, there were the bodies of about 20 British soldiers lying down, and two German paratroopers were also killed. At the end of the battle, everyone had a feeling of being reborn.

"It's already early in the morning... If the British attack again, we will be in danger! So don't you leave?" A German paratrooper looked at Lehmann and asked.

The fierce battle just now had frightened the recruits who had not experienced the war. Gunther was still looking down at the comrade who was shot and died, and he couldn't say a word.

Obviously, the damage caused by the bullet penetrating the human body completely subverted his understanding of war. That dreadful hole makes one look at it and saves dinner.

Thinking of supper... Gunther suddenly felt that the energy-replenishing food he had eaten not long ago seemed to break free from his stomach.

He retched twice, then averted his eyes and leaned against the edge of the trench, covering his mouth, trying to calm himself down.

The flares were finally extinguished, and everything fell into darkness again. Lyman, by moonlight, stuffed bullet after bullet into the emptied magazine.

Discarding a magazine after emptying it looks very chic, but in the actual battlefield, it is obviously not so extravagant.

If possible, even the bullet casings should be recycled and reused. Germany is a resource-poor country, so any link must be carefully calculated.

Hearing someone persuade him to stay, Lyman narrowed his eyes and thought about it. He was thinking about the problem here, but his movements were not slow, and he was still skillfully stuffing bullets into the magazine.

"I can't give up the original combat goal... Before dawn, I have to rush to the church. This is an order that I have to complete." Lyman looked at the nervous paratrooper and said his thoughts.

"But we also have our own orders, we can't stay here and wait to die!" The paratrooper looked at the black corpse lying on the ground by the moonlight.

"If you think you have the ability to complete the order, you can act on your own." Lyman didn't mind that the other party didn't follow his orders at all.

In this case, the German paratroopers often organized some tactical adjustments spontaneously, which was the case in the Netherlands, so Lehmann was used to it.

"In addition, in this situation, you still haven't found your own troops, then why don't you follow me and go to occupy the church!" Laiman checked his weapons, and then gave his own advice.

"You can't stay here any longer. If the British react, they may storm here and take back their anti-aircraft guns!" Lyman stood up cautiously, pointed to the anti-aircraft guns not far away, and said to the paratrooper.

The other party obviously did not have the idea of ​​acting alone, and agreed with Lyman's analysis: "You are right, blowing up this anti-aircraft gun, it is a good choice for us to leave here together."

"The church we attacked may be a key area for the enemy's defense, and it is not a good choice to follow us." Lyman saw that the other party was a little uneasy, and persuaded: "You can go west, find the lost paratroopers, and gather up again. action."

Hearing this suggestion, the other party obviously paused, and then the paratroopers of the two battalions next door decided not to follow Lyman, but searched westward to find their own troops.

For such a decision, Lehmann did not force anything. The place where he landed was too far from the attack target, and there shouldn't be many troops nearby that had the same attack target as him.

Thinking of this, Laiman ordered his soldiers to start the attack just now. All those killed were troops that had nothing to do with Layman, and one of the 2nd class and the next platoon was killed just now, leaving 5 people.

In this way, Lehmann took 10 people and escorted 3 poor British prisoners of war. Under the cover of the night, he took out the bunker from the other side and advanced towards the direction of the church.

The remaining two people set off west to find the large army. Before they set off, they dismantled some parts of the anti-aircraft gun and blew it with a grenade.

In the dim moonlight, Lehmann took his 10-man army and walked on the grass step by step. They walked cautiously, always on the lookout for attacks from any direction.

Although the distance is very close, moving around the battlefield is quite exhausting. So after a few hundred meters, they found a place to rest.

While resting, they chose a bush where they found the body of a German paratrooper, hanging from the bush, with shattered parachutes scattered to one side.

After collecting the ammunition from the corpse, Gunther was no longer in the mood of cheerful chattering in the past. Until departure, few people spoke.

When it was almost dawn, Lehmann and his troops finally approached the church, and when they hesitated and did not know how to attack, they found a German **** hanging on the wall of the church by the light of dawn. flag.

"It seems that our battalion has captured this place." Holding his own weapon, Lyman climbed out from the roadbed of the country road.

He saw the German paratroopers standing under the church, and also saw the British prisoners squatting on the ground.

Then, after stepping over the dead German paratroopers lying on the ground, he walked up to the German paratroopers who had taken control of the church.

"Hey! Isn't this Lyman? I heard that this is your target?" A familiar face pointed to the church behind him with a smile, and laughed loudly.

Lehmann finally recognized that the paratrooper whose face was blackened by smoke was the German paratrooper squad leader Borrol who asked him to borrow fire when he set off.

"You guys were thrown in the wrong place too?" Lyman pulled out a cigarette and handed it to Borol.

Borol took the cigarette and nodded: "Isn't it. There is such a striking sign nearby, so I can only shoot it down first."

"Is the loss big?" Lehmann looked at the corpse of the German paratrooper lying on the ground too late to clean up, and asked heavily.

"About 30 brothers were killed... There is a company here in the We didn't expect so many of them..." With a taste of regret, Boroll answered Lehmann's question.

But he soon regained his smile: "We captured 50 prisoners and killed 80! We captured a battalion commander and a regiment commander!"

"You guys are amazing!" Gunther, who was standing beside Laiman, finally spoke, his envious voice was very obvious: "We only caught three..."

"Let's not talk about this, about 700 meters behind the church is an airport for the British. Our battalion commander wants to play a big one, are you interested?" Boroll pointed to the distance and made an invitation.

"How many of you are there? Are you going to attack the airport?" Lyman frowned and asked.

"There are more than 170 people left, including you, there are even more." Boroll held a cigarette and made another invitation: "We need any support, people and ammunition."

"That's one of us... Assign us a task." Lyman nodded at Boroll, then followed him to Boroll's paratrooper battalion, in the direction of the battalion headquarters.

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