Imperial Overlord

: Forty-two is most afraid of yang and yin

For Li Le, the most dangerous time has passed. He suppressed the suspicion of his power in the SS internally, and achieved such a victory externally.

Now, he is stronger than when he swept France, and he is closer to myth than the dead real head of state!

But after getting the news of the victory in the Battle of Oran, Li Le was not in a good mood.

He was furious with his cronies in his office, and Bowman, Hess, Goering, and Admiral Redel were all helpless.

"Does the Italian navy still have a face? They still have the face to publicize that they are a victory?" Li Le tapped on his desk, roaring loudly.

"I gave them information! Careful to every detail of the information! Hell!" He was furious and had the style of the end of the empire.

The Führer was furious and spitting out angrily: "Do I need to give Churchill's phone number to him and let him ask for it himself to get things done?"

Goering sat on the sofa and gave Admiral Raidel a look with slanted eyes. Marshal Raedel was not as beautiful as Goering, but returned an innocent expression.

Also a marshal, Raeder is definitely a hapless stepmother in the German marshal sequence.

Because the construction of the navy is extremely expensive, and it is not as successful as the army and air force, until the end of World War II, the German navy, except for the submarine force, played the role of soy sauce.

Although the Besmarck had a flash of inspiration and showed the short-term glory of the surface ship force, more often, the German Navy still stayed at the level of the Norwegian Naval Battle and the Tirpitz Otaku.

Not to mention expeditions to the sea, most of the time, the surface ships of the German Navy are poor creatures waiting to be scrapped in their own ports.

In fact, if the record of the German submarine force is singled out, then the record of other units of the German Navy can only be described as pitiful.

Goering's air force was different, at least until 1942, the German air force was a very powerful role.

Although later due to aging equipment, loss of personnel, and shortage of fuel... The German Air Force was ultimately unable to protect its airspace.

But compared with their own navy, they are still confident that they have fought hard for their country...

It is precisely because of this that Li Le attaches great importance to this attack on the H fleet of the British Navy. He must weaken the Royal Navy of the British Empire as much as possible and strive for survival space for his fleet.

Unfortunately, his efforts did not seem to be getting the rewards he wanted.

In his opinion, the British fleet was all about running away at this time, and as long as the Italian Navy's fleet pursued more resolutely, more British warships might be sunk.

On the other hand, if the Italian Navy's submarine force was replaced by the German Navy's submarines, the British naval fleet would probably lose more.

The Italian Navy was obviously satisfied that only one battleship was sunk, but Li Le felt that it was far from enough.

"When their submarines attacked together, they could easily sink more than two battleships and make the British completely retreat to Gibraltar!" Li Le has really convinced his Italian pig teammates now.

"My head of state...Navy coordination is a complicated task. Even our submarine force has very limited coordination capabilities." Raedl had to stand up and let the furious Li Le calm down.

Li Le glanced at his naval marshal. Recently, the German naval commander got an aircraft carrier, which finally gave him some confidence.

The head of state stopped roaring, looked at the other party, and then said in a calm tone as much as possible: "Forgive my gaffe... This victory has made the enemy vigilant, and the next time you want such an opportunity, you will have to wait for a long time. ."

This is his truth. After all, he doesn't know if history will be rewritten because of this naval battle. The reason for his anger is more because the price he paid is too high.

He hoped to use his prophetic skills to annihilate the British fleet in Gibraltar, only to change history without gaining more advantages for himself.

"We have successfully rescued the French fleet." Marshal Redel looked at Li Le and said, "The Vichy government of France sent a telegram of thanks, and Marshal Darlan expressed his goodwill."

"Good intentions?" Although Li Le has dabbled in national politics, he is still not used to this kind of twists and turns.

There are many national policies and choices, all of which have many connections behind them. It is not that Zhuge can analyze clearly after the fact.

What's more, the kindness sent by Marshal Darlan has never appeared in history.

"The French are finally willing to help us produce 75mm and 105mm howitzers..." Goering reported to Li Le first.

This is a way for the French to express their attitude, limited support for the Third Reich, the most compromise that Pétain and his Vichy government could make.

"Ha! It's really not easy for these French people to know how to stand in line." Li Le sat back on his sofa and mocked Goering bitterly.

Goering pouted and persuaded: "My head, when we defeat the British, France will understand how naive and ignorant their insistence is."

"Have you personally confirmed the things I asked you to pay attention to recently?" Li Le asked when he heard Goering say that.

What he handed over to the Air Force was the exact location of the British air defense radar station that he found on the map of the funeral.

I don't know why these things became particularly clear in his dreams, just like some other knowledge about World War II, which was repeatedly reviewed by Li Le.

With these positions, the Luftwaffe may have disabled the radar bases placed along the coast of the British Air Force on the first day of the British air battle.

Destroying the eyes and ears of the RAF would buy days or even dozens of days for the Luftwaffe.

During these times, the British were forced to deal with the invasion of the Luftwaffe, but were unable to give early warning and selectively block the invasion of the Luftwaffe.

As long as Li Le's request is fulfilled, and the German dive bombers with a superior number of German dive bombers can precisely clear these places, it will be quite troublesome for the British to repair these places.

The point is, losing the first batch of radar operators and retraining such personnel also takes time and effort.

But under the ravages of German bombers, whether the British have the ability to rebuild these radar stations, only God knows.

"Uh... My head of state, many high-level Air Force officials believe that there is no need for us to waste our precious first raid to attack the so-called radar stations of the British." Goering said embarrassedly that he had conclusion.

"Those cheap targets are not worth attacking..." He looked at Li Le, who was already frowning, and confidently added the last sentence that made Li Le vomit blood.

The Luftwaffe was very contemptuous of radar at this time. They believed that the number of aircraft was the key to the real victory. Radar was a toy that was useless...

If you are a modern person from the 21st century, or a military enthusiast who has heard of the Gulf War and the Kosovo War, you will definitely be amused by Goering's words.

The powerful U.S. Air Force worked hard to find and must clear the destroyed enemy radar system, which was considered by our Air Force Marshal to be a "cheap target".

Moreover, in Göring's opinion, it would be better to leave a professional like him to direct a professional matter like air combat, and a layman like the Fuhrer who doesn't know anything would be better off getting involved.

Goering's attitude made Li Le suddenly feel a deep sense of powerlessness. He can't wait for someone to drag this unsatisfactory **** out and beat him to death, and then replace it with an obedient person.

He really wanted to pick up the other person's collar, sprayed saliva on Goering's face, and then shouted: "You @#¥%! I might as well raise a pig!"

"Marshal Goring! I have already told you the reason!" Li Le said, "The intelligence is very accurate. The British radar network has been built and can play a decisive role in the war!"

He pointed to the huge map of southern England hanging on the wall, and his eyes almost burst into flames: "The other party can detect the size of our aircraft, and heading!"

"This is impossible. My head of state, the scientific advisors of the Air Force on radar, said that it is unbelievable that the current radar wants to achieve this kind of accuracy." Goering defended his conclusion.

"We have been imprisoned by the Treaty of Versailles for 20 years! The enemy has developed for 20 years! If you still hold the mentality that we must be stronger than the enemy, then sooner or later we will be hanged on the gallows!" Li Le Press Blue veins appeared on the hand on the map, and the whole person was already on the verge of rage.

"Marshal Goring! The Führer's information is very accurate, and it has just been confirmed." Hess spoke at this time and stabbed Goring from the back.

As the deputy head of the Third Reich, he should have a higher status than Goering. However, the Führer appointed Goering as his heir, and Hess felt a great injustice.

This deputy head of state, who is going to report in the UK next year, still has the illusion of pushing Goering to the next level.

And Li Le was more willing to create a sense of crisis for Goering, so that he could obey him more and carry out his combat orders.

As the head of state, what he is most afraid of now is that his subordinates make their own decisions, ignore his orders, and go down the old road of history in a stupid way.

As a result, he issued correct orders one by one in the headquarters, but they were changed beyond recognition by his subordinates. In the end, due to historical limitations, he went to an inevitable end.


Readers who feel that this book is not fat enough, you can go to see "My Third Reich" by Long Ling, which is a masterpiece of World War II, not to be missed!

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