Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and fifty-two Jagged Prime Minister

The British's luck against the sky seems to have ended at this moment. At least one huge explosion occurred on the Reputation. This explosion overwhelmed the sound of the waves and the sound of the artillery.

It echoed in the sky, and all of a sudden it was silent. The soaring flames rolled and rose, as if they were going to continue into the sky.

This time the explosion caused parts on the Prestige to splatter everywhere, the metal twisted and collapsed, and the steel plate was torn to shreds. It seems that the thick armor can't stop the spread of burning at all.

The Prestige was over, and that was the voice in the hearts of everyone on the battlecruiser Hood who saw the explosion. They only knew this from this explosion.

"Telegram to the Prestige immediately! Confirm the loss of the battleship! Quick! Quick!" Standing in his command position, John Tovey said weakly, ordering his men to contact the Prestige quickly.

He really hoped that he could get an echo, but in fact the telegram he sent was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no answer at all.

The huge explosion was so violent that it stunned most of the people on the battleship at once. Everyone was lifted high by the shock of the explosion, and then fell heavily to the ground.

When the battleship finally calmed down, some soldiers and their officers who were barely able to climb up on the Reputation found that the battleship under their feet had tilted seriously.

The ship was already off balance without the captain's order to abandon the ship. It sank in seconds, and seawater poured into the fractured compartments, filling them in an instant.

Even the German Navy was shocked by the huge explosion. They saw the dazzling flame on the dark sea.

The sailor on the battleship Tirpitz even sighed, saying that he had never seen such a tragic explosion himself.

Yes, tragic! In the dark night, just relying on the fireworks formed by the explosion, the adjective tragic can be accurately chosen, which can fully explain how shocking the explosion is.

In fact, the flames lit up the sky and the battlecruiser Hood hundreds of meters away.

The flames rose into the sky, and the bow turret of the battleship Reputation was hit by a shell just now from Tirpitz.

The shell was originally aimed at the rear of the Prestige which was on fire, but the accuracy was indeed a little off.

But it was such a deviation that made the shell hit the B turret of the battlecruiser Reputation at once, and penetrated the armor there.

The penetrating armor-piercing projectile suddenly detonated the loaded propellant, and then the propellant exploded in front of the unclosed breech block, and the armor-piercing projectile also detonated.

The exploding shell and charge then destroyed the compartment, detonating another cannon and its charge.

Perhaps it was because the isolation hatch that should have been closed was not closed, or the closed hatch was destroyed by the explosion. In short, the hatch that was supposed to function as isolation did not function as it should.

Then the fire suddenly spread into the ammunition compartment under the turret, igniting the main battery shells stored in it, as well as the propellant in another ammunition compartment.

The huge explosion, including the propellant, suddenly broke the fragile Prestige battleship, and the huge explosion sent the thousand-ton turret B flying.

Because it was turret B, the location of the explosion was not far from the bridge. The energy of the explosion spread to the bridge and turret a. It only took a moment for turret a to explode.

So, just when everyone thought that the explosion of the Prestige was enough to destroy the battleship, and it must be sinking, the second explosion sounded again.

In an instant, the second explosion made everyone see the current situation of the Prestige. The exploding bow had been completely scattered, leaving only a short head, which had already fallen to the sea.

And the bridge of the Prestige has been submerged in the fire, and it is not clear at all. However, from the tail, the warship had already suffered a serious roll, and the time on the surface was only a few minutes at most.

Sure enough, the huge light formed by the explosion had not disappeared. Under everyone's attention, this rather beautiful battle cruiser fell headlong into the water.

The sea water caused the huge flames on the bridge to go out in an instant, but at this time, the Prestige had been broken into two pieces, and everyone was already very clear about how it ended.

Even if there are drowning people on this battleship, it is estimated that it will take two or three hours before someone will come to the rescue. And to freeze these poor people to death, the water temperature of the Atlantic Ocean only needs 2o minutes to be enough.

The closest battlecruiser Hood certainly wouldn't turn around to rescue the drowning, and neither would the German warships.

When other warships of the British Navy arrived, they estimated that they could only salvage the bodies floating on the sea.

Of course, it's also possible that the body didn't even need to be salvaged at all because the Prestige sank too quickly and suddenly, and it is estimated that only a few soldiers could escape the sinking vortex of the battleship.

The explosion of the Reputation made John Tovey, who was standing on the battle cruiser Hood, feel unprecedented pressure. He has lost a battleship now. If he can't leave a German battleship, then he will be in this naval battle. Just a complete loser.

Therefore, although the commander of the British Navy Search Fleet began to order the distance at this time, he did not intend to retreat at all.

The battlefield is always changing. When the battle cruiser Hood turned, the German battleship Bismarck was also fine-tuning the route.

Terrified by the precise fire of the British Navy, Lütjens planned to keep his battleships as long as possible, rather than fighting an unnecessary war of attrition with the enemy.

Therefore, Lütjens ordered to let the battleship Bismarck, which had already reached nearly 28 knots, take his own fleet and start to yaw 10 degrees north.

He hopes to get some distance away from the opponent, and use tiny turns to interfere with the enemy's aiming.

On the other hand, he has asked the damage control personnel of the battleship to rush to repair the damaged crane and the place of fire.

If the warship can be recovered, it can be hidden back into the darkness before dawn to avoid being hit again by the British warship.

If the opponent loses the target battleship Bismarck and turns to attack other battleships, they need to re-adjust their aiming, and the hit accuracy will be reset to zero immediately.

"Leave like this?" In his mind, Lütjens was struggling fiercely. He knew that if he escaped with the battleship at this time, he might never get rid of the curse of fear of the British Navy.

While standing there hesitating, Lindemann, the captain of the battleship Bismarck beside him, suddenly spoke and gave his combat order.

"Let the warship adjust the firing angle after turning! When ready, fire the next salvo!" Lindemann did not cancel Lütjens's order, but added his own after Lütjens's order. Order.

In the process of turning, he ordered his battleship to continue to fire, which was much more dignified compared to the order just given by Lütjens.

Lütjens heard the order, looked at the dark sea in the distance, and finally nodded without rejecting the order to fire this time.

At least, in his heart, he was unwilling to leave in such a woeful manner with the humiliation of escaping the battle.

And more reluctant than him to escape like this, there is the fledgling colonel commander of the German Navy, the captain of the battleship Bismarck, Lindemann.

Just now, just after the German battleship Tirpitz used an accurate shell to kill the battle cruiser Prestige in the distance, Lindemann felt that something seemed to be burning in his body.

Does the German Navy have to run away with their tails tucked? Will the German navy ever beat the British navy? He Lindeman refused! Even if he died in the Atlantic, Lindeman would not accept it!

Dissatisfied, so you have to shoot after turning! He did not intend to escape, but prepared to distance himself, after disturbing the firepower of the opponent, he continued to fire and fight!

Even after losing Jutland, the German Navy still used Rainbow Action to tell the world that they still have the last trace of blood! Now the blood has not cooled, at least not completely!

Hidden in the darkness, let other warships block in front, like the aircraft carrier Zeppelin behind him, be a tortoise with a shrinking head, he Lindeman might as well die!

When the battleship Bismarck was built, it was known as the battleship with the strongest defense. Bismarck, who was a big ship carrying small guns, was proud of nothing but defense.

How can a warship that should have protected all its comrades behind and used its own armor to resist the enemy's firepower to shrink behind?

Compared to sinking cowardice is more intolerable. How can the commander be a softie on a battleship named after the Jagged Prime Minister?

"Prepare for a volley!" Lütjens laughed suddenly, with such a bright smile on his face: "I will stand here until the moment of victory comes!"

At this moment, he made up his mind that if the Bismarck was hit and forced to reduce, then he would accompany the old chancellor and sank in this icy water.

"Report! Sir! Turret a is ready!" The officer in charge of the artillery shouted loudly: "Turret B, ready!"

"Y turret is ready! The turret can fire!" At the end of the shout, he stood there solemnly, waiting for the next order.

"Fire!" Lütjens glanced at Lindemann, who held his chin up, and solemnly gave a short and clear order.

"Boom!" After the Bismarck turned around, she fired a new salvo of her own.

Long Ling has rested for a day, but still has a fever and a runny nose... The coding speed is a bit slow, so please be patient...

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