Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9616: Stone puppet (third more)

"Why are there so many ghosts in this cave?"

"Is there something that attracts them?" Qing Huang and An Yan looked at each other at this time, and then said in unison: "Exterminate them, then go in and look for them carefully!"

"Guck, guck!"

At this moment, the earth palace toad roared loudly and summoned the avatars of the earth profound spirits that had been sent out by him. The other party really hurried back with the sound of "chuckle", and the earth palace toad shouted: "Two, I Get the attention of each other with the clones first, and you just have to wait for your mobile hands."

"No problem, let's act."

"Huh!" Qing Huang said this and flew to the vicinity with An Yan. At the same time, Earth Palace Toad roared, "All attack——"



In the flash of lightning, countless mud bombs rushed towards the large group of monsters in the air.

"Ping-pong-pong!" In the blink of an eye, violent noises one after another, regardless of whether they were hit by mud bombs or not, the ghosts were blown to pieces. Although these guys have the ability to "self-reorganize", it will take time to implement , But this gap is fatal!

"Five Elements Spirit Blood Sword Qi Slash!"

"The ice phoenix is ​​alive!"

"Huh!" In a short time, Qing Huang and An Yan's fierce attack hit the group of souls in the air, and the other party was slow due to the mud bomb of the earth palace toad, and there was no chance to avoid the attack.

"Boom!" After a few breaths, the group of souls disappeared and disappeared, and no one was spared. An Yan held a big sword and smiled: "Hahaha, it's all settled." "Let's go, let's go to the cave now. "

"it is good."


At the same time, Ruo Tao, Gu Sang Nu and King Jia Yao met the guy who blocked their progress in another cave.

"Ha ha ha, stone puppets that are two feet tall, what can you do?" Ruo Tao watched these guys staggering towards her, her expression of disdain and contempt: "Just you scum, I can kick it with one kick."

As she said, she raised her foot to make a kick, but in the next moment, King Armor shouted, "Be careful, these guys are weird!"

"What?!" When she heard this, Ruotao was stunned, "Chill!" In an instant, the originally slow stone puppet slammed on the ground, flying towards her like an arrow from a string. Pounced.

"Oh, so terrible, it scared me to death..." Ruotao yelled deliberately at this time, and suddenly spit out the last two words: "That's it!"

"Swallowing thunder and shaking the ground!"

"Boom!" In the blink of an eye, Ruotao's Thunder-Swallowing Blade came out of its sheath and quickly slashed down, and the blade's strength immediately spread toward the front in a fan shape, and all the stone puppets that came over were enveloped in it.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"


In just a few breaths, there were already more than dozens of stone puppets swept by the Thunder Devouring Knife.

But these guys are different from ordinary creatures. They don't know what fear is. Even though their companions are killed and destroyed again and again, they still rush forward without any hesitation.

"Look at the sign!" Seeing this scene, King Armor quickly rushed over to help, opening his mouth to spout a large piece of original fire flames, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... , To burn them into the appearance of black charcoal.

I heard the sound of "Dang Dang, Dang Dang" one after another, and the blackened stone puppets lost their vitality, one by one, they fell to the ground and fell into dregs.

"Linggen, go!" It was too late, and then soon, Gu Sangnu began to act, "Swish!" Dozens of spiritual roots rushed towards the remaining stone puppets like dragons.


"Boom, boom, boom!" Linggen slapped the stone puppets frantically, causing them to split into powder in an instant, and the armor king laughed: "Hahahaha, happy, really happy!"

"Don't patronize and be happy, the enemy hasn't been cleaned up yet."

At this moment, Ruotao waved to the golden wren nestling hovering in the air, and then said: "Wren Bao just flew inside and found that there was a huge stone puppet that hadn't come out to meet. It is estimated that seeing us so powerful, that guy fled. !"

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Gu Sangnu said, and suddenly poked the wooden magic scepter in her hand to the ground, and then shouted: "Wood Spirit Warrior, come out!"


"Swish swish!"

The next moment, more than a dozen soldiers with a height of nine feet appeared with various weapons, and Gu Sangnu shouted: "Chong, as long as you see stone puppets, you will beat them fiercely!"

"Thump thump thump ...... ...... tapping" to hear her command, combat soldiers immediately Batui Jizhui, ancient mulberry female, if peach and armor Xiu Wang followed, after more than interest rates, they have been into the chase In the depths of the cave, a tall stone puppet was indeed blocked here.

"I tell you to run, go on, and clean it up!" Gu Sangnu gave an order, and the soldiers all surrounded and walked forward, following the opponent.


On the other side, the unicorn ice worm, the golden sting king, and the ancient horror roar were orderly searching all the fact, nothing was found!

"Oh, after walking for a long time, we still haven't gained anything, but we are getting farther and farther away from the exit." Howard said: "What if I get lost later?"

"Don't worry, I have asked the Glimpse Black Stings to make road signs along the way and get lost? Hey, that's impossible." King Golden Stings said very confidently.

"That's good." Bing Jiao murmured, "I don't know if Master Guan and the girls have already gained something. If we go back empty-handed, won't we be laughed at by everyone?"

"But if there is no gain, there is no gain. We can't just pick up a stone and take it back as a treasure, right? We also have no eyes to be laughed at."

As soon as the King of Golden Stings talked about this, he really saw the ancient wild roar fell on the ground and fiddled with a stone. It laughed and cursed, "Hey, what are you doing? You don't really want to take the stone back to charge it?"

"No, no, brother, look at this thing, is there blood stains on it?" As he said, Guhuang Roar picked up the stone and shook it in front of it and the ice scorpion.

"Hey... this seems to be really blood." Ice Jiao sniffed, and then said: "But the blood stains have been dry for a long time, it doesn't look like they were left just now."

"This blood-stained stone is the first clue we found here, but you can't easily give up, go, and look for it inside." As he said, the golden sting king flew forward, the ancient wilderness roared Yelling: "Wait for me, wait for me!"

After more than ten breaths, the three of them hurriedly came to a certain area in the depths of the cave. Here, there are jagged rocks everywhere, and some places are very badly damaged, as if they were left because of various fights. .

"Could it be that who else treats such a remote place as a battlefield?" the one-horned ice dragon said to himself.

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