Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9601: Small Treasure Cave (third shift)

"Something has happened, something has happened!" The Nine House Sparrow hurriedly flew back to everyone with the golden wren chicks. It shouted at Guan Heng: "Brother, the little green coccidia and the dog have fallen into the pit. Go ahead. have a look."


Hearing this, An Yan was very anxious. She was worried about the safety of Little Green Coccidian and Dog King, but Guan Heng said: "Don't worry, let's go and have a look. I just asked the insect mother to send a few colorful fierce beasts to follow. You, Zixun hasn't come back yet, it's probably a pit with them."

"Mother Chong, quickly contact Zifu with mental power to see what their situation is now."

"Yes, master." Hearing Guan Heng's order, the mother evil worm agreed, then closed her eyes slightly, and began to try to contact the children.

After a few breaths, the worm mother opened her eyes and said: "It's okay, there is just a small treasure hole, the dog and the small green ball affected the mechanism, and now it happened to fall in the treasure place, even the oil skin did not break. "

"Hehehe, it's okay, let's go, let's see what happened to that stone." After a few breaths, everyone rushed to the towering boulder, Guan Heng reached out and knocked on the stone, and asked the Nine House Sparrow: " Did the dog and the little green coccidia fall under here?"

"Yes, yes, we all helped the little green ball to pull a metal ring just now, here, that's it." As he said, the Fire-Swallowing Nine House Sparrow also pointed its wings to the iron ring on the boulder.

At this time, Guan Heng winked at the old white-browed monkey, and the other party immediately shook his body and climbed. He reached the top of the stone in a few clicks, and stretched out his hand to pull the metal ring and violently, "Crack, creak! "In the blink of an eye, the iron ring stretched out a lot of chains.

"Rumble—" Then, the huge boulder sank into the pit below again in response, but the old monkey was so clever and agile that he rushed to the nearby rock wall in an instant without falling into the pit with the stone.

"Go on, freeze that boulder completely!" At the same time, Guan Heng waved his hand, and the mandrill immediately flew forward, releasing a large amount of ice profound aura.

"Lala...Lala..." In an instant, the boulder was frozen in place forcibly, and the deep pit on the ground could not be blocked.

Guan Heng said, "Okay, now you can go inside to see what's going on, the insect mother, Anyan, and the old monkey. You three will accompany me in, and the other companions will wait outside."

"Okay." At the same time everyone agreed, Guan Heng had already jumped into the pit with An Yan, the evil worm mother and the monkey.

"Squeak, squeak!" Seeing An Yan came to find herself, the little green coccidia who had been waiting at the bottom of the pit swooped into her arms.

"Are you okay?" After stroking the insect and nodding when he saw the other person, An Yan glanced around and said: "There are many similar little treasure caves in this place."

"Well, it seems that the guys who make this place separate all kinds of things into different categories, and then hide them in different places." Guan Heng thought for a while, figured out the doorways, and said, "Okay, let's search first. What's inside this little treasure cave?"

"Squeak, squeak." Hearing his words, the little green coccidia screamed twice, and then fell on the shoulder of the old monkey, beckoning the other party to take him forward.

"By the way, I didn't see a dog around." Guan Heng scanned the surroundings and said to An Yan: "It looks like the little green ball sent it to the front to find the way."

"Well, let's go find it."


After a few breaths, Guan Heng and An Yan hurried forward. After passing through a winding tunnel of more than ten feet, they finally saw the king of corpse dogs wandering in front.

"Wang Wu!" Seeing the master coming over, the dog immediately screamed and wagged his tail. When he approached Guan Heng, he stretched out his hand and patted the dog king on the forehead and asked: "How is it, did you find any clues? "

Hearing this, the dog nodded, then walked to a short distance in front, raised his paw and pointed to something on the rock wall.

"Brother, that should be the mechanism that activates a secret door somewhere nearby, right?"

"Yes, you guessed it right." Guan Heng slowly nodded, and said to An Yan: "You and the insect mother will move a little bit later, and I will activate the mechanism."

"Okay." An Yan immediately followed her instructions and led everyone out of Zhangyu. "Squeak!" The next moment, Guan Heng reached out and moved the stone wheel on the rock wall. At the same time as the object made a piercing sound, Guan Heng The large wall in front of him suddenly split into two halves, slowly opening to the left and right.

"It's opened." Seeing that there was no danger, An Yan was about to move forward, but in the next moment, the old white-browed monkey screamed: "Uhhhhhh!" "Hhhhhhhh!" He flew by, rushing to the entrance of the stone wall.

"Hmph, you monkey still feels keen, have you spotted the other party?"

At this moment, Guan Heng muttered to himself, and said to An Yan who came by: "Inside this entrance is a stone chamber. A guy moved when the mechanism was opened. The old monkey was afraid of any danger to you and me, so Go in and check it out."

"So that's it." An Yan whispered: "This monkey is amazing, I haven't heard anything yet."

"This is its specialty..."

"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

As soon as Guan Heng said this, the old monkey in the stone chamber had already started fighting with each other. He said to An Yan, "Go, go in and see."

"Hoooooo-" Inside the stone room, a tall figure wielded a stone axe and attacked the old monkey frequently, with a series of roars in his mouth.

But the white-browed old monkey is far superior to the opponent, how can he put this guy in his eyes? At this moment, the monkey is deliberately playing with the enemy, and he has not even used half of his strength.

"Hey, don't play." Seeing this, Guan Heng was a little bit dumbfounded, and then said: "We are in a hurry, let this guy down immediately!"

"Ujiji!" Upon hearing this, the old white-browed monkey agreed and suddenly threw out his fists. The guy using the giant axe had no idea that the monkey would suddenly change from dodge to direct onslaught mode, and he was caught off guard. The next can only reluctantly parry and block.

"Bang!" This fist suddenly hit the surface of the opponent's giant axe, shaking the guy's body unsteadily, and then "punk-punk" backwards.

Guan Heng and An Yan could see clearly that this guy was tall and skinny, and his armor was broken and his body was black-gray, almost corrupt. It turned out to be a dead body.

"It turns out to be a dead warrior. It should belong to the guy who guards the treasure house." An Yan said: "This guy has no strength. It is estimated that the old monkey will win soon."

"Well, within one or two moves, the winner must be divided."

"Boom bang bang!" Guan Heng's voice fell, and the white-browed old monkey on the opposite side had already blasted heavy punches one after another, and none of them were missed. They all hit the body of the armored corpse, "Boom!" The extremely blazing fire spirit suddenly enveloped the whole body of the dead body.

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