Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9593: Ancient magnetic mysterious fire (the fifth outbreak)

"Very well, waiting for your response!" The Mandrill waved his claws at the moment: "Everyone back, Fatty, you can give the spirit fire inside the seal one last aura, and then back again."

"Understood!" The Armored King agreed, then let out a low growl, and spit out a large amount of original flames.

"Boom!" These fierce fires directly fell on the big stone at the entrance of the Sealed Cavern, shaking the profound seal patterns on it suddenly, and even a lot of small cracks like spider web patterns appeared.

"Choo!" The next moment, King Armor swept backwards, and suddenly landed beside the mandrill and his companion.


At this time, under the eyes of everyone, the big stone in the Sealed Cavern not far in front was shaking, and the surrounding air was even distorted due to the high temperature. Everyone knows that as soon as this spiritual fire comes out, it must be a shocking existence. , So they are watching intently.

"Boom-boom boom -"

In the blink of an eye, a series of violent noises abruptly blocked the entrance of the cave and the huge boulder smashed into pieces. "Huh!" At the next moment, a swift shadow rushed out of the cave. With a roar, this guy was already released in an instant. A large amount of violent fire aura spread rapidly in ripples.

"I, I can't control these auras, you guys run away!" All of a sudden, the spiritual fire that emerged from the trap screamed to remind these benefactors who helped them out.

"Thanks for the reminder, but these fire spirits can't help us, fat man, you go first!"

"Hahaha, it's just right!" Hearing the words of Mandrill, King Armor laughed loudly: "I just sent you a lot of spiritual energy, and now I can just take it back to make up."

"Bass bass bass!" As soon as he remark export, armor Xiu Wang has been flying pounced, it is the mouth Fu Zhang, absorb up violently, "wind, wind - shabu shabu -" just a few breathing room , A large amount of fire aura was absorbed by the king of armor.

However, the amount of fire aura released by the opponent seemed to be too much, and even the big-bellied man of the armor king was full, and he did not absorb all of it.

"Fatty, you are really useless. You will wilt if you **** a third? It's up to me in the end."

The Mandrill cursed with a smile, no longer paying attention to the king of armor, who was panting with a big belly, and then shook the animal skin black flag in his hand: "Brothers, please resist the impact of the fire spirit."


"Oops, the remaining part is not blocked." Seeing this scene, Evil Bone Pterodactyl called: "Brother Mandrill, let me come."

"Hehehe, calm down little brother, it's not your turn now." The corner of Mandrill's mouth was slightly raised, and he smiled easily: "I'll do it."

"Plap!" It was too late, it was fast, the Mandrill suddenly pulled the ancient gold icebreaker into the ground, and then shouted: "Ice profound spirit enchantment, gather!"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! not see.

"Hey, Linghuo, where are you?" At this moment, the armor king who had digested a lot of aura turned over and sat up, shouting loudly.

"I'm here." After saying this, the spirit fire body slowly flew over, and it said: "I recognize your breath, just absorbed your fire spirit, so I can accumulate strength and rush out, thank you ."

"Small, we also eliminated the ancestor family of sable orcs who sealed you, and only then did we know that you were sealed here." King Armor said: "In order to save you, everyone on the scene has tried their best, so I want to thank you. If you do, you should also talk to everyone."

"Thank you, thank you all." At this moment, the mysterious Linghuo said: "I am so grateful for everyone who has never known each other, but can do their best to save us."

"Haha, little meaning."

"Yeah, it's nothing." Both Evil Bone Pterosaur and Grey Staghead said so.

"By the way, do you have a name?" The Mandrill asked.

"Oh, my name is Ancient Magnetism Xuanhuo." The other party replied. Suddenly, it noticed the things around Mandrill and immediately whispered: "Hey, benefactor, this one around you seems to be the geomagnetic core!"

"Yes, you also know the geomagnetic core?"

"of course."

Ancient Magnetism Xuanhuo recalled: "Think of that old sable orc clan that used the aura of the geomagnetic core, coupled with sorcery, to seal me here. I was angry when I thought about it, and I didn't provoke it. , Just because this guy coveted my fire spirit, he started to bully me maliciously."

"Hey, now the other party is finished, so I won't mention the old things." Mandrill said, "Do you have a place to go? Or come with us. We know a lot of spirit fire friends, and we can take care of you at that time."

"This..." Ancient Magneto Xuanhuo said with some embarrassment: "I want to leave here, but it seems I can't go far."

"Eh?" Upon hearing this, King Jia Yao asked, "Why is this?"

"Oh, this situation seems to have something to do with the force of geomagnetism, or the core."

Ancient Magnetism Xuanhuo said: "For many years, I have been trying to adapt myself to the magnetic force around me. It has played a lot, but because of this, the force of geomagnetism is similar to each other, and I can't stay away from here. "

"There is such a problem, too evil, right?"

"It's not surprising."

Hearing the words of King Jia Yao, Mandrill said casually: "Have you forgotten the heart-burning fire? Back then, it stayed underground for too long and inhaled the heavy earth fire, which made it unable to float. Later it was rescued by Lord Guan. It can get out of the ground, which is very similar to the reason that the ancient magnetic mysterious fire cannot leave here."

"Then since Tyrant Huo can get away, Xuanhuo should have a countermeasure, right?"

"Well, everything is the same, this is true." Mandrill nodded, and then after thinking about it, he asked Ancient Magnetism Xuanhuo: "Have you ever thought of other ways when you noticed that you can't stay away from the neighborhood? "


Hearing its question, Xuan Huo immediately replied: "Being trapped in the Sealed Caverns for these years, I first tried to adapt to the invasion of geomagnetic force, and then I wondered how to break away from here. I thought of all kinds of ideas. It's a pity that it was either impossible, or lack of ability, and neither was achieved."

"Tell us about your idea."

"First of all, I feel that if I want to get out, I have to find the geomagnetic core, use it to generate stronger magnetic force, and separate me from the crypt, so that I can get out."

After speaking, the ancient magnetic mysterious fire flew around the core next to it, and then continued: "But this method is equivalent to using the entire geomagnetic core, and it will be scrapped."

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