Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3392: Pronghorn

"Yeah, what is this?" Ruo Tao and Xiao Hei both screamed in unison, Lan Su looked up at goose bumps, Guan Heng explained: "It is a demon parasite that is parasitic in the body of red crickets. They usually eat the demon ape teeth. The residue in the gap can also help it defend its enemy. "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng raised his voice and said, "Six magpies, don't keep your hands, kill these bugs, and catch red crickets."

"Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at speaking time, when the horror was screaming and surrounded by flying insects and red crickets, the demon ape seemed to realize that it was difficult for him to get out, and immediately screamed and screamed to command the parasite demon to fight back wildly.

"Huh-hhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when they attacked the red devil in a moment, the big devil and the giant bee rushed to the side of the demon worm. The monster trembled and stagnated in midair.

"Oh!" The big ogre and the giant bee have always cooperated with each other. Just as the worm slowed down, its sharp claws had slammed down, tearing two of them into several maggots.

"Buzz--" The remaining bugs were desperately trying to get rid of the effects of haze, mist, and venom, and the bee was crazily defeated, but the giant bee had rushed on wildly, the jaw of the giant jaw sprang open, and bit the monsters stiffly. Crush.

"Yeah!" At this moment, Yuzhong Chiba was beaten up by four tadpoles, and without paying any attention, he ran towards Guanheng.

"Well, are you here to kneel for mercy?" Xiao Hei laughed, stepping forward subconsciously, and Ruo Tao next to him felt bad, suddenly screaming: "Be careful!"

"Yeah! Hey--" The red-headed demon ape suddenly opened his mouth and squirted, and a ray of light rushed towards the small black-faced door. Ruomo sees the machine very quickly, and suddenly stretches his arm for a stop. Ruo Tao wrist.

"Hey!" At this moment, Guan Heng and Qing Huang lifted their feet together and fell down, and he turned his head and asked, "How is it, Ruotao?"

"My son, this is a black scorpion ..." Ruotao slammed the bug on the ground at this time, and then crushed it with her feet, she said in a crying voice: "It's over, what can I do if I get poisoned? If my heart is suffocating, I will definitely have a bowel, and I will bleed to death. "

"Little lady ghost, are you enough to play with treasure?" Guan Heng sighed and shook her head: "Nima's corpse ghost can still be poisoned to death? If it succeeds, you will quickly die and let me see."

"Well, son, can't you just say two words of comfort?" Ruotao said angrily: "Well, I'll help your little aunt, too, without hard work, right?"

"Okay, thank you." When Guan Heng said this, he was still covering his mouth and smirking with Qing Huang, but Xiao Hei dragged Ruotao's sleeve and whispered: "Thank you, Taotao . "

"Uh-huh, this is pretty much the same. Little Nizi is welcome, my sister is happy to stand in front of you as a shield."

If Tao squeezed Xiaohe's face with a smile, then said loudly to Guan Heng: "If the dead conscience boy is in distress next time, I must go up to make a knife and hum, I won't save you."

Upon hearing this, Qing Huang pursed her lips and said, "Hehehe, it seems Ruotao already hates you."

"Don't care about that little female ghost, she can't remember it any time soon." Guan Heng pointed at the cricket that was stepped on by herself and said, "Let's hurry up and question this guy. Lan Su was riding the ancient rock carving to chase the remaining ones, so he had to hurry to join her. "


After a while, Guan Heng and others had caught up with the ancient rock carvings that were wandering around like a headless fly, and Lan Su shook her head anxiously: "These demon apes were running too fast, and I lost them. "

"It doesn't matter, we still caught one alive here." Guan Heng said, walking in front of him, tied with a strong redhead, he said, "Qing Huang asked just now, these beasts were taken by a mysterious person. When they came to the Yishui Demon Clan, they did help the mysterious person and sent an injured person to the hidden cave in front. "" That person, that person must be Bisangge, right? "Lan Su was surprised and happy at this time. Asked, Heng Heng then said, "Yes or no, just go and see."

After a while, Guan Heng rushed the red chrysanthemum that led the way to the hidden cave, and just saw the other demon apes watching and waiting outside. Guan Heng and Qing Huang looked at each other and immediately had an idea.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootoo — tooty and dumb —" After a few breaths, the mellow flutes rang out in the ears of several worms, and these guys listened happily, even gradually dancing.

"Buzz--" It was late, and then, when the bee flew over the sky suddenly, and before these guys responded, it had already released a breath of ghostly poison.

The Royal Insect Red Smell smelled this, and immediately turned one by one, turning to the ground.

"Slap." Guan Heng threw the demon ape that was captured and now stunned, and turned his head to greet everyone: "Ancient rock carving, you and the camel, the corpse horse are kept outside, if any enemy comes , Don't recklessly take your shot, wait until we come out and say, Qing Huang, let's go. "

As soon as this sentence came out, a few people suddenly rushed into the cave.

The tunnel inside is winding and winding, and there are many forks, but there are six ghosts around Guan Heng who will not get lost. Naturally, they can find the nearest way.

"Big ghost said, there is a smell of Bisang in this cave, we can definitely find him." Guan Heng said and patted Lan Su's shoulder beside him: "Relax."

"Well, there is hope for big brothers and sisters to help, and I firmly believe that."

Lan Su has become more and more strong in order to retrieve Bisang. After hearing this, Guan Heng slightly raised his head, and then said, "Xiao Hei, what smell does the cat smell? I treat you two Bring it in, can you get some strength? "

"Brother-in-law rest assured, I bet it can be ... swallowed ?! What are you doing?"

Xiao Hei just said a few words and suddenly realized that the unpromising cat was teasing a skinny gopher in the front corner. She had tossed the prey for a long while, and she was so angry that she said, "You lazy cat, no more Struggling to find Brother Bisang, I have no food today! "

"Meow ?!" After hearing this, the swallowing ghost meow scared and ran forward, "Bang!" The next moment, this headless guy hit a monster's head.

"Meow!" The body of Swallow Ghost Meow was shaken by powerful forces, and flew into Xiao Hei's arms. "Flop!" Even the little girl fell down and sat down on the ground.

"This is ?!" Lan Su glanced at the monster in front of her, and she said immediately: "It is the underground monster‘ fork horn ’who is best at digging holes near Yishui Demon Clan.”

"Well ..." The fat pronged horn yelled at this moment, and strode forward, and the sound of "Wheel" 's heavy footsteps stirred up the dust.

"Be careful, this pronghorn is very fierce!" Guan Heng and Qing Huang shouted at the same time, and they pulled out the blade and wanted to pounce on the slaughter animal, but in the next moment, the rushing pronghorn suddenly flickered the forefoot. Kneel, "plop" fell to the ground, and could no longer climb.

"What's going on?" Guan Heng took three steps and made two steps to watch. The result surprised him. It turned out that there was a gap in the enchanted back of the brain, and all the brain inside disappeared, leaving only an empty shell.

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng took a moment's work. This pronghorn suddenly burst out with a big puff of evil, covering the body. Qing Huang and Ruo Tao, Xiao Hei, and Lan Su just came to watch Guan Hengyi waved his hand: "Don't come over, the situation is unknown, there is danger here ..."

"Woohoo!" His words came to an end, the pronghorns that had already fallen down stood up again with the power of evil spirits. It was originally huge and large. At this time, the muscles of the body were constantly shrinking between evil spirits. It became thin and withered, with two pupils appearing dark and red.

Seeing this situation, Qing Huang screamed, "Its appearance is very similar to that of 'Zombie'."

"Well, after the monsters in this world are infected with pure and evil spirits, they may become` `corporal beasts ''." Guan Heng slowly pulled out the sentence and said: "It is probably what the pronghorns look like now."

"Oh!" The corpse roared loudly and waved its withered claws to Guan Heng, and he sneered: "What is arrogant? I'm pretty sure of you."

"Oh!" The wood-wrapped aura and the original fire-powered sentence Mang Sword flipped and chopped instantly, and immediately twisted the change of this pronghorn corpse into a scorpion powder, "huff--" an evil spirit Floating out, trying to escape into the distance.

Seeing the machine very fast, the big dreadful ghost protruded with his claws, "slap!" He seized the evil spirit without any reliance and turned it into ashes.

"Good job," Guan Heng praised, and then said to the girls, "There are monsters attacked by evil spirits here. If Bi Sang is in this cave, there will be danger. Let's go to him quickly."


On the other side, the shadow of Bisang imprisoned again came to the place where he was bound.

This guy said coldly: "How are you thinking? To be honest, the poison on your body is only half off by me. It may recur at any time. If you don't confess, it will definitely make your bowel rot and die. . "

"Stop!" Although Bisang was **** with chains, he was still righteous. He said loudly, "I always have only one answer. I want to know the secret of my family. You are dreaming!"

"Abominable, stubborn guy, then I have to pour into your mind with evil spirits, and search for memories myself."

Hei Ying sneered and said, "I have never tried this method. Well, the best result can also turn you into an idiot who doesn't know anything, Bisang. If you don't know anything, don't blame me."

"Pop!" When speaking slowly, then, this guy showed a withered hand, and his five fingers snapped on Bisang's head.

"Oh-oh!" A lot of strong wickedness penetrated into Bisang's mouth, ears, nose and nose seven moments, causing him extreme pain, and he continued to mourn: "Yeah ah--"

"Huh, this is the end you don't recognize, come together!" Heiying roared loudly, and the evil spirit was gathered in the center of the other person's eyebrows, then began to scream.

"Without counting time, Bisang's memory can be known to me, but this method will have great disadvantages and may affect me ..."

The dark shadow thought of this, and there was some hesitation in his heart, but at this time, there were hurried footsteps from the entrance of the cave behind him, and then someone shouted, "Scream here, come here!"

"Well, someone came." Heiying was startled, and his hands were loose. Bisang yelled, "Animal, I won't let you succeed!"

"Kacha!" A good Bisang, opened his mouth to show Bai Sensen's teeth, biting on the opponent's wrist fiercely.

"Uh-huh-hhh-" The scream screamed sharply, and the guy felt terrible pain, but it wasn't the worst.

Because this uncle was searching for Bisang's memory with his own evil spirit, and was bitten by the other's mouth, his uncontrollable evil gas instantly reversed back, "Bang!" Just hit his eyebrow.

"Oh-huh!" For a moment, part of this black shadow's memory passed into Bisang's mind, as did Bisang's memory.

"Mix things, you let me go!" It was too late, then, when the figure of Guan Heng rushed first, and a heavy punch punching the power of gold struck the man's back: "Bang! "

The guy suddenly spit out a blood arrow at the moment of the wound, but he was even more surprised that Guan Heng's power was unlimited, and his body's purple gas couldn't stop it. "I know Bisang's memory and must retreat quickly."

This thoughtful and scheming, knowing that he was not the opponent of the person who came, he turned sharply and swept away to the side.

"Hoo--" When the wind screamed, the black shadow had escaped a few feet away, and Guan Heng's eyes caught fire, but at this moment, Bisang who was fixed on the rock wall by the copper chain suddenly yelled: " Uh ah ah— "

The evil spirit in Bisang's mind spread to his body instantly, causing his power to soar several times, and at the same time losing his reason. Only the fierce instinct to kill was left, "Papapa!" , The next moment, Bi Sang's heavy fist has also blasted to Guan Heng's head: "Hoo--"

"Brother Bisang, it's me." At the very beginning, Guan Heng was in no danger and raised his arms to stop the blow: "Oh!"

But at this moment, the weird shadow had reached the exit of the other end of the cave, and he chuckled and said, "Let my corpse of beast monsters play with you."

"Pop!" Withered claws slammed on the rock wall around him. Hearing the harsh sound, several earthen bales bulged up on the ground, and then a roaring monster broke through the ground.

"Qing Huang, I'll help Bi Sang to drive out evil spirits, and you should deal with these monsters." As soon as Guan Heng's roar came out, Qing Huang rolled his wrists and threw a few soul stones to the cat: "Hand."

"Kat, click." The kitten jumped up, opened its mouth and swallowed the soul stone, and time turned into a giant tiger, and it turned out to shout at the monsters and corpses: "Wow--"

"Buzz!" The beast corpse and evil spirits heard the roar stagnant, Qing Huang and Ruo Tao rushed out, and the six ghosts began to besiege each other.

"Xiao Hei, the soldiers in front are fierce and dangerous, don't run around in the past." Lan Su reached out and brought the other person behind him, but her eyes were very nervous staring at Bi Sang who fought with Guan Heng. You must rescue him. "

"Bang, bang!" Speaking late, fast, Guan Heng and the soaring Devil Bisang Lian against more than ten punches, the opponent's punches are powerful, but he is better at being able to integrate the power of the five elements, naturally better. One chip.

—— [Fourth more on 2017.6.20, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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