Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3375: Beixi Village

Liu Chang is so enthusiastic because they see Guan Heng and others strong, so it is good to show them occasionally in front of others.

After a while, when dinner was over, Guan Heng asked, "Brother Liu, those red-eyed camels that are going to hit Beixi Village should arrive at midnight, right?"

"Right." Liu Chang originally intended to find Guan Heng to deal with the monsters, and he replied at this time: "Those camels have become more and more fierce recently, and the demons in several small villages have already been It's all gone, so say we ... "

"Squeak ---" Liu Changgang said here, and someone pushed in and walked in. It was just a few young demons who just walked with everyone.

"Brother Liu, we have packed the blood of anteater into the skin. Look, where should they be placed?" After listening to a clan question, Liu Chang said, "Let ’s put it at the door, I will go by myself immediately do."

After a few demon people quit, Xiao Hei yawned and said that he was exhausted. He picked up the ghost and went to his room to sleep, and Guan Heng let the four uncles accompany them.

Qing Huang said to Liu Chang at this time: "Let's go and help with you, by the way tell us about the monsters near Luotuoling."

"Okay, everyone, please follow me." As he said, Liu Chang went out and grabbed several skin packs containing animal blood, leading everyone to the village entrance.

Here, Liu Chang explained to everyone: "The blood of the ant beast can make the red pupils go mad, we can use this thing to make some traps, so that the other party can be caught by surprise, but that's all."

After hearing this, Guan Heng slightly jaw head: "Well, as long as we can stimulate the other side slightly, we will deal with the rest."

Watching Liu Chang sprinkle the beast blood in the pit dug by more than ten feet away, Guan Heng and Qing Huang and Ruo Tao whispered, "Wait a minute, we are like this ... then ..."

Just when the discussion was just right, the sound of the wind rising over their heads suddenly turned out to be from the wind, and then Heng Heng's ears suddenly moved and said, "Come!"

"What?" Liu Chang was surprised when he heard the notice from Guan Heng. "It was just the middle of the night, so these guys were here?"

At this moment, Ruo Tao and Qing Huang nodded in unison as well: "Well, there should be no mistakes, and we also feel that evil spirits are surging."

"Liu Chang, go back to the village as soon as possible." Guan Heng waved his hand and said, "Remember, let people close the village, no matter what happens or hear any noise, do not come out, otherwise no one will guarantee your safety. "

"Yes, Guan Guan, you need to be more careful." Liu Chang dropped this sentence and ran away, disappearing in the blink of an eye near the village entrance of Beixi Village.

"There are three traps that seduce the mad camel. They are separated by more than ten feet. The big dread ghost is with Qing Huang, Ruo Tao, and the giant bee. I act alone. The three of us stay near the trap and wait for their hands."

After listening to Guan Heng's words, the two women nodded: "Okay."

"噌 噌 噌 ——" The wind rose sharply the next moment, and several figures rushed around all at once. After a while, the sound of rapid running came from within the mountain forest, and the iron hoof suddenly stunned and made the woods tremble for it.

A red-eyed humphead headed by “嗷 whow humming—” roared loudly because it had smelled a trace of blood, which was the smell of the blood of the poisonous scale ant beast, which made it difficult for the humpback to suppress the heart. Crazy emotions.

"Bang, bang!" A few guys who had just entered the realm of black gas could not bear it, howling forward and leaping forward, even knocked a lot with their companions.

"Woohoo ?!" The leader of the camel was furious when he saw it, and then he shouted and turned his head. "Woo!" The fangs and teeth immediately bit the neck of an out-of-control companion, tearing the throat thinly. After the guy's neck cavity burst into a red mist, he threw himself and fell to the ground, and he couldn't live.

It was with this **** and cruel method that the leader deterred the excitement of the remaining camels, but it couldn't hold it after smelling the blood. "Hey, it looks like this is the boss."

Guan Heng, who was hiding behind the tree, saw the evil spirit lingering and filling on the other side, and he had reached a half-purple state. He secretly said, "You are terrific, then start with you."

He took off a snowy bow like lightning, and Guan Heng caught a Ling Tianjian and was about to shoot, but at this time, his ears suddenly moved, and he heard the sound of a gurgling sound not far behind him. Confused, Guan Heng flashed himself into the bushes beside him.

Speaking slowly, at that time, more than a dozen dark shadows flew from the surrounding treetops, and fell in front of the group of camels in a blink of an eye, screaming "叽叽 叽".

Guan Hengning looked closely. It turned out that they were a group of demon apes with yellow and white ring patterns all around him. When these guys saw the head of the camel, they suddenly rushed forward with red eyes and tried to kill, as if they had a **** hatred with this guy.

The leader was surrounded by the demon monkey group, and he could not escape for a while. The other camels suddenly lost their restraint, and howled towards the three traps. Between the few breaths, Qing Huang and Ruo Tao had already started their work. The sound of screams kept flowing.

And Guan Heng also used renju arrows to keep shooting, and harvested seven or eight camels to die, but these guys are not afraid of death one by one, they can be called successors, as if the waves are still surging. Rushing forward, Guan Heng flew his feet on the tree beside him at the moment: "Oh!"

"Slightly bang-bang bang bang-" A series of rapid blasts broke the tree body, and a deep pit suddenly appeared in front of Guan Heng, which was the real trap. Those red pupils could not stop running. In the footsteps, all the momentum was planted into the pothole.

"Woo-wow-wow-" Countless sharpened wooden thorns in the pit penetrated the body of the screaming camel, letting these guys gradually shed blood, at the same time, Qing Huang and Ruo Tao also led the two ghosts galloping Come.

"Ah Heng, this group of llamas has been almost packed." After listening to Qing Huang's words, Guan Heng slightly jaw head: "Well, that is the hump leader."

"Bang-bang ---" At this moment, a roaring and sturdy figure slammed into the entangled monster apes before him, and then rushed to the trap. When the llama leader saw his group completely destroyed, Angrily angrily: "Oh-"

"What's your unlucky animal name?" Guan Heng sneered at this moment: "Let's just clean up for you."

"Yeah!" Guan Heng just showed his two swords. At the same time, rushing footsteps and a roar suddenly came from the distance. "What kind of man is so brave and dare to **** the prey that Zhongshan Demons see? I want you to die!" ! "

Speaking late, then, several shadows rushed out of the edge of the forest like lightning. This group of guys were so fierce that they couldn't help but wave their swords and attacked Guanheng.

"Where's the crazy dog? Seek death!"

When Ruo Tao saw the opponent's vicious shot, she was instantly angry, and she turned her wrists swiftly, swallowing the thunder blade, and suddenly slammed, "Yeah!" A beast bone giant blade cut to the top of her head was cut off, and the other side grabbed the blade As soon as his wrists were cold, he snapped and broke.

"Wow!" This monster fierce man has the fastest shot, and naturally the most unlucky, with a severe pain of broken wrists, rolling tragically.

"Big goblin, giant bee, go and pack that humpback. We'll pass these dregs."

"Bang! Pop!" Guan Heng and Qing Huang started to work at the same time. Two swords smashed a guy's mace and forearm. The lotus strange blade froze frozen the face of another monster, and then fell to the ground by Qing Huang. .

"What the **** are you?" The guy who had just clamored to let Guan Heng die before he had time to start, several of his companions had fallen to the ground and died or were injured, and he was frightened.

The boy just drank his companion in the dark without paying attention to it, but now he noticed that Guan Heng's body was lingering with a half-purple breath, and his heart sank suddenly: "It's over, I'm going to be unlucky!"

"Oh!" Speaking late, then, soon, Guan Heng's figure appeared on the side of the demon tribe instantly, and he punched at the opponent's heart with a punch: "Oh!"

"Hmm--" The boy opened his mouth with a blood arrow and plunged it to the ground.

"Woohoo!" At the same time, the humpback leader surrounded by giant bees and big ghouls continued to send miserable shots. This guy was hit by tail sting needles and ghost claws one after another, and his eyes were dark in pain , Forefoot suddenly softened, and thumped to his knees.

"Hum, I'm here to kill it." If Tao said, he would rush past, Guan Guan said: "Wait, it's useful to keep it alive."

As soon as this sentence came out, he snatched the first few steps, clapping and clapping and fell on top of the head of the camel: "Slap."

"嗤嗤嗤 —— 唰 唰 唰 ——" The priming vomiting of the palm burned the whole body of the camel, and the guy was screamed, but the evil spirit on his body was also refined, and the original black eyes The evil mansions slowly disappeared and turned red.

"Huh ?!" He growled and felt more pain all over his body. The camel was about to stand up, but Guan Heng said at this moment: "Big ghost, hold this guy."

Immediately after, he said to Qing Huang: "I want to ask this guy first, are there any monsters infected by evil spirits near Tuoling?"

"Well, it makes sense, do whatever you want to do." Qing Huang nodded, then said to the camel: "Hey, you heard it. If it wasn't for A Heng, you are still being attacked by evil spirits. He saved you. Hurry and tell us what to know. "

The head of the camel looked at the dead and injured kins around him, and immediately wept, and then hummed a few words.

"It says that there are three nests of monster beasts in the mountains ahead. The yellow-and-white piebald demon ape, bone-eating bear, and sword-spine rhinoceros live there. The rest of the beasts are not very clear. The leader of the group must have been controlled by evil spirits. "

After listening to Qing Huang's words, Guan Heng thought for a while, then said, "Okay, two ghosts, watch this humpback first, and we must let it lead the way."

Twisted and walked to the demon who was caught, Guan Heng had not spoken yet, this guy actually screamed fiercely and internally: "How can this be, I am the young chief of Zhongshan Demon Clan, you caught me, Zhongshan Demon Clan I won't let you go! "

"Bang!" Guan Heng punched the guy's face without hesitation, then said, "Ruo Tao, keep hitting this guy, don't give him a chance to ask for mercy."

"Okay." Ruo Tao promised, walked to the other side with a smile, and punched him with a fist: "I make you more arrogant and make you more arrogant."

"Bang, bang ..." This guy who slammed his self-proclaimed patriarch was wailing, and couldn't hold it in the blink of an eye. He just opened his mouth to ask for forgiveness. If Tao saw the opportunity quickly, he grabbed a handful of hay on the ground and put it in In the opponent's mouth, following the sight of the opposite side, the door was severely punched.

Guan Heng hugged his shoulder and said coldly, "Okay, just fight like this, kill the mess of Qiandao. When he meets, he wants to hurt someone by hand. Such a guy is dead."

"Flop." Before falling to a coma, the devil's unlucky egg faintly heard Guan Hengzai saying, "He's Zhongshan Demon? Good, when we passed by, let's pass Zhongshan Demon Leveled it up and let him know it offends us! "

"Oh my god, this tribe is in danger." That's the sentence, which made the demons who were about to faint spit out a spit of blood. Guan Heng now held a rope around the neck of the red pupil and camel, then said "Just be honest with me, so I won't make it difficult for you."

After a while, Guan Heng returned to Beixi Village with Luo Tuo, Qing Huang, and Ruo Tao, and said a few words to Liu Chang in the village, so that he was optimistic about the captive monster leader, and everyone went to rest.


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye the next morning, Guan Heng and his party bid farewell to Liu Chang. Under the guidance of the red pupil and camel, they continued their journey across the mountains.

"Hehe, the hump on this humpback is so soft." Xiao Hei smiled and climbed onto the back of the other person, then said, "Brother, can I take it as a mount?"

"No." Guan Hengxin said, this guy is already my chosen mount, but I can't let Xiao Hei take it and try to scare her.

So he said: "This guy walks badly and often jumps up and down. Only I can deter him. Of course, if you are not afraid of being dropped, you can try it."

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng stared at the camel with a bit of cold eyes. This guy is also a half-step purple beast. He immediately understood what he meant, and began to shake. The black hands did not hold the hump, and they almost planted on the ground.

"Oh, danger." If Tao patted the corpse horse running from the oblique spur, she reached out and hugged Xiao He to her side and said, "This guy is so dangerous, you don't have to ride it, come and ride with me. Stop the dead horse. "

"Yeah, I don't like bad-tempered guys, brother-in-law, this ugly humpback is good for you." After listening to Xiao Hei's words, Guan Heng felt secretly hurried, hurried to the humpback's back, and put it in the other's ear. "Let's count your interest and give you a little spiritual reward."

The camel was originally dissatisfied with Guan Heng, but after gaining the benefit of pure spiritual power, he immediately ran forward happily, and Qing Huang followed him, and she smiled and said, "You, you are calculating Little black, won't she blush? "

"What's the matter?" Guan Heng's face was thick and he didn't care. "I'm really thinking about the safety of the little girl. It's hard work." Upon hearing this, Qing Huang was all mad, she was light. He took a sip: "Oh, don't hurt me."


The hurriedly hurriedly, and after half an hour, they finally came to the nest of the yellow-and-white piebald demon ape.

—— [2017.6.17 Second more, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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