Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1695: Water curtain stone cave

The two murmured and chattered, and gradually walked to the front of the poisonous worm's grave. Guan Heng now saw clearly that these two guys were insignificant figures, and the sharp-billed monkey cheeks had no meat on their cheeks, which was really ugly. pole.

At this moment, Guan Heng's mind was clear: "It really is the ugly and weird people who lead the Hu tribe. It is ... these guys are carved out of a mold, are they all the same father and mother ?!"

In fact, Guan Heng didn't know that the collar Hu people were born like random spouses, sisters, brothers, sisters, and even mothers and children. It is common for these men and women to match each other. Therefore, most of the leaders of the Hu people do n’t know who their biological parents are. Anyway, it must be the seed of the same race.

The two leaders of the Hu nationality stunned for a while before the wormhole, and the person who spoke first slowly shook his head and said, "Well, this poisonous king has not appeared yet, and the worms are still devouring each other."

"Look, what am I talking about?" Said another person. "Let's hurry back, in case those caught by the Tiandai people wake up and break the rope and run away, that's not a joke. Yes, the patriarch must peel you and me. "

The person who spoke first said, "Well, you can sprinkle some animal blood on this worm grave, so that the worms are a bit more fierce and speed up the killing speed, and we can go back."

"Well, let me do it again, don't you take the blood of the monster with you?" Another collar Hu murmured, took out the bamboo tube and dumped the animal blood on the wormhole, only to see the animal blood infiltrated The wormhole's crevices immediately made those poisonous insects excited and squeaked, and began a more violent assassination.

At this time, the two leaders of the Hu ethnic group turned around and left. After Guan Heng watched them walk out of dozens of feet, he immediately greeted the devouring tiger and followed him silently.

In this way, the two walked in front, and one followed by one tiger. After a while, the person in front came to a small waterfall that was flowing, and the two collared Hu people slipped and drew into the back of the waterfall. The water curtain disappeared.

"It looks like this is where the Hu people hide."

At this moment, Guan Heng lay on the grasshopper nearby, thinking to himself: "Listen to these two ugly and weird gossips just chatting on the road. The people of Tianshen who searched for the missing patriarch before were fainted and imprisoned by poisonous insects Here, uh, we need to find a way to rescue the people of the Tiandai people. "

Next, Guan Heng thought again: "I don't know if the earliest missing patriarch Rong Zheng was also detained here, no matter what, I want to find out the situation and talk about it again." Guan Heng, who had made up his mind, made use of it. With a wink, the latter immediately noticed, shrunk and hid in the grasshopper, and patrolled the whistle with six ghosts nearby for insight.

Guan Heng lowered his figure, and a few vertical jumps came to the left of the small waterfall. He looked inward across the water curtain and found that there was a narrow stone cave entrance behind the waterfall. I meandered and wondered where to go.

After careful observation, Guan Hengxi walked through the water curtain and strode towards the end of the stone cave.

At the same time, four waterfall Hu people are sitting around eating and drinking in the waterfall grotto. One of them said, "It has been a few days since the patriarch has left. What do you think he has in mind?"

"Who knows? Anyway, what the patriarch said, we have to do it." Another collar Hu whispered, "If anyone dares to say half a" no ", he will certainly die in the hands of the patriarch. I still think Live two more days. "

"The patriarch spent a lot of energy in order to cultivate two survivors. He must have a firm grasp on the plan of this raid on the Tianhu tribe. You all know? Our patriarch's puppet has let those two Only the strongest demon ape of the Tiandai tribe went crazy. "

After saying this, an older leader of the Hu ethnic group shook his head and continued: "Although the patriarch and the Tiandai tribe came over after hearing the news, the guy named 'Rong Zheng' started to let him He and Baitou Zhu escaped with serious injuries, but I guess that the ape and Rongzheng were so badly injured, they must have died somewhere in the mountains. "

Having said that, the older leaders of the Hu nationality paused for a while and continued to say, "Rong Zheng is the chief of the Tianhu tribe. As long as this guy dies, it is easy for us to take over the Tianhu tribe. You can get the booty. "

A wretched guy smiled sharply: "Ha ha ha, right, I can do nothing else, but be sure to taste the taste of the stout girls of the Tian Dai people."

After listening to the kid's dirty words, the surrounding Hu people laughed wretchedly, and there were three unconscious Tianli people lying not far behind them. At this moment, life and death were unknown.

"Hey, there are only three people of Tianshui ... but not Rongzheng ..." He had touched Guan Heng near the stone cave and raised his ears to listen to these people's conversation. He thought to himself: "Looks like it is nearby. There are no other traces of the Linghu people. Try to find a way to resolve these four guards and save the people of the Tianhu people. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng suddenly kicked a small pebble with his toes, only to hear this thing emit a series of subtle sounds of "bone hulu", which immediately caught the attention of the four Hu leaders.

The oldest leader of the Hu people suddenly frowned, and then asked, "How can there be movement outside? Who is it?" But his shout didn't get any response. The four guards look at me, I see you, all at this moment. Suspicious.

"You are here to catch the captives, I'll go out and see." Some uneasy elderly collar Hu people said here, and dragged a blue poisonous bronze cone from the waist, and then turned to Go outside.

The remaining three felt that he was a little too careful, and another kid whispered, "Maybe it's a mouse passing by, and you too ..."

But before he finished speaking, the voice of the senior collar Hu suddenly came out of the cave: "Hey, come out and help me ... there is ..."

The senior's words were vague, but when a companion was asked to go out to help him, everyone still heard clearly. Another tribe who was closer to him laughed and stood up and went out: "Your kid won't be cricket It ’s time to go? Do n’t be stubborn. ”

"唰 ——" As soon as the man came to the entrance of the cave, there was a touch of blue light across his neck, and suddenly his eyes were stunned by the godless and frightened eyes.

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng, who killed this person, has now entered the cave like lightning, and the remaining two leaders of the Hu nationality are so frightened that they want to resist. They have been slow for half a beat. Qingye Soft Sword first plunged into the heart of one of them, and then, after pulling it out, plucked into the eyebrow of the other. The two fell to the ground at about the same time, twitched and broke their legs.

—— [Second more in 2016.9.3, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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