Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1656: Emergency self-help (third)

At this moment, Guan Heng's heart was just happy, but he did not expect the severe pain around his body to recur. It turned out that the mottled aura he just output was only a small part, and there was still a lot left in the body.

"No, you must quickly transfer these chaotic auras to the devouring tiger and the black coffin girl." Guan Heng thought of this, beckoning to the devouring tiger: "Come here, stay by my side."

The devouring tiger slowly walked over, lying prone in front of Guan Heng, and Guan Heng was sitting cross-legged with his hands on the tiger's body, and gradually sneaked into the aura of the body to keep them alive. Xu rushed into the body of the swallowing ghost and then sent to the black coffin girl.

This time, it took quite a long time to transport the repellent aura. Guan Heng understood the principle of not being too aggressive, so he always carried out smoothly. Time passed by bit by bit, and gradually stepped into the evening from dusk.

I do n’t know how long the time has been lost bit by bit. In the alley, there was no sound at all. “Oh!” Suddenly, two figures flashed near the entrance of the alley, and Guan Heng and Ghost Ghost were observed. The tiger was silent at the end of the alley.

The two murmured in a low, inaudible voice, and one of them said, "We have been watching for a long time, and there seems to be something wrong between this boy and the giant tiger. It seems that it is now in a state of immobility."

Another said: "This thief kid not only defeated our people one after another on the ring, but also broke you and my good deeds, and it is better to be here ..."

In the later words, the person did not say anything, but just made a gesture of "wiping the neck", his companion nodded: "Yes, that giant tiger does not seem to be awake now, so you should take advantage of this opportunity to take this The boy and the giant tiger will be destroyed together to save future troubles! "

Speaking of them, the two flashed a faint coldness in their eyes at the same time, their wrists quickly turned to reveal the bronze short blade, and then flashed into the alley.

The two thieves were obviously used to the assassin's assassination work, quietly walking quickly and incoherently, landing on both feet silently, and in the blink of an eye, they came to Guan Heng and the devouring tiger.

At this moment, Guan Heng had already fallen into a half-drowsy state because he was over-exporting the aura that was mixed in his body. He was completely unaware of the imminent danger of killing, and was slightly better, but he felt drowsy and felt the other party coming. Just as the two were about to be attacked by the killer, the crystal case with the half-open lid on the back of the devouring tiger suddenly trembled suddenly and buzzed.

"Eh ?!" The swallowing ghost tiger was awakened first, saying that it was slow and fast, and one of them had already slashed the bronze dagger, and "Eh" slammed into the tiger's shoulder!

"Haha, my short blade is very toxic, as long as you break a little oil, you can kill your beast!" The guy who shot it secretly smugly, almost at the same time, his companion has also turned the short blade towards The horizontal neck throat rushed away: "boy, you go to death!"

"Be careful, Guan Heng!" A woman's howl suddenly came from the entrance of the alley. It was Dou Wanxin's voice. When Guan Heng heard the warning sound, he suddenly felt that a violent air conditioner was coming, and he could not even open his eyes. , Already relying on the body instinct to quickly hide to the side.

"Dou ---" Feng Blade glanced across the horizontal face among the electric light flints, and immediately drew a **** groove.


"Woohoo!" The injured Guan Heng and Swallowing Ghost Tiger stood up at the same time and suddenly stunned the two attackers.

"Bang-click!" The angry swallowing tiger swooped down with a claw, and the guy who attacked himself was suddenly shot with his skull broken and red and white sprayed all over the sky.

Guan Heng came out in anger and waved his fist, banging the opponent's heart, only listening to the sound of "crack" bone fracture, the killer's body flew out a few feet away, and the "bang" hit the wall , And then slowly softened and died!

"Eh ?! This is ..." Guan Heng felt a tingling sensation in the wound on his face. He suddenly felt that his body was soft, and he suddenly fell on his knees.

"Oh!" Ghost Tiger's condition was not much better at this time. It was also softly paralyzed in the limbs in the low roar. At this moment, Dou Wanxin ran quickly into the alley, and she hurriedly supported Guan Heng. "Hello, how are you doing?"

"Uh, for a moment, the idea has been conspired, and the blades used by these two guys are extremely poisonous." Guan Heng said weakly at this time: "Sister Wanxin, a person who is good at poison, must always have antidote. , Go and search them and see if you can find them. "

After hearing this, Dou Wan immediately turned around and groped on the two dead people. After rummaging, she finally took out a few bamboo tubes from one person, and Guan Heng whispered at this moment: "Bring me first. "

"Okay." Dou Wanxin immediately passed a few bamboo tubes, and Guan Heng raised his nose and smelled them, and saw that three of them were faintly smelly, obviously poisonous, while the other bamboo tube was spreading out. A refreshing, pleasant sweet fragrance.

After Guan Heng heard it, his spirit turned a little better. He immediately judged that this was the antidote for the toxic poison quenched by the bronze dagger, so he immediately pulled out the plug of the bamboo tube and filled the slurry inside.

Suddenly, the blue air that had been veiled by poisoning in Guan Heng's face had dissipated a lot, and he quickly poured the rest of the antidote into the ghost's mouth: "Hurry up and drink."

After the antidote was in the abdomen, the ghost swallowed and finally crawled up, and it seemed to have recovered a lot in spirit. Guan Heng and the giant tiger recovered so fast, not only because the antidote was effective, but also Because the two have just merged a lot of mixed auras, their strength has improved.

At this moment, Guan Heng said to Dou Wanxin: "It's too dangerous here. You know that someone outside wants to assassinate yourself, you shouldn't run out and die."

"Look at what you said, if I happened to be here without running out of the house, you might have died in the hands of others." Dou Wanxin said angrily at this time: "I am your life-saving benefactor!"

"Yes, yes, I would like to thank Sister Wanxin's help." Guan Heng said with a bitter smile at this time: "Let's go to the place where I live first, I'm afraid there will be killers coming here, you and I will be bad Get out. "

"Oh, yes." Dou Wanxin said at this time: "I have forgotten that I had to tell you something important, so I ran out of the house, go, go to your place first."

Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, and at this time covered the crystal coffin on the back of the devouring tiger, but Dou Wanxin accidentally glanced inside.


After a while, Guan Heng and Dou Wanxin walked back to the hut where he lived. At this time, Guan Heng calmly let the ghost swallow the five stupid ghosts. After he opened the door lock, Agou was still there. Guan Heng snored, and Guan Heng was relieved.

—— [2016.8.26 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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