Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1654: Tit-for-tat (first)

Guan Hengman planned to escape the secret calculation, who knew that the black light could make a roundabout in the air and rushed to Guan Heng's back neck again, looking for the blind spot that Guan Heng couldn't see.

"噌 噌 噌 ——" At the very moment, the devouring tiger rushed from the oblique spur, and then it swung its front claws, and after a muffled sound, it hit the object into the ground of the ring. Just listening to the sound of the "cricket", the thing suddenly burst on the spot.

Guan Heng took a closer look, this thing turned out to be a dark green dragonfly that was as thick as a thumb, and the two front jaws were as sharp as a knife. If one took a sip on the neck of a person, the consequences would be unthinkable.

And after the dark green dragonfly smashed, a smell of stinky nose suddenly spread around. It can be seen that the worm was very poisonous, and Guan Heng saw this scene suddenly outraged: "Dare to blame me, find death!"

All of a sudden, Guan shook his body shape, suddenly jumped up, and kicked out seven or eight legs in the air, "Bang Bang!" Heavy legs fell on the body as a hammer, and the boy kicked the old blood continuously. .

Guan Heng yelled, "Last move, here it is!"

"Hoo--" The swallowing tiger behind Guan Heng moved, and moved to the back of Lao Xiu instantly, waved his tiger claws and banged on the kid's shoulder, and smashed the whole arm of Lao Xiu, at the same time Guan Henghu's kick was in the middle of repairing his heart nest: "Come off the ring!"

"Ah-" Lao Xiu screamed in the air, and immediately fell off the ring platform, until the body dust settled. Everyone looked around for a long time and couldn't live.

"Huh, secretly hurt, deserve it!" At this moment, Guan Heng said coldly on the ring, "I have been merciless to make him die so cheaply."

"Wow, that's awful!" At this time, the brother of the patriarch who led the Hu tribe was so angry that Guan Heng said what he said. He stabbed Guan Heng on the stage: "boy, you Kill my Hu people, we will never let you go! "

At this moment, the devouring tiger beside Guan Heng suddenly yelled at the audience: "Well!"

The roar contained a hint of breaking power, and he was so frightened that he couldn't help taking a step back. Guan Heng sneered at this moment: "Don't talk so arrogantly. I don't even hear of any shit-leader Hu people. I'm so annoyed that I let This giant tiger has eaten you all. "

"Ha ha ha ha-the young man said well, what is it to lead the Hus?"

"Yeah, the shit-leaders of the Hu family have never heard of you, so hurry back to your kennel!"

At this moment, the people around you said me a word, and you kept laughing and laughing and thinking about the serious group of guys who led the Hu ethnic group. They wanted to have a serious attack, but they saw Guan Heng and the giant tiger just staring at themselves. Suddenly, I was a little embarrassed, and finally had to leave the crowd dimly.

Guan Heng had already stepped down from the ring at this time, and Lao Wu raised his thumbs and said to him: "Good boy, terrific, it seems that the ordinary four big aliens are not your opponents at all. According to this momentum, get Winning is promising. "

"Of course, with the help of my devouring tiger, the winner is absolutely secure." At this moment, Guan Heng said with confidence: "I look at the four big aliens, and it's nothing great."

"Hehehe, that's because you haven't met the top masters among them. The strongest among them are only a little weaker than Dou Chengzhu. They are all strong masters of the technique of orange gas control."

Old Wu shook his head slightly at this time and said, "I advise you to be careful and not to be too careless."

"Well, uncle, what you said makes sense." After listening to the other person's words, Guan Heng slightly said: "I will pay attention." After saying this, Guan Heng secretly murmured: "I didn't expect to have that collar Hu just now. After the clan's guys battled, I even made new discoveries, hehe, it was unexpected. "

It turned out that when Guan Heng's fist hit the opponent, he took a little dark blue breath from Lao Xiu into his own body. Guan Heng felt this situation, and suddenly he was ecstatic. Before he thought he could only absorb the monster I did not expect that even the aura of the strong human race could be sucked away together.

For Guan Heng, this incident is definitely an unexpected surprise. If he can use his palm to take away the aura from the enemy, it will prove that the opponent will become weaker and weaker, The stronger, in this way, Guan Heng will always be invincible.

"Hey, this convenient means seems to need more use in the future ... uh, wait ..." Guan Heng just thought of this, and suddenly remembered something, before he accidentally absorbed the strong man The black gas lingering on A Gou's forehead burst his flesh and suffered a big loss.

Suddenly, sweat beads appeared on the forehead, and Guan Heng slowly shook his head at this moment. "Oh, it seems that the trick of absorbing aura cannot be used on enemies who are much stronger than me. Otherwise, it will definitely be as bad as last time Change. "

Guan Hengzhong secretly calculated while observing the competition on the ring. This series of fierce battles continued until dusk. Guan Heng went to the ring four times and all successfully defeated his opponent. At this moment, most of the participants have already After being eliminated from the game, even Guan Heng was included, but there were only 12 people left.

In the end, President Zhu, who had a big belly, came out and announced, "Tomorrow morning, the city's main government will set up a new ring platform. Twelve people will face off in six times, and then the final battle will be held."

After listening to Mr. Zhu's words, Lao Wu and Guan Heng looked at each other and smiled at the moment. Guan Heng also said, "Uncle Wu, please go home today. Tomorrow, see how I can win and win the purple gold ore!"

"Okay, then I'll leave first." Lao Wu laughed and then turned around, and Guan Heng also walked towards the thatched house where his dog was resting, but he didn't leave after he left. How long, Dou Wanxin hurried to the vicinity.

"Well, I wanted to say a few more words to Guan Heng, but I didn't expect him to go so fast." Dou Wanxin then lightly felt Lotus feet, looking a little anxious, she murmured in her mouth: "No, I still Go to Guan Heng and tell him how dangerous tomorrow's test is. "

After making up his mind, Dou Wanxin stepped on the street. Fortunately, the combination of Guan Heng and Ghost Tiger was quite noticeable. Dou Wanxin had already inquired about the other party's path without much effort, and hurried away. But what surprised Dou Wanxin unexpectedly was that behind her, she had been stared at by others' eyes.

At this moment, Guan Heng was humming an unknown little song on the road, and he was walking forward with the swallowing ghost tiger. He still chanted in his mouth: "Today, it is time to open the crystal coffin and let Qinghuang's temporary physical body penetrate. Breathable, um, I'll take her out when I go back. "

—— [2016.8.26 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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