Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1651: House Narrative (Third)

"Plan? What does this mean?" Guan Heng suddenly felt that Dou Wanxin was so hard to help herself at this time, it seemed that she had some unspeakable purpose, but between this eagerness, Guan Heng really had no time to ponder. , So he turned around and returned to Lao Wu and the devouring tiger under the ring.

At this moment, Lao Wu was attracted by the fight on the stage and did not notice that Guan Heng left for a while.

Guan Heng looked up at this moment, only to see two enemies fighting to survive on the platform. "Well, one is from the Zhu people, and the other seems to be ... the Hu people, right?"

Lao Wu looked strong, and Leng Buding heard Guan Heng's inquiries, so he replied casually: "That's right, these two alien guys, every time they meet on the ring, they will hit their heads and break their blood, and they often have casualties. And ... "

The old Wu ’s words did n’t fall, and I saw that the insignificant man of the Hu tribe actually took the blade out of his palm and flew it out to the opponent ’s face door. The guy of the various Dai tribe suddenly turned to the side opposite him. Let the short blade that broke through the sky, followed by a dazzling body shape, rushed to the other side in two strokes, and kicked his legs.

"Bang, bang!" The stricken leopard legs of the Zhuling tribe turned out to be swift and inexhaustible. In an instant, he kicked the opponent's eyebrows, heart, and left shoulder three times, and immediately let the blood in the enemy's mouth burst out!

But while the wretched man of the Hu nationality vomited blood, his eyes flashed a sudden look. He suddenly hesitated and hugged his left foot, and then the sleeve trembled, letting the poisonous insect "嗤嗤嗤" in it all channeled in. Strong guy's trouser legs.

"Uh-huh-hhh-" In the screams, the legs of the Zhuang people were swollen and swollen, and they were poisonous. The boy's face became dark like black ink, but when he saw his opponent smirking proudly At that moment, I was so anxious: "Lao Tzu fights with you!"

Speaking late, at that time, the guys of the Dai people suddenly hugged the opponent's waist and fell off the ring, only to hear a loud bang, the two enemies had broken their bones and became one of the ring. Beach blurs flesh.

"Ouch ..." Some timid onlookers saw the tragic appearance, and immediately felt the uncomfortableness of turning over their stomachs, and all vomited.

"Well, every time this kind of thing happens, it's no wonder that these people's resentments are getting deeper and deeper." At this time, the old Wu murmured, "See more than you can see."

Guan Heng glanced at the remains on the ground and shook his head slightly, but he noticed something else at this time.

"I can see clearly just now that the bronze short blade used by the Hu trivial man is exactly the same as that of the two men who attempted to assassinate Miss Dou." Guan Heng secretly said at this time: "It seems that this, ten Eight, nine and Hu can't get rid of it. "

At this time, several soil soldiers had come to clean up the corpses, and then the general manager Zhu on the platform said, "The first contest of the first round was over. A fighter named Guan Heng entered directly because of his quota. second round."

Director Zhu said here, and the old Wu of the audience understood it. He smiled and said to Guan Heng: "Your boy's luck is really good. He can directly enter the second round. That is a competition that can use monsters to fight. , This time you're taking advantage. "

"Hahaha, luck is fortunate." Guan Heng humbly said at this time, and heard Director Zhu on the platform said: "It is noon now, all the participants who won the first round, please go to the city's mansion to eat Lunch, the second round of written tests, starting in the afternoon. "

After listening to Mr. Zhu's words, the participants and the onlookers felt that their stomachs had begun to gurgle, and the participants joined in groups of three or five, and then went to the city's mansion for meals, and the people dispersed naturally. I'm going to take a rest at home and come back to see the excitement in the afternoon.

At this moment, Lao Wu said to Guan Heng: "Hurry to the city's mansion for lunch. I will come here on time to cheer for you. Don't forget it ..."

Guan Heng interrupted Lao Wu's words at the moment, and he said with a smile: "I know, remember to win, so rest assured."

"Well, boy, don't forget what you said." Lao Wu said as he turned and left: "I'm still waiting for Zijin Mine to build arrows for you."

After watching Lao Wu leave, Guan Heng took the ghost-gull tiger back to the dilapidated thatched house that the strong man A Gou took, and Guan Heng looked in through the crack of the door. He was falling asleep, the snoring beating so loud that the door panel buzzed.

"Well, it's good to be quiet." Guan Heng saw Agou Wuming, and was relieved in his heart, so he came to the gate of the main city hall with the devouring tiger.

The main city of this city is nothing grand, just because Mingyu City is just a small remote place, and there is no superb architectural technique in the ancient world. The home of Dou Cheng is only a dozen more than other houses in the city. They are also some rough-brick houses, which are not elegant.

At this time, the contestants who won the first battle came to the door, and informed the gatekeepers of the surnames and then entered. The gatekeepers had seen Guan Heng yesterday, knowing that the boy and his own lady met, so Hurry up and let Guan Heng and Swallow the Tiger enter.

Guan Heng had just entered the gate of the house, and immediately a maid came forward and said diligently, "This young man, the dining place you are going to go all the way north."

"Oh, thank you." Guan Heng had already removed the black crystal coffin from the swallowing ghost tiger at this time, and borne it on his back with Xi Xue bow. After the maidservant said this sentence, her face suddenly There was a flash of weirdness, then he covered his mouth and laughed and walked away.

The other party's abnormal behavior, straight across the gate inexplicably: "What's wrong with this sister? Why are you laughing at me?"

But this time was not the time to think about these things. Guan Heng felt that he was hungry in the belly, and just wanted to quickly eat a full meal, and then grabbed the winner when the war started in the afternoon.

Thinking of this, Guan Heng pulled his leg and walked in the direction of the maid. After turning left and right, he walked to the door of a residence, but saw an unexpected person standing there.

"Well, you are not Miss Dou's sister-in-law, it seems to be called ... Duer, isn't it?" Guan Heng looked at the other at this time and said, "Excuse me, where are those contestants eating at the contest? I want to ..."

"Silly boy, where you eat is in this room. Come in quickly." After Duer said this, he couldn't help but push Guan Heng by hand, and then said to him, "I will be this giant tiger I'll take care of you. Most of the ingredients in the house are for the demon beasts. I can't starve them. "

"But ..." Guan Henggang wanted to ask the reason for it, but Duer pushed the door of the room, and the girl locked the door outside!

—— [2016.8.25 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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