Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1646: Purple Gold Ore (Third)

When Guan Heng slammed a large bundle of python spine in front of Lao Wu, he really startled this guy: "Good guy, you are really fast ..."

"Of course, I have more important things to do here, I can't delay." At this moment, Guan Heng wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Uncle Wu, you quickly tell me what you need. I'll find it for you. "

"Uh, I didn't expect you to be so young. You are so clever at doing things." Lao Wu scratched his head at this time and said, "To tell you the truth, you can use the golden eagle king feathers on the part of the arrowhead, and you have a python on the shaft The spine of the beast is the only thing missing now, and that is the material for the arrowhead ... "

Seeing Lao Wu's face embarrassed, Guan Heng's eyes rolled and he asked, "Is it difficult to get the materials? Can't find it?"

"No, the materials are in Mingyu City at this time." Lao Wu said with a bitter smile: "And in the home of Lord Dou, the thing is the winning prize of this contest-Zijin Mine!"

"Originally, you are planning to use the Zijin Mine ?!" Until this time, Guan Heng understood the meaning of Lao Wu. That Zijin Mine is not only the owner of Dou Cheng, but also the prize of the contest. Of course, it is not appropriate to get it. Then, Lao Wu will show embarrassment.

"Can't do it. Really have to participate in this Laoszi competition to get the purple gold ore making arrows?" Guan Heng now only thought about how to collect the lingering soul of Qing Huang as soon as possible, and he really didn't want to have more trouble. But he was reluctant to give up the opportunity to make arrows like Snow Bow.

Guan Heng thought secretly at this moment: "If the power of Xue Gong is exerted properly, it may be a self-defense weapon, if you think about it ..."

At this moment, Lao Wu suddenly said: "The purple gold ore is just one of the three winning prizes of the Yuyu City Contest, and the other two, one is that the city mainly teaches the winners his reputation. Martial arts-Chi Yanzhang, but the last prize is very mysterious, no one knows what it is. "

"Oh, I heard that this Doucheng Lord is the master of the orange power, and his martial arts should be of some use to me. I walk in this world. Although I have the convenient conditions to absorb the spirit's evolution and control of the gas, but in the master It is also dangerous to have no martial arts in front of the enemy. "

Guan Heng thought at this time: "Since the prizes include the purple gold ore that makes the arrowheads and the martial arts skills of the city master, I might as well take a look at it. I expect that there is no master in this small place in Yucheng. It seems that I am invincible. It's up! "

Having settled on the competition's attention, Guan Heng asked at this time: "Uncle, if I participate in the contest, do I need to register?"

"Why? Do you really want to participate?" After hearing Heng Heng's words, the old Wu was suddenly hesitant, but he turned to laugh and said, "Oh, but it doesn't matter, because this time, the city ’s licensed contestants can Playing with your own monster, your giant tiger looks very powerful and can increase your odds. "

Having said that, Old Wu paused, and then pointed out the door and continued to say: "Out of me, all the way to the south is the gate of the city's main government house, where is the place to register for the contest, hurry up, today is the registration Last day ... "

Old Wu ’s words did n’t fall, Guan Heng ran out of the door and jumped on the back of the devouring tiger, he exclaimed, “Run forward—”

The ghost swallower got the order and immediately ran away, Guan Heng beckoned to Ago, and the latter also followed, rushing to the gate of the main city hall in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, there are several servants and earth soldiers packing the tables and chairs in front of the door, jumping off the back of the tiger with a bang, and he hurriedly ran to the other side and said, "Did you, the registration of the contest is here? "

One of the soldiers glanced at Guan Heng: "Boy, you come one step late, and the registration is over."

"What ?! What about my purple gold ore?" Hearing this, Guan Heng was so angry that he grabbed the soldier's clothes and shouted, "I don't care, let me sign up immediately, I want to participate in the competition!" "

"How dare you dare to make trouble in front of the main gate of the city? Brothers, give me ... uh ?!"

This earth soldier was still a little boss. He was about to greet his companions to run around, but he suddenly found that everyone behind him couldn't hold back. The little boss almost looked at it and was almost shocked. Chin: Guan Hu was standing behind a angry tiger, staring at himself.

"You, you ... I ..." The soil soldier now has no courage to speak hard words, and when he was in a hurry, he didn't know what to do, and suddenly a clear female voice asked: "Hey, who is it?" Noisy at the gate? "

Hearing this, Guan Heng was one of them. "Hey, I'm familiar, who is this?"

Looking up with a bit of surprise, Guan Heng found that there was a woman standing at the gate of the main city building opposite the city, who was herself and the girl in the yellow shirt they met at the gate.

At this moment, Guan Heng immediately flashed a little embarrassment on his face. He couldn't help but loosen the soil soldier's clothes, and then greeted the woman in a yellow shirt with a bitter smile and said, "Hello, I never met again here. "

"Little brother? Giant tiger?" The woman in the yellow shirt pouted and said, "That's a coincidence, why are you here?"

"Miss, that's what happened ..." A servant-like person hurried over and muttered a few words beside the woman in the yellow shirt, and then the woman laughed: "Brother, do you want to sign up for the competition? But I remember you said that you were just passing by Yucheng, and you would n’t stop there. "

"This ... Sister Huang shirt, this is actually the case." Guan Heng said with a fist at this time: "One of the prizes of the winner of the competition, the purple gold ore is of great use to me, so I temporarily decided to participate in the competition. Guan Heng will be grateful for helping me to say something good so that I can sign up. "

"Oh, my little brother was called" Kuan Heng ", I wrote this down." The woman in the yellow shirt slightly smiled, she said with a smile: "It is certainly not a problem for you to sign up, but you owe me this time. An adult, how do you plan to repay me? "

"Well ..." Guan Heng heard that the other party was willing to sign up for himself, and then gritted his teeth secretly. He said, "Only with my sister's words, as long as I can do it, I must do everything."

Guan Heng kept a little mind in the promise he said. He only said that everything he could do was omnipotent, but if the other party tried to ask too much, with Guan Heng's character, he would definitely find one for his own protection. Excuse me to get over it.

—— [2016.8.24 third more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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