Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1637: Under the Moon

Guan, who was awakened by the ghost, turned up, and ran to the entrance of the cave lightly, and awakened the devouring tiger gently, but made it impassive and quietly went to the places where the shadows gathered.

At this moment, the only thing he didn't notice was the lunatic and strong man who slept loudly. This guy seemed to be a bit sluggish after eating.

When Guan Heng and the devouring tiger touched it, they happened to see the true face of the black shadow through the moonlight. It turned out that the white-eared apes were less than three feet tall and covered with gray fur. Some came from a distance, some He walked upright with his two feet, but was extremely fast. At this time, the beasts were wailing loudly around the gray-haired fierce orangutan wreck.

Immediately afterwards, four of the largest white-eared apes called “whisper, murmur”, and the sobbing monkey cubs stopped their voices. The four white-eared apes showed their fierce appearance at this time, all pointing hundreds of meters away. The bonfire snarled whispered, where the lunatic and strong man snored and slept.

Seeing the enemies who had killed their leader was not far away, the irritated white-eared apes yelled and prepared to go desperately.

At this time, a white-eared ape picked up the big rock on the ground, and the rest of the guys had all learned the same way. Obviously, they did not dare to get too close to the fierce maniac. Sneak attack on strong man by throwing flying stones at long range!

"This group of thief monkeys, I can't let you succeed!" Guan Heng, who was observed not far away, immediately swallowed the ghost's head, and the latter shouted suddenly: "Woohoo--"

The roar suddenly swept the white-eared apes and the beasts were shocked. The rock held in their hands "cracked" and fell to the ground. At the same time, a maniac awakened by the roar suddenly suddenly He rolled up and leapt up, and at this moment, his eyes flashed a sharp murderous spirit.

"Ahhhhhh!" In the roar, the lunatic brave flew straight towards a large group of white-eared apes, only to see his figure "唰 唰 唰" the rabbit flickered like a dart, and broke his punches in succession. He couldn't help falling on those howling monkeys, tore apart the other's body, and died on the spot.

At this moment, Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly. He suddenly noticed that a lot of swaying spirits appeared on the dead body of the white-eared monster ape. He suddenly overjoyed: "The flesh and blood on my arm has not completely recovered, so I just absorbed these spirits Try it. "

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng was light-headed, and ran to the rock above the strong man to kill the ape in an instant, grabbed his hands between them, and suddenly seven or eight strange ape spirits were trapped in the hands, and the rest The spirit was not spared, and all the big goblins waiting in the air were delivered to Guan Heng in a roll of ghost images.

"Slowly-" Guan Heng sniffed a dozen strange ape spirits, and stuffed one of them into the pages of the soul book.

When you look again, Guan Heng finds that there are already a few more lines of information on it: Hey, the soul power is evaluated as a first-order weak soul, born with two white ears, can listen to movements within dozens of miles, action is swift and unethical, day and night It is feasible for hundreds of miles, is good at observing the terrain, knows the language of beasts, eats its flesh, and can walk like a flight ...

"Oh ?! This little monster is a little bit interesting." Guan Heng shouted to the big ghost immediately: "You and the swallowing tiger rush to **** the four before the lunatic kills them all, and come back!"

The big gangster took the lead, and he and the swallowing tiger immediately caught the four biggest gangsters. When these four guys killed their companions, the gangsters fled for the first time. As a result, he was blocked by a swallowing ghost tiger and a miserly ghost, and he was caught and taken alive.

"Swallowing the ghost tiger, can't you use the skills of Baitong Demon Tiger to make" Tiger's Ghost "?" At this moment, Guan Heng turned his eyes and said to the swallowing tiger: "Come, take these four guys." Give 'click' ... "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng made a gesture of touching the neck. The swallowing tiger immediately glared and rushed at it. The sharp tiger claws flew across the necks of the four crickets in an instant, and the sky was filled with blood. :"puff--"

Immediately afterwards, the swallowing ghost opened his mouth and chewed four flesh and blood, leaving only four fuzzy heads. Guan Heng said at this time: Become a 'ghost'. "

Hearing this, the devouring tiger slightly swallowed its head, and then held one of its skulls with its own tiger claws, then raised its head and snorted: "Hoohhhhhhhhh"

In a short time, a white-eared monster ape soul image resembling the shape of his life appeared on the head of the skull, but the difference is that this strange ape-soul has yellow and black tabby stripes all over his body. "Unique mark.

The next moment, the swallowing ghost tiger did the same for the remaining three scorpion skulls. After a while, four swarming ghosts were added to the swallowing tiger.

"Good job, swallowing the ghost." Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "These maggots were all monsters who were good at crossing mountains and crossing mountains and surveying the terrain when they were alive. It must be very useful. "

At this moment, the little tadpoles below have been killed by the lunatic and strong man. After finishing the work of the "butcher", the guy seems to be hungry again, even sitting by the bonfire and picking up the remaining barbecue I'm chewing.

"Well, this guy really doesn't have enough food, big belly." Guan Heng saw that this scene was a little funny, and he returned to the cave with a devouring tiger to rest.

After the gangsters who had caused troubles were wiped out, Guan Heng slept extremely peacefully in the middle of the night. The next morning, Guan Heng stretched a lazy waist and sat up. He shook the one lost Flesh and bones, only the palms of the senile bones, do not feel a bitter smile: "Well, it seems that the first-order weak soul is not good for my current injury, and must absorb the higher-level spirit."

At this moment, Guan Heng mobilized the misty gases in his body, then immediately appeared in his palm: "Uh? I have absorbed so many blue spirit king's broken souls, but my own degree of gas control has only reached the dark blue ?! This pace of evolution seems to be slowing down. "

"Well, it's nerve-wracking, when can you evolve to the weakest of the strong-orange?"

In fact, Guan Heng doesn't know. Like him, he can rely on absorbing the soul fragments to control his color and evolve the monster. The entire ancient world is also a unique wonder. This kid is actually in the blessing ...

At this time, Guan Heng summoned the devouring tiger into the cave, and put the black crystal coffin on its back again. Guan Heng picked up the "snow-like bow", and he thought to himself, "This thing must be It has a lot to do with a madman and a strong man, so it's better to take it away and study it. "

At this moment, the swallowing ghost tiger roared suddenly, and it turned out that the mad man was squatting at the entrance of the cave, crooked his head and stared at the two.

—— [2016.8.22 Fourth more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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