Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1601: Return to the Temple of the Sun

"Well, this newly absorbed power has made Cheng Ying a lot more active, and even I can feel a better mental state." Because Guan Heng and Cheng Ying have already merged into a twin soul, so once The shadow sword soul is full of power, and Guan Heng's power will also be increased.

At this moment, Guan Heng has been walking through the road in the tomb of the dragon and arrived at the position of the small teleportation array. The Thunder Dragon God really waited there. The dragon clan asked Guan Heng when he saw Guan Heng: "How? What? Qi Ling has been settled by you? "

"Yes, for the time being." Guan Heng thought that the instrumental spirit in the stomach of the devouring monster was still unwilling to comply, and slowly shook his head. "This guy is a little disobedient, but I know how to fix it."

In this way, the two returned to the residence of the clan of the dragon clan together, and the bone dragon Kufa was still waiting there. After seeing the return of the patriarch and Guan Heng, Chang Chang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You are finally back, Did it go well? "

"That's right, I found the instrument I was looking for."

Guan Heng said to Kufa at this time: "Little white and blue brothers and Merty are going to be busy with Weier for her wedding preparations. They do n’t have to go with me, so I ’m going back to the Sun Temple to find the light **** Drakend. They, look at the assembling of the fragments of the Astral Disc. Are you staying with the Dragons or going with me. "

"I was going to stay in the Dragon clan first and talk to the patriarch about my experience in St. Lomplon, but ..."

After a little pause, Kuffa continued to say, "But consider carefully, or go to the Sun Temple with you, because this bone dragon body is really awkward to use now, I would like to ask His Majesty Darakund Give me the flesh of a light dragon. "

"Well, you made a good decision." Upon hearing this, Thunder Dragon God also said, "Your Majesty the Light God does have the ability to help the Dragons reshape their bodies. Go, wait until the wedding of the Dark Goddess, and I will treat you again. Take back the Dragon Territory. "

"Yes, thank you for the permission of the patriarch, then we will leave first." Bone Dragon Kufa promised, and then resigned from Guan Heng and left the Dragon clan territory.


After a moment, the entrance to the Temple of the Sun in the mountains of Daxueshan. "Hoo--bang!" Suddenly, Bone Dragon Kufa's feet had fallen heavily on the steps, and the two priests guarding the door--Hult and Perot--was shocked.

"Oh, who is so guilty? How dare you make a noise in front of the Temple of the Sun?" Hort roared at this time, and pulled out the sabre on his waist and made two gestures: "Believe it or not, I split you ... ... "

"Hot!" At this moment, Guan Hengheng jumped off the bone dragon's back, he said with a smile: "Why, I just disappeared for a month, don't you know an old friend?"

"He ... I ... Um ?!" Hort was startled by the sudden voice, and Perot behind him yelled, "Guan Heng, did you come back?"

"Hahaha, the two of you are still very boring as before." At this time, Guan across and stretched his arms to catch the two's necks and laughed: "How about being a priest in the Temple of the Sun, doing it very comfortably? Right? "

"Comfortable? Pleasant?" Upon hearing this, Hult and Perot immediately cried and said, "Comfortable fart, life here is better than when we were in the Grand Priest's Palace!"

Hult resentfully said, "Can't drink!"

Perot continued by saying, "There is no meat to eat!"

Then the two of them shook their heads together and complained: "Even a loud noise is not allowed, this is simply not a life!"

After listening to the complaints of these two guys, even Kufa next to him laughed so much that he couldn't stand back: "Hahaha, you two are so brave, if this word is passed to the ear of His Majesty the Light, surely I ca n’t spare you. "

"The bones of this dragon are so arrogant that they even wanted to sue the uncle, it is true!" Hearing the sneer of the other side, Hart suddenly waved his fists and yelled, "Dare to look down on us' Sun Temple Double Servant '?! Believe me or not I teach you now? "

"That is, what background do you have for this guy? Dare to say in front of us, are you impatient?" Perro, who was yelling loudly, blushed and had a thick neck at this time. .

"These guys really do, and started to quarrel in less than three and a half words." At this moment, Guan Heng had no choice but to start a "peacemaker". He reached out and took out a few bottle stoppers from the storage compartment. To Hult and Perot: "Don't make a noise, these gifts are for you."

"Well ... this is ?!" Hotte sniffed his nose, and immediately smelled a sweet and mellow aroma, suddenly intoxicated: "Ah, it tastes good wine."

"It is really good wine. This is what I brought out of her palace when I went to visit the Dark Goddess today." Guan Heng smiled at this time: "This is going to use the **** wine for the goddess's wedding feast, you two are not yet Hurry up and hide it until you're no one. "

"Howling, Guanheng you are really a good friend." After hearing the words of each other, Hult and Pero could not help but jump up and sip two on his face. The two men no longer had time to grind their teeth with Bone Dragon Kuffa. They were pregnant The wine bottle blew a pleasant whistle, and ran away as soon as he smoked.

"Well, two drunks." Kufa watched Hort and Pero run away, and sighed subconsciously towards the back of the opponent: "After Lao Tzu got the dragon body, he drank in the wine pond every day and drank a special drink. Furious you two idiots! "

"Well, why fight with them?" Guan Heng patted Kufa's bones at this moment: "Let's go, follow me into the temple."

In this way, the two of them drove straight in the Temple of the Sun until they reached the side hall where the five main gods, such as Lakender, were located. As soon as Guan Heng and Bone Dragon reached the steps of the temple seat, they heard someone shouting, "It's almost there, let's use our divine power to connect the cracks of the astrolabe!"

"Huh? It's Drakekund's voice ..."

Hearing that the work inside came to a critical juncture, Guan Heng immediately reached out and stopped Kufa next to him. He whispered, "You wait here first, I'll see the situation." Kufa didn't hesitate. Nodded, then stepped back and waited under the steps.

At this time, Guan Heng had reached the side of the pillar at the entrance of the side hall, looked up and watched inwardly, and saw that the five main gods were sitting in a circle in the middle of the hall, sitting cross-legged, and the sound of the wind in front of them was rolling "唰 唰" There were thirteen shards of anti-astronomical shards flashing with brilliance that quickly gathered together.

In a split second, these fragments were forcibly connected and glued together by the forces released by the five main gods. Just listening to the sound of "click", the fragments suddenly became a complete inverse star disk! "Great!" Seeing this, Guan Heng couldn't help but sigh.

—— [Fourth more of 2016.8.15, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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