Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1389: Saving people on the way

The multi-headed Basilisk previously told Guan Heng that he has the ability to float and fly in the air, and can also be used on Guan Heng, so although Guan Heng's flight speed is not as fast as Feng Yu Long Baru, it is definitely not slow.

While flying, Guan Heng observes the surrounding scenery, he finds that there is also a sun-like existence in the abyss of the demon domain, which is hung high at the end of the sky, but not one, but three-one blue color, two blood red Like fire.

Although the three spheres could barely be illuminated, they did not have the slightest warmth. The entire abyss demon domain was still shrouded in a dark, cold and strange atmosphere. Guan Heng looked surprised.

At this moment, Guan Heng flies in the air without worrying about running out of power, because the black gas of the magical field in the surrounding air is continuously flowing into Guan Heng's body under the absorption of the dragon's breath crystal, like an endless energy consumption. , Always keep the Dragon's Breath crystal active and stable.

"It's strange. I can't imagine that in this abyss of the Demon Realm, the dragon's breath crystal of the Dark Dragon Lord looks like water from a fish. It's no wonder that it should belong here, and it can't be better for me." Guan Hengxin Secretly: "Now the two guys, Ganesha and Kufa, are both asleep and unawakened. The power of Dragon's Breath crystallized can become my killer, but don't make any mistakes."

Guan Heng just thought of this, and the multi-headed basilisk who was helping him fly suddenly said, "Master, the servant finds a thousand meters ahead, it seems someone is fighting."

"Huh? I heard the sound, too," Guan Heng said at this time. "Basilisk, take me there!"


"唰-噗嗤!" Seraki had just escaped a demon's spear, and then cut his lower leg with a curved blade. The red mist splattered for a while, and Seraki suddenly screamed, screaming half-kneeling. Ground.

"It's over, not only can't save Sister Tings this time, but even my life will be accounted for here!" In severe pain, Seraki gritted his teeth and knocked down his opponent, but there were seven or eight magic soldiers. Howling, swords and swords all attacked Seraki.

"Small-smack!" Between the flashes of light, a figure suddenly fell from the sky, and then the man flew a pedal between the legs of the demon soldier who slashed at Seraki with a knife: "Bang!

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh because I have no trace of this foot.

"Ah, who are you?" "This guy seems to be a personal person, let him be killed together!" These mad dog-like soldiers stared at bloodthirsty eyes and were about to pounce. Hands off, Guan Hengzheng flickered his arms, letting the dark dragon breath crystally wrap his fists.

"Hey, let's try the power of this" Dark Breath of Fist "now." Guan Heng sneered slightly, and his shape suddenly turned into a shadow. "Bang!" This fist is right in the chest of the demon soldier. His fist was fierce and mighty, he was smashed, and he suddenly hit the devil's breastbone. He raised his head and spurted blood mist, and flew far away in the sound of the crack of the cheekbone.

"Hey, it's a bit interesting." Guan Heng saw this effect, and suddenly ecstatic: "The idea of ​​the Fist of Dragon's Breath was just came up temporarily, but I didn't expect it to be unexpectedly used."

"Abominable, dare to kill my two men, and everyone will give me-" At this moment, a captain of the demon squad shouted with a heavy sword in his palm: "Slay this guy for revenge!"

"Do you want to come to death ?!" Guan Hengzhang suddenly laughed: "Excellent, uncle, I will complete you!"

Before the words fell, Guan Hengyun moved to the side of the Captain of the Demon Squad, and said to him sensibly, "Your boy is the happiest, let me kill you first!"

"Bang!" A quick hook hit the captain's jaw of the magic squad, and the guy's head turned three times on his shoulders, completely turning his neck into a twist shape.

Before waiting for the captain's body to fall, Guan Heng has launched a slaughter of the remaining demons, "Whoohoo-Bang!" Mantianquan hit the heads and faces of these guys fiercely. Suddenly, the screams and screams of the place had ringed.

Just when the last demon soldier fell to the ground, a black wind suddenly appeared on the little captain's remains. It was his ghost, Guan Heng honestly, and immediately turned it into a horror with the eyes of devastating monsters. Soul Stone.

"Haha, well killed ... these beastly demons ... have always abused and killed the weak and disabled human captives, and deserve to be here."

At this moment, the injured Seraki was panting slightly, stunned with a rusty sword in his hand, and saw Guan Heng killing all the magic soldiers, and immediately cried out, "Hero, you It's a bit of annoyance for the suffering people. "

"It seems that you are also a captive from the abyss captured by the demons, right?" Noting that Seraki nodded abruptly, Guan Heng then asked: "What are you doing here? Did you escape?"

"My name is Seraki, and I was the head of the Knights of the Principality of Shima in St. Lompland." With a sigh, Seraki continued: "In the final battle of defending the Principality, my Knights were defeated The subordinates who were slaughtered by the Dragon Army and the Demons, even myself and my sister Ting Si became captives of the Demons and were escorted to the ninth floor of the abyss. "

Having said that, Seraki paused, then threw away the rusty sword in his hand, leaned over and picked up the brand-new Epee of the Captain of the Demon Squad, and then stayed away from his waist. He said to Guan Heng: My sister and I have been held in captivity camps in the mountains, and daily hard labor, but just two days ago, my sister was abducted by the magic soldier suddenly, and I never knew where I was going. "

"My sister's disappearance made me very anxious, so I took advantage of the guard's magic soldiers and ran out of the prison camp." Seraki said at this time: "I found a magic soldier who escorted my sister. He asked him where Tingsi was, but he told me that Tingsi was sent to the Lord's Mansion as a living sacrifice. "

"Is the living sacrifice?" Guan Heng said, touching his chin, and said, "It is true that only the demented group of demons can do such cold-blooded things."

"Do you want to rescue your sister in the Lord's Mansion?" Guan Heng continued, "But looking at you, I'm afraid that even the gates of Tiesha City can't get in, it will make a group of hungry wolf-like magic soldiers. Tore you up. "

"Even if I die, I can't just watch the Devil's villain kill my sister." Seraki shook his body, hissing out loudly: "I'm going to save Tingsi, I want to ..."

Seraki hadn't finished this sentence, and his eyes would faint when he rolled his eyes. Guan Heng quickly grabbed his shoulder and took a step forward, and said, "So, I'm going to Tiesha City, if you If you want to save your sister, you can act with me, or you can take care of it. Come and drink this bottle of recovery agent first. "

—— [Second more in 2016.7.4, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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