Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1378: Temporary advantage (first)

"Ah!" Seeing the sharp knife rushing down his eyes, there was a danger of disappointment immediately. Howson hurriedly turned his head to dodge, but he did not expect Ruta to move very fast at this time. At that time, the double short-bladed maggots suddenly flipped in the palm, and the sharp blades straight down into the opponent's shoulder blades.

"Ka!" These short blades twisted into the flesh, and saw that the arm of the transforming dragon warrior would be cut off, but at this moment, something unexpected to Ruta happened!

"You want to waste my arm easily, you are dreaming !!!" In the roar, the momentum around Hausen suddenly erupted. At this moment, his atrium suddenly swelled and became restless, and a terrible black gas turned around instantly. With Hausen's body, this powerful force suddenly shook Ruta upside down!


"Well, Dangdang Dang!" Ma Ze's keel spear wrapped in the undead king's vindictiveness, turned into hundreds of cold stars across the opponent's body in a short time, the long-bodied, unusually agile and healthy transformation of the dragon warrior Bum Dodging from left to right, hiding very hastily, it can be seen that although Bom is not slow, he can't take advantage of Mazer's lightning gun surgery at all.

Within a few seconds, Ma Ze's offensive became more and more tight. The dragon spear in his palm was like lightning and lightning. Suddenly, Ma Ze shouted: "Here!"

The nine-foot keel spear twists and twists the hair with the opening and closing, and instantly triggers the hurricane gun stud to Boom's neck throat. This shot comes without a trace, plus the indomitable king's fighting spirit, enough Fear any enemy!

"Yeah!" The shadow of death swept through his heart. In an anxiety, Boom didn't care about anything else, suddenly raised his head and tried his best to avoid the doom of this gun and his throat.

"Yeah!" Although the keel spear didn't directly enter the neck of the other person, the hurricane gun strength of the yak-wrapped tussle burst a narrow blood groove around Bum's neck. "Yeah!" Blood spilt between his neck and between his fingers, causing him to cry.

"Sorry, this victory was won by me—kill!" Ma Ze shot the gun and wounded the enemy to take advantage of it. He was unforgiving and shook his keel spear into the heart of the opponent again. Who knows, Bum Suddenly a roar: "It's my turn to fight back!"

"Oh!" "Don't--" For a while, Detective Boom pulled a three-armed weapon from his back and quickly swayed into a whole. It turned out to be a dark three-pronged fork shining with cold light.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!" Boum, who waved the three-pronged fork, ignored the bright red spray on his neck, and twitched his arm with a steel fork to quickly fight with Maze!

"Dangdang, oh!"

The keel spear and the three-pronged fork repeatedly collided fiercely in the battle of strength and speed, and bursting fire shot numerous Mars. At this moment, to Mazar's surprise, the steel fork in the palm of this guy ’s more and more courageous hands continued to intensify the offensive. The initial seven-point defense and three-point attack quickly changed to offensive and defensive with Ma Ze, and there was even a vague desire to suppress Ma Ze.

At this moment, Ma Ze suddenly noticed that the deformed dragon warrior Bom had a strange shape, and the opponent's heart suddenly swelled suddenly, and then a large black gas rushed across Bom's neck, which made the injured **** place instantly. Healed!


"Hello!" A dwarfed transformational dragon warrior, Lejie, with a single horn on his head and a fleshy face, punched out furiously and fought Yimira's claw-type gloves, Yimira was weaker, She immediately took three steps back and took off the opponent's surging domineering punches, but Leger also felt that his arms were numb, and he was secretly surprised: "The little girl of the human race has such strong power ?!"

Where did Leger know that Imira and their several Guanheng companions were secretly strengthened by Guan Heng's own blood with the Dragon Soul's original power, the power is already unusual.

At this moment, a sacred arrow of light flew from the oblique spurs. It was Zowei who was a few meters away from the gap, and she whispered: "Look at the trick!"

"Eh ?! Two-on-one is a bit disadvantaged!" Lejie groaned secretly, waving the weapon entangled in the other wrist, "Dang!" The light arrow flew without hesitation.

Only then did Zuo Wei and Imila see a shining chain hammer on the wrist of their opponent. The hammer was about the size of a fist. When the two girls saw the weapon, they shouted in unison: The hammer in the chain ?! "

"Ha ha ha, the two chicks have good eyesight. They are exactly the same dragon killing weapons as yours. This weapon was snatched after I killed several strong human races."

At this time, Lejie hurled the wind in the palm of his hand, and said, "But I don't like the word 'destroy dragon', but what kills the opponent is a good weapon, not ?"

The words didn't fall, and Lejie's eyes flashed fiercely, and he struck out the hammer at Zuo Wei in the distance: "Little girl, dare you attack me? Eat me a trick!"

"Sister Zuowei, be careful!" Imeira tried to intercept the chain hammer thrown by the opponent, but the light and flint had been a little slower. Just heard Zuo Wei growl, "The screen of the fivefold sacred light !!"

"Oh!" Zuo Wei immediately erected several layers of barriers in front of Zuowei to stop the opponent's fierce hammering, but this was only slightly blocked.

"Eh!" The protective wall of light shattered into four layers in an instant, and the last one was broken. Everyone only heard the sound of "click", and the fifth layer of the protective wall turned into powder. The big fist chain hammer rushed towards Zuo Wei, as long as she got close to her, she would break her skull and die.

At this moment, Zuo Wei suddenly made a bold and risky move, and immediately turned herself into danger.

"Oh!" I saw Zuo Wei's wrist tumbling, and suddenly she showed a short sword, and she suddenly chopped it towards the chain hammer, only to hear the sound of snoring and brittleness. The sword was not biased to cut the metal chain. Undiminished, the chain hammer suddenly made several turns above the blade.

"This is for you!" At this moment, Zuo Wei kept on doing nothing and threw the entangled Tulong Sword back to Leger's forehead, and saw a flash of blue light flashing for a while. Soaring away.

Regarding this sudden attack, Leger was obviously caught off guard, but at this time, Imila took the time to step up and was close to the side ribs of the transforming dragon fighter.

"An ancient martial art, bursting tiger teeth!" "Bang, bang, bang!" All the fierce punches like raindrops were all concentrated, and they were all struck on Lejie's ribbow, only to hear the crackling of the cheekbone There was an endless stream of ears, "噗 ——" Lejie, whose ribs were cracked and smashed, suddenly burst out blood!

"Pha--wow!" The Dragon Sword that came face-to-face with the wind, just hit Leger's shoulders, who were not alone in the disaster, and suddenly caused the transformation of the dragon soldier who was not alone.

—— [The first change in 2016.7.2, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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