Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1346: Out of trouble

"Borui, you said lightly, we can't afford to escape now, how can we free up time to find that guy?" Zuowei screamed as she ran: "Please think of your idea, please."

"Let's do this." Borui stopped suddenly with an "emergency brake" and said, "I'll get rid of Yalong Beast, you should go to find that guy, and kill him anyway, otherwise we are destined Go to death! "

After saying this, Borui has turned his direction and rushed towards the Yalong beast. Zuo Wei saw that he had made a decision and could only run forward with her teeth. She screamed: "Boru Don't die, you bitch! "

Hearing Zuo Wei's howl, Borui in the running just smiled slightly: "Stupid girl, I am the greatest **** magician in St. Lompland, even if the sky falls, I can't die."

"嗷 ——" At this moment, a crazy Yalong beast roared, and Borui was short, and he slipped under the other side: "Want to bite me, and go to your daydream."

"Abominable, can you find someone who controls the illusionary team at the time that Bory is fighting for?"

During the running, Zuo Wei's brain was moving quickly. She slowly slowed her pace and suddenly thought, "Yes, since this fantasy array can reflect the most fearful memory of fear in the bottom of the human heart, it seems extraordinary. To maintain this illusion, you must be nearby. Maybe you are still watching us secretly. Instead of struggling to find him, let him come to me, as long as ... "

A few seconds later, Zuowei was wailing suddenly when she was running, and softly fell to the ground. Not far away, a dragon with blue scales slowly pierced her head from the wormwood grass. He stared at Zuowei Secretly thinking: "Well? Is it already dead?"

After a little hesitation, the Bluescale Dragons rushed out of the grass and came to Zuo Wei. "Well, little girl, whether you're dead? I'll make it up for you!"

The blue scale dragon tribe waved a paw with a chuckle, and shouted to the back of Zuo Wei's heart, who knew that at this moment, Zuo Wei suddenly turned agilely and escaped the opponent's grasp.

"You cunning thing finally came out." Zuo Wei stood up and waved the staff in her palm: "Go to death, the arrow of divine light!"

Unfortunately, Zuo Wei's magic did not work as she wished. The bluescale dragon tribe smiled to the sky: "Idiot girl, in our" Four Dragon Magic Array ", all the weapons and magic can not be used normally, you just accept it Die. "

"Look at the claws!" The sharp dragon claws of Yu Yu's length were no less than the sharp-edged steel front, and they drew directly to Zou Wei's face. In a hurry, Zou Wei hurriedly tilted her head, and a strand of hair was cut off to the ground.

"Is there such a reason, you dare to destroy my hair?" Zuo Wei usually pays attention to maintaining her hair most, seeing that she falls a lot, and suddenly feels distressed. She gritted her teeth and slammed her fist and rushed over: "Kill you!"

Today, today, after Zuo Wei's bloodline transformation, her strength is so amazing that she is no worse than the ordinary dragon. This fist unexpectedly hit her opponent's jaw with a bang.

"Uh!" The Bluescale Dragons took two steps back under the pain, and he shouted in his head: "Little girl, it's quite strong."

With a single blow, Zuo Wei could not be too proud of herself, she thought to herself: "Borui is in a critical situation, and there is no need to speak brightly to deal with such a big bad guy."

Speaking late, then quickly, Zuo Wei raised her hand: "Go to you."

"Oh!" A lot of the sand and sand just caught by Zuo Wei flew into the eyes of the Bluescale Dragons.

"Uh uh uh-damn human girl, you are really nasty! Despicable-" The blue scale dragon crowed his eyes while yelling: "When I open my eyes, I will tear you up!"

"You don't have that chance. Eat this first." Zuo Wei's words did not fall, she had thrown a thing into the slightly opened mouth of the bluescale dragon tribe, and this guy accidentally swallowed it Got belly.

At this moment, the bluescale dragons were anxious: "What did you eat for me?"

"Hey hey, although you have scales on your body, but you still have flesh and blood in your stomach, enjoy this meal of" Magic Explosive Spar "." Zuo Wei said, hugging her head, and suddenly jumped into the gully beside her.

Speaking of time and time, just listening to the loud noise, the body of the blue scale dragon family suddenly exploded completely in the place, fried all over the sky with flesh and flour powder, and fluttered to the ground.

On the other side, the three Yalong beasts have already thrown the breathless Borui to the ground. Just when he screamed unluckyly, closed his eyes and waited for death, the surrounding scenes of the Yalong beasts and the woods disappeared!

When Zuo Wei and Borui appeared again in the cave of the Dark Dragon Valley, Guan Heng and Ajin, Dorie and Maze, Ruta and Imila all waited there.

"Everyone, are you okay?" Guan Heng smiled and threw the huge dragon head in his hand on the ground, and he said, "I know, how can the tricks of the" Four Dragon Fantasy Formation "stop everyone? "

Everyone smiled a little. After experiencing the twists and turns of the magical array, everyone had a deeper exercise, which can be said to be a good thing. The other three dragon heads were also piled in the middle. Guan Heng laughed loudly at this time: "Utero, I know you're still nearby. How is it? Your so-called intimate and magical array is almost unbeatable. , Don't you hurry up and die yourself? When do you want to wait? "

"Woohoo--" A gust of wind suddenly blew up in the canyon, and a black hole of alien space teleportation suddenly appeared in the air. A dragon scale armor covered the murderous dragon master-Urtero finally appeared. Behind him, there are five dragons with evil appearances, all of whom are dragon heads, wearing armor and carrying swords and swords.

"Ha ha ha, you can break out of the illusion, it is entirely my expectation." Urtero slowly landed from the air at this time, his whole body was suddenly scattered, and he sneered and said: "The four are useless The waste is just a delay for me. "

"Long time ?!" Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly, not knowing what the other party meant.

At this moment, Urtero said slowly: "To deal with a strong enemy like you, you should be prepared to use the same weapons. I heard that the Duchy of Longsell, southeast of St. Lomplon, has the same good weapons. Known as 'the strongest sword', so while you are in a fantasy formation, you took this sword in hand and destroyed the Principality of Roncell. "

"What are you talking about? It's a cold-blooded beast." Borui heard that the other party had shot and destroyed a human Principality in order to obtain a weapon. He immediately shouted angrily, "Dragon, I will kill you!"

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.25, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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