Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1342: Yeshi Grottoes (fifth more outbreak)

"Oh!" As soon as Guan Heng's words fell, all of his companions dispersed in groups of two, while Guan Heng took Ma Ze along the straight line and ran down in one breath.

In less than half a minute, Guan Heng and Ma Ze have arrived at the cave entrance with swift and incorruptible statures. Then, other partners arrived one after another. Everyone said that the place they passed was empty, and there was no need for vigilance. .

But at this moment, the group of Borui and Zuo Wei did not show up, Guan Heng's eyebrows were about to look far in the distance, and then he heard a sudden booming sound on the corner of the mountain stream on the left. Rushed over from that direction.

Seeing this, Ruta hurriedly asked, "How are you two?"

"Huh, it's all blame Borui this **** is bad!" Zuo Wei wiped the sweat on her face and said angrily: "We just passed the corner of the mountain stream, and he stepped on a black scale monster buried in the soil, He was scared and burned the black scale monster with the flame spell. He did not expect that the thing would explode and attracted a large group of companions to chase us. "

"How can you blame me only?" Borui said with a sad face. "Don't you also step on one of them?"

"Well, but they didn't use magic to actively attack them." Zuo Wei was about to scold Borui again, and Guan Heng hurriedly waved, "Second, don't quarrel anymore. We are here for serious business. Everyone follow me into the cave first. "

After such a farce-like episode, no one cares, everyone walks into the grotto, only to find that it is like a huge living room. Ma Ze lightly understood the road, and led Guan Heng and others to a huge stone table. There were seven chairs around it, a center seat was quite high and majestic, and six smaller seats on the left and right sides.

"Slap." Ma Ze Ma Ze patted one of the chairs with his hand, he said with emotion: "I was sitting here at the time, and the pseudonym Ruta was sitting diagonally opposite, I didn't expect that I This time, the two will return to this state in this state, ha ha. "

"I don't have any impression at all," Ruta said at this time, "but if the memories of being the head of the dragon clan are all dark, maybe I can't remember being a happiness."

Ma Ze nodded: "Well, you make sense."

At this time, Guan Heng took out six legionnaire tokens and threw them on the stone table. He asked, "Okay, the props are all ready. Ma Ze, how can we get that Otero out of the way? Pulled out of the mouse hole? "

"There are recesses for tokens on the backs of the six chairs. As long as six tokens are inserted at the same time, Otero can be notified."

Ma Ze said at this time with his shoulders: "However, the six dragon clan have been annihilated by us, and I doubt whether Ottro will still appear."

"I think it should be okay." Guan Heng picked up a token and threw it in the palm of his hand. He said leisurely: "As you said, the six legions were destroyed, and the guy from Utro will definitely thunder. Let's look for him, and maybe Utro wants to retaliate against you and me, so to speak, it is inevitable that the two sides will meet to get started! "

"Guan Heng makes sense, so let's do it at the same time, and insert the token into the recess of the back of the chair." Ruta said, picking up a token, and then, Ma Ze, Borui, Yi Mi La and Zuo Wei each picked up a piece and were ready together.

"Pop!" The tokens in the hands of the six people were inserted into the grooves at the same time. I saw that six chairs flashed red, blue, green, purple, yellow, black, and gray. Then, a huge beam of light fell from the sky, just right. It landed on the largest seat in front of the stone table.

The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the beam of light, this person's voice was low and indifferent: "Who is it? Summon this seat with the tokens of the six major army commanders?"

"Hehehe, are you the dragon clan master Otero?" Guan Heng smiled at this moment, he said, "All six of your dragon clan have been destroyed by me, and it is completely finished. Now is your turn. Now. "

"Utero, Guan Heng was right." Ma Ze said at this time: "The six major legions no longer exist, you must come out and die."

"Oh!" The blurred figure in the beam of light suddenly turned into a clear human face. It was a thin, cold, clear face. The man narrowed his eyes to Ma Ze and Ruta in a black cloak next to him. : "Maze? Milo? Your two traitors dare to show up ... Good, I heard the news that the strong human races have joined you, and they are going to personally go out and marry you, who are hindering the unity of the demons. The mess of the great cause was crushed to death, but you came to the door. "

Speaking of which, Urtero's tone suddenly burst into the sky: "Let my pros play with you first, if you can defeat them, you are eligible to talk to me!"

Speaking later and later, after Utero said this, the entire cave suddenly shaken violently, Guan Heng suddenly shouted to everyone: "Get out of here, this place is about to collapse!"

Everyone was shocked in their hearts. They suddenly appeared like electricity, and rushed out of the huge cave. The last one came out was Guan Heng. When he stepped out of the cave, the sound of rumblings rose behind him. The crumbling and crumbling, the dust and chaos of time, the fog was in front of everyone.

"Oh!" At this moment, the four crimson beams of light descended from the sky, and then, in the beam of light, the bizarre evil spirits of two people were shot, and they hurried to Guan Heng and A Jin, Borui and Zuo Wei, and Ma respectively. Ze and Dorie, Ruta and Imira.

In a short time, the red beams of light and Guan Heng's group disappeared. After a few minutes, the diffused smoke from the valley of the dark dragon gradually dispersed, leaving only scars on the spot, which was really weird.


"Hey, Imira, wake up quickly." When she noticed someone shaking her, Imira slowly opened her eyes, and she muttered, "Well, where are we?"

"I don't know too well, only that we seem to have been teleported to an extremely weird place."

It was Ruta who was teleported with Imira, and he was still calmly analyzing: "In the cave just now, Utero said that he wanted to challenge us by himself. Maybe this is the dragon master. Strange space transformed by his men. "

"Here, it's really weird ..." Imila looked around at this time, and found that where she and Rutta stood, it was like a large white cloud. It was only soft with her feet, and it was easy to get her feet. It is really uncomfortable.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.24, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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