Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1321: One hit

"Hey hey, sorry, sorry." In a low sneer, Cohan replied, "After knowing that you rescued the Sha people, the first thing I did was to put the tokens into a different space for safekeeping, so you It's just breaking me into pieces, and I can't get what I want. "

"Guan Heng, those Sha people are just ordinary captives, and they are useless to you." Kou Han suddenly spoke sharply, he said with temptation: "But if you would return them to me, the commander of the army It doesn't matter if the token is given to you. "

"I don't think so." Guan Heng chuckled. "I never believed what the Dragon Ball Corps Chief said."

After a pause, Guan Heng said, "However, you said that these Sha friends behind me were just insignificant captives, I am afraid they are false? After all, they are related to the origin of this thing ..."

Suddenly, Guan Heng rolled his wrists and took out a god-control stone like a joke. A smile flickered across the corner of his mouth: "Sir, you should always look for this kind of black stone?"

"God-controlling stone ?!" Seeing what was in Guan Heng's hands, Kou Han, the leader of the phantom dragon army who had always been indifferent, suddenly changed his whole body. He shouted: "This god-controlling stone, you Where did it come from? "

"Hahaha, I have nothing to tell you, just go back and guess slowly." At this moment, Guan Henglang laughed: "But before that, I'd like to invite you to try this-Dragon God fighting aggressively !!! "

"Yeah!" A pair of dragon tooth blades were sheathed at the same time between the electric light and flint, aiming at the thick black mist on Kou Han's front was a severe cut: "Hoo--"

The fighting spirit gathered by the power of the Dragon God is not trivial, and Kou Han felt extremely dangerous coercion all over his body in an instant: "No, this chopping cannot be welcomed! Avoid-"

It was said that sooner or later, Kou Han smashed a one-way teleporting scroll in his anxiety and sent himself to the room of the Stone Demon Bastion in no time.

At the same time, the Dragon God's aggressive slashing slashing to the front, wrapped in unparalleled power, directly broke through a half of the stone wall of the gorge. When the sword passed, it left a deep trench of tens of meters on the ground.

"Thump up, thump up." The Sha people behind Guan Heng stumbled to the ground one after another, they hurriedly bowed and shouted, "Benefactor, you are not an ordinary human race, it must be a **** who came to earth. We are really There are no eyes, and you are neglected. Please ask God for mercy. "

"Hahaha, Guan Heng, it's so interesting. These guys think of you as a god." At this time, Dovre lying on his shoulders laughed: "If the gods are so easy to be seen by you, then it's not God. "

At this moment, Guan Heng didn't care to explain anything to the Sha people. Now it is important to get out of danger. Guan Heng is worried that the Phantom Dragon Army and the chasing troops will arrive. Although he is not afraid, he has more than a dozen cumbersome things. inconvenient.

So, Guan Heng said, "Dear friends, my companions should wait at the mountain ridge outside the Grand Canyon of the Stone Magic City at this time. Let's go there and meet with them first, and then I will find a way to resettle you."

"Everything is to listen to the benefactor's arrangements." Middle-aged Sha ethnic member Ke Song also woke up from a coma just now and was stunned when he saw Guan Heng's earth-shattering dragon and **** fighting. Respectful.

Before leading everyone to the mountain canyon outside the canyon, Guan Heng handed Ke Song a piece of soulstone, saying: "I haven't said anything about your elders just now, because I am afraid that you will be too sad on the road. In fact, the elders have already been taken by the Dragon Army The guy was tortured to death, and the demons didn't let go of his soul. I sealed the elder's soul in this spar. "

After a pause, Guan Heng continued, "I know that the Sha people may have some special abilities. If you can see his soul, wait until it is safe, and then crush the spar to talk to him. The elder is very injured and the soul The body is dissipating soon. "

"Woohoo ... elder, you are so terribly dead." Several slightly younger Sha people heard the bad news and burst into tears, but Ke Song yelled: "Don't cry anymore, not yet You are completely out of danger, and you are crying here, just to cause trouble to benefactors and stop me. "

Although the voice was not loud, what Ke Song said was quite majestic and restraining, and several Sha people were sobbing to stop the sorrow.

Guan Heng said at this time: "Okay, let's go."

The next way, because of the sudden news of the death of the elders, the feet of the Sha people were abnormally heavy, but the guardian elf, Dovre, whispered quietly with Guan Heng: "Hey, I saw that guy named Cohan, it was strange Then. "

"Huh? Cohan ... what's weird about him?" Guan Heng said. "That guy is just a clutter who likes to hide his head and show his tail. He has never dared to fight with me."

Seeing Guan Heng's attitude of contempt for the other side, Doffer quickly said, "The leader of the dragon clan named Cohan is not just as simple as blocking himself with black mist. I confirmed it with my pupils' ability to see through the evil things. The dark mist is empty, there is nothing, not even physical body. "

"What ?!" Guan Hengwen heard this, and subconsciously slowed his pace. He whispered, "But so many people, including you and me, just heard Cohan, clearly, Didn't that guy use projection virtual images? "

"Hey, maybe Cohan is a strange weird creature." Dovre reminded: "In a word, be careful with that legion chief, don't look at this person who has never dared to challenge you, but I think he There is an inexplicable power in that black mist. "

Guan Heng slightly jaw head: "I see, I'll be more careful with this guy, Cohan."


On the other hand, the stone monster castle, Cohan's room.

"Wow—slap!" Kou Han, who had just teleported himself in order to avoid the Dragon God's fighting, slammed into every furnishing in the room.

"Abominable Guanheng, did not expect him to realize the secret of the god-controlling stone." Cohan murmured in the black mist: "If he knows the ultimate purpose of I want to use those black stones, no, no, absolutely Don't let this happen! "

"Guan Heng and his tribe strong accomplice, as well as the desire of the Sha people, can not stay one, otherwise my plan will be hindered by them."

At this moment, Kou Han murmured in his mind: "I want to think of a perfect way to use this time to prepare them to attack the Phantom Dragon Army, try to seize my token, and destroy them all at once. "

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.20, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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