Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1309: Rescue the Sha people

"Hey, old man, are you okay?" Guan Heng walked quickly to the front of the crystal cover at this time, and knocked twice. "Hold on, I will save you right away."

"Young man ... you, can you see my soul? You can see that you are not an ordinary human."

The old man of the Sha ethnic group struggled at the moment and said, "The old man is about to die. Don't rush to save me first. Please ask me to find something from the interrogator first. It is a **** stone."

Guan Heng heard the old man's tone was very anxious, so he didn't dare to delay, hurriedly rummaging on the body of the interrogator, then he called out, "Is it found, isn't it?"

Seeing the black stones held by Guan Heng, a smile flashed from the mouth of the old man of the Sha ethnic group, and he muttered to himself: "It seems that this guy really wears the" Sha ethnic black stone "for the convenience of asking my information. It's on me, great. "

"Young human friend, the old man is the elder of the Sha people, Minte, haven't asked your name yet?"

Hearing Elder Min's questioning, Guan Heng hurriedly said his name, and then he said, "Elder Minte, why do the people of the Phantom Dragon Legion seize your torture and confess, what are they trying to do?"

"This incident concerns the most important secret of the Sha people. Mr. Guan Heng, although you saved me, please forgive me for not telling the truth."

Hearing the tone of the old Sha ethnic group, Guan Heng said indifferently: "It is inconvenient to say it, anyway, in short, the people who are in trouble with the Dragon clan are all my friends. I will save you first."

"It's too late, young man." The old man of the Sha ethnic group said hard in the crystal cover. "The old man has been tortured by these demons, and his body has already died. Now only this weak soul is left. You don't want to save it. I'm struggling, and I have to find a way to get away. "

Having said that, the elders of the Sha clan paused and continued to say, "If you are capable, the old man asks you something, please take that piece of" black sand of the clan "to the fifth floor of the stone magic fortress and rescue Save my tribe ... "

"This is okay, but I want to save the rest of the Sha people. As for you, I can take it with me."

At this moment, Guan Heng smiled slightly, and suddenly shone on the soul of the elders of the Sha clan with the power of breaking the evil pupil, turning him into a soul stone.

"Slap!" Guan Heng smashed the crystal cover with a punch, picked up the elders of the Sha clan, and turned away. When he came outside, he closed the secret interrogation room with a wall handle to avoid being found by the interrogator. Dead body.

In the room of the interrogation room, there were many coats of the demons and cool officials hanging on the wall. Guan Heng took off one of them and put it on his body. He thought to himself, "If you want to go to the cell to save people, put on the prisoner's costume. Most suitable. "

Out of courtesy, Guan Heng did not search for the memory of the old soul of the Sha clan, but the interrogator ’s soul stone, Guan Heng searched it honestly. The memory of the interrogator was nothing more than some trivial matter of the Phantom Dragon Army, like He, such a small shrimp prison officer, has no access to any core insider.

However, as far as Guan Heng's search is concerned, as long as it is related to the mysterious formation of the Sha people and Kou Han being interrogated, the interrogator does not know much about these things, and most of them are delivered by Kou Han's aide. For him.

It is said that the remaining Sha people's concept of guarding the territory is very strong. When the Dragon people attacked the Shimocheng Grand Canyon, the Sand people fought hard to resist and even repelled the Dragon people's attacks many times with an air-controlled "Shijia Warrior".

But after all, the strength of the Sha people was ultimately outnumbered, and the Grand Canyon was completely occupied by the Dragon Army. A large number of people were taken prisoner, including the elderly Sand Elders. These people were tortured tortured by the phantom Dragon Army. Mostly.

However, the head of the legion, Cohan, had some information about the "Stone Armor" of the Sha people and information about the huge ancient formations. He wanted to ask the elders of the Sha people. Torture, but unable to pull out anything useful from the stubborn old man's mouth.

"Secret of the Shijia people and the ancient array?" Guan Heng walked to the fifth floor, thinking about these things: "Is this two the real reason for the great calamity of the Sha people?"

Thinking of it this way, Guan Heng has already reached the fifth floor from the bottom of the building. On this way, he encountered two or three patrolmen of the Demon Black Armor Warrior, but the other side saw the prison robe of Guan Heng on him. Long away, he avoided it.

Seeing the black armored warrior scared like this, Guan Heng only felt secretly funny. The reason for this was already searched from the memory of the interrogator.

Just because the prisoners tortured and tortured in the interrogation room, in addition to the innocent people caught from the outside, there are also many soldiers who made mistakes in the Phantom Dragon Army. The demons' cool officials will not be softened against their own. So the patrolmen saw Guan Heng wearing the prisoner's robe, as if the mouse saw a cat.

"This skin has really provided me with a lot of convenience." Guan Heng thought so, already pacing into the corridor on the fifth floor, "slap!" Guan Heng patted a black armored patrolman passing by. On the shoulders, he suddenly startled the other person, and the boy asked timidly, "Brother, what are you doing?"

"Brother, I am a new prisoner and I am not familiar with the situation here." Guan Heng said, "Now I have been ordered by the interrogator to go to the cells of the Sha people. Please take your way. "

"Uh, it turned out to be that, no problem, no problem."

For these patrolmen, the jailer has a more terrible existence than the immediate officer. Who knew what day he made a mistake, he was thrown into the cell, so he had to catch the other side, and the patrolman said with a smirk on his face. "The Sha people's cell is at the end of the right. Come with me."

Seeing that the patrolmen were so cooperative, Guan Heng nodded with satisfaction, and followed the other person to the front of the Sha people's cell. The black armor patrolman said: "Brother prisoner, you see, the 13 Sha people who are still alive are closed Here it is. "

Then, the black armored patrolman took a bunch of keys from the wall around the corner and handed it to Guan Heng. He smiled and said, "The black one can be unlocked ..."

"Bang!" Before waiting for this guy with a smile on his face to finish, Guan Heng's fist had hit his face fiercely, and the other party didn't hum, and banged on the wall before passing out.

"Wow—wow--" When Guan Heng knocked down the patrolmen, the dozen or so detained Sha people immediately surrounded the cell door, and a slightly older Sha person, headed by them, looked at Guan Heng's strange face. He asked suspiciously, "You, who are you?"

—— [2016.6.18 second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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