Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11403: Seeking gold worm (fifth more outburst)

"Howard, this guy, I don't know if he took what I said to his heart."

Looking at the other party's disappearing back, Guan Heng said casually. The evil worm mother looked a little embarrassed, and said, "Master, I'm sorry, the youngest guy is used to being wild. Recently, he always troubles you. When he comes back, I have to reprimand him."

"Okay, okay, but it's all trivial things." Guan Heng said lightly: "As long as it can come back with Mandrill quickly, everything is not a problem."


On the other side, the Ancient Desolate Roar flew to the flat ground with a thunderous force, and then shouted: "Hey, Mandrill, where are you? Lord Guan is waiting for you to go back? Give me a happy sentence. Then, are you dead here?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mo Li cursed, poking his head from behind a large rock next to him, and then continued: "What if I die?"

"Hahaha, Lord Guan asked me to come down and have a look, and urge you to go up by the way." Guhuang Howard smiled and walked over and said, "Also, if there is anything you need to help, just say it."

"Huh, it's almost the same, you're good enough." Hearing this, the mandrill turned anger into joy, and immediately waved to it: "Come and see, there are good things here. If you can help me get it, I Give you a share too."

"What good thing?" Hearing this, Howard's eyes lit up, and he immediately walked to the mandrill in three steps and two steps. The latter pointed to the big stone beside him and said casually: "Hey, the thing is under the stone. , Let’s work together to remove it, and we’ll talk about the others later."

", wait a minute!" Guhuang Roar just promised, and suddenly felt something was wrong, immediately stopped his hands reaching towards the stone, and then said: "Tell me what baby it is, or else I This is a little uneasy in my heart."

"Huh, don't you believe me, don't you?" Mandrill smiled and patted Hou's shoulder, and said: "Don't worry, brother will never fool you. This is definitely a good thing."

"Then tell me what it is." Hou Li insisted to know the truth.

"Okay, I'll tell you." The Mandrill mysteriously leaned to Howard's ear and muttered a few words.

"Eh?!" Hearing this guy's words, even Roar was a little surprised. It asked aloud, "Really that kind of thing?"

"Don't worry, I will never read it wrong." The Mandrill said with confidence, slapped his chest.

"Okay, then I'll believe you once." Gu Huang Roar blinked his eyes, and then said: "If you make a mistake, there is nothing to lose. If you get caught, we both will take up a huge amount of money. It's cheap."

"Hehehe, I think so too." The Mandrill said eagerly at the moment: "It's not too late, let's move the stone away."

"Hey, do we need any more effort, brothers? No." Guhuang roar waved his hand, then raised his voice: "Ape Soul, do me a favor, move this stone away."

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Hearing these words, a few fire claw ape souls immediately surrounded them, and they were unparalleled in their strange power. With a little effort, they moved away the huge stone weighing thousands of kilograms.

At this moment, the Mandrill lowered his head, looked left and right in the pit made by the boulder, and hurriedly asked: "Hey, have you found it? Isn't that guy already running away?"

"Impossible, I have been staring outside, even if it wants to run, there is no chance." As soon as the mandrill said here, the fire claw ape soul next to it suddenly whispered, and then raised its claw to point to the ground.

"it's here!"

"Puff!" It's too late to say, then quickly, the ancient gold icebreaker of Mandrill suddenly plunged into the ground, and then suddenly picked up, "Well!" The next moment, a large group of soil rushed away, suddenly. Pounced at the door.

"Uh, this..." Howard dodged subconsciously, but the Mandrill hurriedly screamed: "Hey, don't hide, grab it!"

"Pop!" After the other party's reminder, he reached out and squeezed his hand violently, and immediately grabbed the hidden objects in the soil in his palm, "Bah!" But the remaining mud hit its face.

"Pooh, **** maniac, are you asking me to eat dirt?" Guhuang roared and vomited, feeling the smell of dirt in his mouth, and couldn't help complaining.

"Stop talking nonsense, and quickly let me see what you have in your hand." After saying that, Mandrill snatched the object over, and then took a few closer glances, and asked, while wiping his face, Howard wiped his face. How is it, isn't that the thing you said?"

"Hehehe, that's right, we are about to get lucky." The Mandrill said, holding the thing swaying in front of Howard.

It turned out that this creature was a monster the size of a walnut, round and round, with a sharp mouth and hard armor, and six short legs swaying constantly, appearing to be extremely alarmed.

"Hey, don't move around, or I'll pinch you to death." The Mandrill glared and frightened the opponent viciously. , Then you and I will be busy for nothing."

"I'm just warning this guy, don't I really want to do what about it? For this kind of guy, you need to be kind and powerful." Mandrill said, taking out half of the spirit fruit from his storage clam, and there. The round beetle shook in front of it, and whispered softly: "Come on, eat."

"Squeaky, squeaky!" Seeing the rich aroma of Lingguo, the round beetle screamed immediately, leaped on it happily, and began to eat and chew.

"Hehehe, it's really easier to use food to seduce it." The ancient wild roar next to it said: "Hey, Mandrill, what do you call this thing."

"Looking for gold worms!" The Mandrill said casually: "If it hadn't been for the worm mother to talk about this kind of thing before, it would appear in the mine pit, I don't know that this kind of worm will actually be there."

"Can this worm really help us hunt for treasure?"

"Even if it doesn't have the perverted treasure hunting abilities of Little Green Coccidia and Baojia Dry Turtle, it is a very useful helper in the mine."

The mandrill said: "They have a keen ability to detect all kinds of minerals, yes, mainly metal mines. The insect mother said that even if it is looking for a deep vein, they can do it."

"The most important thing is that people like the gold worms are usually active in groups at the same time." At this time, the mandrill used his finger to poke the worm who was chewing the spirit fruit, and then smiled and said: "So we found it. One, there is a chance to find the whole group."

"If they are all tame, but inestimable wealth Yo."

"That's right." Guhuang Howler said: "If you take one or two with you, they will look for the whereabouts of metal mines and other minerals for us no matter where we go."

"Hahaha—" At this point, Mandrill and Howard looked at each other, and both smirked, looking very happy.

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