Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11380: Shichi Heishui

"Woo, woo!" At this moment, the white-browed old monkey was also dancing, saying that he was not afraid of the odor of insects and was willing to follow, Guan Heng nodded: "Well, okay, then you guys will accompany me Let's go together."

At this point, Guan Heng said to the girls again: "Everyone is just waiting here, don't run around, save me having to look for you after I come out."

"Hahaha, no," Ruotao said with a smile: "We promise that we will never run around this time."

"Hehe, I hope you do what you say."

Guan Heng said and raised his hand. Three insects and the white-browed old monkey immediately followed him and walked towards the cave in front. When he left, the monkey didn't forget to throw out a ball of flame and burned the short wing. Bee, it's a pity that there is no blood crystal in the opponent's body.

Three steps in two steps, everyone walked into the cave, the white-browed old monkey looked very excited, looking left and right, he was already looking for the target.

The evil worm mother said: "Hey, monkey, don't want to act without authorization, you have to listen to the master's arrangement, have you heard? Don't be absent-minded."

"Chuckling? Chuckling!" The old white-browed monkey felt a little noisy when he heard the mother of the insects, and couldn't help getting irritated. Guan Heng said, "Calm down, after encountering the insects, you can toss the other party any way you want. ."

"Hehehe!" Hearing this, the old white-browed monkey turned his anger into joy. Guan Heng said at this time: "But there is really a disgusting smell spreading in this cave, even I can't stand it. "

"Huh!" As he spoke, Guan Hengji waved his hand suddenly, and the two profound auras of water and wood that can purify the air suddenly covered the area centered on them and within a radius of several meters, and the air gradually improved.

"Let's keep going inside." Guan Heng said as he walked forward, "By the way, mother bug, you will release a batch of cubs, let everyone search for the spotted short-winged bees in the cave, and try to drive them away. Come to the visible area."

"Yes, master." Upon hearing this, the evil worm mother immediately followed her instructions and summoned hundreds of colorful fierce flies, ordering them to scatter to find their targets. At the same time, Guan Heng and everyone started searching for targets everywhere in the cave.

After more than ten breaths, everyone encountered the first batch of short-winged bees. The stench from these guys was even worse than those outside the cave just now. If it weren't for Guan Heng's aura of purifying the air, they would feel sick just seeing the other person's appearance.

"Kill!" In the face of this disgusting thing, Guan Heng was too lazy and troublesome. He just gave a simple order. As soon as he said this, the white-browed old monkey suddenly rushed out, shining as the first few short-winged bees. A dead hand.

"Ping pong pong!"



Just in the blink of an eye, the monkey killed five short-winged bees with heavy techniques. The remaining guys were so scared that they wanted to retreat and escape. As a result, the back road was blocked by three insects like lightning. Then, the insect mothers also started. Rush up.

For a while, the fiery filaments of the insect mother and the light golden awns of the golden sting king swept over each other, nailing the short-winged bee like rain down, and the roaring sting next to it was not polite, carrying the worm bones. Jian Fei rushed over, looking for those who didn't die, and chopped off each other's skulls one by one.

The final finishing touches are the Fireclaw Ape Soul and the white-browed old monkey. The ape souls are responsible for burning the corpse. The old monkey rummaged behind them to find the bloodline crystals. After only a few minutes, they got more than ten crystals.

"Well, the quantity is not much, the quality is not bad."

Guan Heng took the things and took a look, then put them into the storage clam, and then continued: "But these are not enough, we should continue to look for more crystals, mother bugs, what's there? Have you reaped it?"

"Master, there are currently a few brothers who have found the enemy, but there are only one or two. I will show everyone to follow each other and look for the nest of short-winged bees."

"Well, it's so good." After hearing this, Guan Heng slowly said, "Do you know the specific location?"

"Go to the left from the fork in the road, and you should be able to see the Zifu brothers."

The evil worm mother said so. Guan Heng: "Let's go, chase them."


After a while, Guan Heng and the others had already rushed to the cubs who were investigating the situation ahead, and they also found traces of the spotted short-winged bee.

"Hey, that's..." Suddenly, Guan Heng saw a huge natural stone pool in the area where the short-winged bee was in front of him, and there was a sound of running water coming out of it.

The worm mother said: "Unexpectedly, there will be water sources here, which seems quite rare."

"It's true, especially after walking around in the nearby area, we found that this place is almost cut off the water source." King Golden Sting also said the same.

"It seems that the spotted short-winged bees in the cave are living around the eyes of the stone pond. This is a bit weird. It is necessary to investigate." Guan Heng said after touching his jaw.

"Mother Worm, summon the mutant worms, let them use their abilities to help us become invisible, and then walk straight over."

"Yes, master."

After hearing this, the evil worm mother immediately followed her instructions, causing a few mutant children to gather in a hurry. Then, under the influence of their abilities, everyone entered a state of invisibility and walked to the water eye of the stone pond. Nearby, but was not noticed by the surrounding spotted short-winged bees.

What's even stranger is that the things gushing out of Shichi's eyes are as black as ink, and they don't look like the color of normal water sources.

"Pink water like ink?!" After seeing the things in the stone pond, Guhuang roar whispered: "Or, this thing is not water at all?"

"What's even more strange is that the short-winged bees around here are smelly, but the liquid in the pond is smelling, have you smelled it?" Guan Heng said.

"Eh? It seems so..." After hearing these words, the worm mother and the white-browed old monkey looked at each other, and they all nodded, indicating that they all felt the same as Guan Heng.

"Master, but these pitch-black liquids seem to contain evil spirits, right?"

"That's right." Guan Heng said: "According to my estimation, this is also the reason why the spotted short-winged bee will inhabit here, you see."

Having said this, he raised his hand and pointed to the front. Everyone looked closely, and just saw three or five short-winged bees flying down by the stone pool, plunged into the black ink, and swallowed them with a big mouth.

"They actually eat this kind of food?" Seeing this scene, Guhuang Roar muttered to himself: "Is it really that good?"

"Youngest, depending on your appearance, do you still want to taste this thing yourself?" King Jin Xing smiled jokingly, "Then drink it."

"No, no, second brother, don't be joking, who wants to drink something that is of unknown origin and is still mixed with evil?" Hearing the other party's words, Roar's head immediately shook.

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