Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11374: Sisters' game (first update)

"Suddenly!" As soon as Guan Heng said these words, the girls immediately rushed to the entrance of the cave where the black blood was woven in front of them with great interest.

"Squeak, squeak!" At the next moment, the evil celebrities guarding the entrance of the cave screamed. It was to inform the companions in the cave that an enemy had come.

"Beast evil worm, look at it!"


In an instant, the sword light flashed, and An Yan took the lead. The Great Sword in his palm shook suddenly, and dozens of sword souls rushed towards the evil spirits, "Puff, puff, puff!" The brains of the three giant worms. Soaring away from the body immediately, the dead body fell to the ground.

"Mei Yan killed beautifully, sister, let me show it too!"

Xian Xin blurted out these words, and suddenly flicked the Starry Spirit Spear, "Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) go.

"Duoduoduo!" At the next moment, the sharp light of cold air had penetrated through the opponent's body and nailed it to the ground abruptly.


The neighing of Xie Chuzhi that had just screamed stopped abruptly. It was because they had been completely frozen to death. The bodies of these Xie Chuzhi maintained various weird postures, and even the black blood in the body spurted out. But it was too late to sprinkle on the ground, and it froze around the body.

"Wow, sister is amazing."

Seeing Xianxin's sharp moves, the sisters all touched their hands and praised her. Coriander smiled and said: "Okay, okay, don't hurry in with me, or else the old monsters will come to grab the blame later, we don't have to play!"

"That said, hurry up."

"Da da da, da da da!" In the next moment, several sisters rushed into the cave, and dozens of Xie Chuzhi screamed and rushed towards him. Gu Sang Nu deliberately yelled, "Oh! , So many bugs, it scared me to death."

"Why, are you still afraid of insects? Let's go!" Each of the sisters smiled jokingly, pushing the ancient sang girl's back, and she was so angry that she laughed and cursed: "Who pushed me? Too wicked !"

But in the next moment, the ancient sang girl’s wooden scepter had already turned abruptly in her palm for half a circle, and she pointed to the group of insects in front of her. Out, one after another quickly entangled Xie Chuzhi, crushing all these guys.

"Fuck you!"

It's too late, it's fast, Gu Sangnu controlled the spirit root to roll up the corpse, and threw it towards the rest of the black blood evil spirits, "Ping pong pong!" These hapless guys were knocked over by their comrades. One by one rolled to the ground, really embarrassed.

At the same time, the black rattan boy sitting on the shoulders of the ancient Sang girl also shot, "chachacha!" The next instant, the rattan spear thrown by the boy hit a lot of evil weaving.

"Squeak!" The black blood evil who fell to the ground caused death or injury. The guys who hiccup on the spot are lucky and don't have to suffer a life crime if they die, but the injured hapless screams one by one. The pain was unbearable.

"Hmph, alive is also abolished, this girl kindly fulfilled you on the road!" After saying that, Gu Sangnu waved her hand, more than a dozen spiritual roots violently shook the wind, and immediately beat the dying guys to pieces. .

"Is there no better guy in this hole?" Ruotao put the Thunder-Swallowing Blade on her shoulder at this time, and then said: "It's boring, it's really boring!"

"Don't worry, interesting things will be here soon." As he said, Guan Heng pointed to the front, and continued: "Hey, the other party has already arrived."

"What? Where?" As soon as they heard this, Ruotao and the others suddenly became energetic. Then, everyone heard a sudden "buzzing" wing flapping, and it burst out from the depths of the cave. With little shadow, An Yan said, "These evil weavings are much larger than the ones just now."

"Well, those just now were just small guys, but now they appear at the level of small bosses." Guan Heng folded his shoulders and said with a grin: "How about, do you want me to help level the opponent?"

"No need, son, you won't be able to survive when you make a move. In that case, we won't have to play." Upon hearing this, Ruo Tao shook her head like a rattle, and Qing Huang smiled and said, "Don't talk to A Heng. Now, let's get on."


Just as these words were just finished, the Xie Chuzhi on the opposite side had already fluttered to the vicinity, and the nearest Ruo Tao had already punched out. The skull was shattered, and Xie Chuzhi's body immediately fell to the ground.

"Okay, one punch." Ruotao smiled and shook her fists.

At the same time, Gu Sang Nu suddenly jumped up on her toes, kicked out her left and right feet in a chain, "Boom!" He smiled and said, "How about it, two of them are finished when I shoot."

"Hey, I lost!" Ruotao was also happy this time, and immediately sighed. Qing Huang, An Yan, and Xian Xin smiled and said: "Don't worry, there are us."


"Puff puff!"

It’s too late to say, then it’s almost time, the Xianxin’s Star Spirit Spear, the Qinghuang’s Wei Ling Sword and the Lotus Odd Blade almost shot at the same time, each piercing through and beheading three Xie Zhizhi. , There are all three, better than me and Sangsang, worthy of my sister."

"Hmm, don't rush to praise people, there is me."

An Yan smiled slyly at this time, swiftly flicking the big sword, "Dang! Whoosh whoo!" In the thunder, fire and lightning, more than a dozen sword souls rushed out with the wind, each of them grabbed an evil weave in front of them. , According to the other party's chasing and fiercely fighting, and after a few breaths of time, those guys were killed and shredded.

"" An Yan asked with a beaming smile while counting the prey he had killed, "Sisters, how about it? Did I kill the most? Did I win? "

"You, are obviously shameless." Ruotao stomped and said, and Gu Sangnu was also helping her: "Yes, you let the sword souls help to kill these, not your own credit."

"Yoyo, you are the least qualified person to say that, okay?" An Yan spread his hands and smiled in a compelling way: "Who just killed the insects with the hand of the black rattan boy?"

"Uh, this..."

Gu Sangnu was speechless when asked by An Yan’s words. She shook her head, sighed and retreated to the side. Guan Heng said at this time: "Okay, you sisters are playing around, why bother Seriously? In my opinion, it's a tie this time, okay?"

"All right, since the son is willing to be a peacemaker, I have no problem. Let's play around. It's not serious, everyone has made peace." Ruotao said.

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