Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11094: Request to be beaten (first change)

"Hehehe, I also think you should have brought it over. It did a good job." Seeing Skull Shadow Jade Soul flew back to him, Mandrill smiled slightly, and then let it hide behind him.

"Huh-" At the same time, the blue super giant insect suddenly rushed to several feet away, arousing the dust all over the floor, but when this guy was aggressively rushing over, the mandrill was too fast to cover his ears. The momentum blasted a punch.


The fist strength engulfed in the icy mysterious spirit suddenly slammed into the opponent's door, "Puff--" As soon as the inner cavity collapsed and the cracked wound was spraying blood and mist, the super giant insect suddenly screamed and fell to the ground and rolled, causing the earth and rock to scream. Splashing, flying sand and rocks along the way, this guy is really embarrassed.

Seeing this scene, Skull Shadow Jade Soul was of course very excited, it rushed towards the opponent without hesitation, this was to pick up the bargain, taking advantage of the super giant insect's injury, biting a few bites.

"Sizzle, puff..."

Just moments later, Skull Shadow Jade Soul really achieved its goal, and bit down two pieces of the super giant insect's body. The other party was so painful that it was dying to death, but now it feels more humiliated and angry, because **** it. Bihun is here again to pick up the bargain!

"Haw!" In an instant, the extremely angry blue super giant worm suddenly turned over, and directly pressed against the Skull Shadow Bihun who was chewing his own flesh and blood.


However, the extremely agile and alert Bihun did not give the opponent a chance to attack him. It swept back several feet at a lightning speed, "Dang!" The opponent's attack on the top of the mountain suddenly failed, and his body was in vain. Fell to the ground once.

"Stupid thing, you want to sneak attack on Skull Shadow Jade Soul with your clumsy actions? That's overwhelming."

The mandrill laughed loudly at this time, and the miner jade mouse lying on its shoulder also squeaked, as if to ridicule the other party’s incompetence. Anyway, the blue super giant insect failed in its attack, and also smashed itself. It was really unlucky to fall so badly.

The super giant insect was trembling and struggling to get up. By the time, the Skull Shadow Bihun, who was hovering in the air, planned to rush to bite it again, but in an instant, Bihun screamed, and then immediately He shivered uncontrollably.

"Huh, what's the matter?" Seeing this scene, Mandrill was taken aback. Just as he was about to greet the other party to fall down and let himself check it, Skull Shadow Jade Soul suddenly broke out with a violent violent sound: "Boom——"

"La La La!"

Suddenly, there were deafening freezing sounds one after another. A large ice layer was frozen in the air, extending to the ground. The Skull Shadow Jade Soul was fixed in the air, motionless, and looked like a large dangling skull. It's horrible.

At first, Mandrill was also taken aback, and some didn't think about it.

But after another thought, Mandrill figured it out again: "It's probably because this guy has swallowed too many blue flying worms and giant worms, as well as my ice mysterious aura, plus the flesh and blood of super giant worms, and the cold air inside has passed. It was so serious that Bihun didn't suppress the cold outburst for a while. This is not a big deal."


At such a time, the seriously injured blue super giant worm suddenly stood upright. This guy had gathered all the strength for a long time, and then flew into the air with all his might. It has figured out the situation and stayed here again. At that, it is undoubtedly important to wait for death or escape.

It’s just that, although I think it’s good, the problem is that people won’t let you run away!


It's too late, it's fast, the mandrill shook his hand and threw the ancient golden icebreaker in his palm. This thing swiftly swept with the wind, and it just penetrated one of the wings of the blue super giant insect, and then nailed it under its ribs. This guy immediately The pain was so piercing that he almost fell directly to the ground.

But in order to survive, the super giant insect also tried its best. It flapped its wings and wanted to escape to a higher place.

But in the next moment, the mandrill suddenly pulled the chain linking the icebreaker in his hand, and immediately tore the wound under the ribs of the blue super giant insect. This guy let out a miserable cry, and finally couldn't bear the severe pain, and fell with a plop. On the ground.

"Cuckl...cuckl..." At this moment, the frozen ice layer in the air suddenly appeared cracked. Accompanied by the harsh sound, the mandrill looked up and looked at it. It was Skull Shadow Jade Soul that began to crack the ice layer. The precursor.

"Hey, this guy made me worry for a while, and now I have finally settled my troubles." The Mandrill muttered to himself, while throwing out a large amount of chill, he directly frozen the wailing blue super giant insect on the ground, and then responded to it. The skull shadow and blue soul in the sky watched the change.

"Ping-pong-pong!" "Cracking!" The harsh violent noises continued one after another. In a flash, the Skull Shadow Jade Soul that had escaped from the ice screamed and neighed, and then fell to the front of the magic mandrill.

"Huh! Boom!" Suddenly, Skull Shadow Jade Soul flew straight over, and then viciously hit the top of Mandrill's head.

"Oh, it hurts, what are you going to do?"

The Mandrill, who was holding his head, was extremely annoyed and cursed, but at the next moment, Bi Hunsu suddenly slammed into him, and he was so angry that the Mandrill slapped it out, still cursing in his mouth: " You're endless, right? Is it true that Mandrill can't get angry?"

"Squeak!" But at this moment, Skull Shadow Jade Soul flew over regardless of his care, and rammed the Mandrill again. It felt a little puzzled and waved its palm to drive away the opponent: "Don't make trouble, are you mad?"

But at this moment, Skull Shadow Bihun persisted in coming over to harass the Mandrill.

Originally it had been short of breath, but suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind, and then he whispered: "I know, the excess cold in your soul has not been released yet, so I want me to hit you a few times to relieve the cold swelling zone. It feels uncomfortable, right?"

"Squeaky!" Seeing that Mandrill finally understood it, Bihun immediately let out a cheer. The Mandrill nodded, and then said: "Since you want to be beaten so much, come here!"

"Hey!" Hearing it say so, Skull Shadow Jiehun flew over here suddenly, "Pop!" The Mandrill shot in an instant, slapped fiercely on Jiehun's surface.

"Bang Dang!" The next moment, Skull Shadow Jade Soul fell to the ground along the way, but then, it was like a masochist, and it soared again with joy.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"


Just in the blink of an eye, the Mandrill had already beaten Skull Shadow Jade Soul more than ten times. After more than ten breaths, the Jade Soul floated from the ground again, flew to a low altitude, and then whispered at the Mandrill. With a cry, that means saying: "It's enough now!"

"Hehehe, if you still want to be beaten in the future, just talk to Mandrill." Mandrill smiled at this moment and touched the Skull Shadow Jade Soul in front of him. This guy has gotten closer to it now.

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