Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11091: Floating phantom (third more)

"Squeak, squeak!" The lead miner jade rat shook a few times and ran to the front, then twisted around and waved its claws at the mandrill, which meant saying: "A lot can be excavated here. The finest jade mine."

"Okay, let's start here." After the mandrill said, he waved to the gray-brown demon hedgehog and ice gluttonous beast: "Everyone, start work."


At this moment, the larger mine spirit jade rat waved its small claws at the mandrill, meaning it was saying, "You come with me."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

As the mandrill asked, he walked to the other side, and the jade mouse twisted and ran, looking like he wanted to take it somewhere. The mandrill nodded and followed closely. After a few breaths, they came. I arrived at a remote area in a dim corner full of rocks.

"Where is this? There seems to be no ore that has to be mined."

Mandrill scratched his head and looked at the jade mouse with some doubts, but the other party waved his claws in front of it, and then pointed to a huge boulder standing on the edge of the rock wall more than ten minutes in front, as if he wanted to express something.

Suspicious in his head, the mandrill stepped up to the towering boulder, looked up and down the stone, and said casually: "Good guy, it seems that it’s almost the same if it’s not a million pounds, hey, little guy, you want me to destroy this thing. , Or move it away?"

"Squeak, squeak!" Upon hearing this, the Mining Jade Rat jumped on the flat rock beside the Mandrill, then picked up two small claws and waved it repeatedly. The Mandrill smiled: "Oh, I see, you want me to break the boulder, right?"

Hearing it understood what it meant, the mouse nodded fiercely.

"Okay, after me, I'm going to do it." With that, Mandrill had already squeezed his fists, and the Mining Jade Rat leaped behind it, blinking his eyes and waiting for the result.

"Roar!" It was too late to say, then soon, the mandrill's heavy fists gathered from the ice mysterious spirit suddenly blasted on the front of the boulder. It fell apart into fragments.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's a kind of mutated ice spirit, it seems very rare."


At this moment, the mine spirit jade rat rushed to the shoulder of the mandrill, whispered in its ear, and the mandrill said: "Understood, you are saying that if you find any benefits in it, it will be used as a reward for leading the way. Let me give you a little bit, no problem, let's go in and take a look now."

After discussing it properly, the Mandrill rushed in with the Mining Jade Rat, thinking in its heart: "Now time is limited, and the demon hedgehogs are still digging for ore. Only the roar can't watch it. I can't delay too much. For a long time, so be as fast as possible."

"Bass bass bass - whistling call -" The thought, the magic elf has begun to pick up the pace, in the privacy of the tunnel feicuan Jiben up.

According to the description of the mine spirit jade mouse, even the jade mouse has never reached the two areas where they are now. This place seems to exist before the formation of the core of the jade vein. The mice occasionally play around here. If you want to drill through the boulder, go to the other side to have a look.

But the hardness of this boulder is far better than that of a jade mine. Even if it is combined with hundreds of mineral spirit jade rats, they couldn’t bite through it. In the end, they had to give up. Now the jade rats and the mineral veins have to be transferred to the ethereal toad cauldron. Take advantage of this opportunity to explore here, there will be no chance in the future.

After listening to the explanation of Mining Jade Rat, the Mandrill said: "Well, I also think there may be something good in this cave. That's also a relief from the doubts in my heart, not a trip in vain."

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing the words of the mandrill, the Mining Jade Mouse also nodded repeatedly, indicating that it was so.

"Huh, what's that in front?"

Suddenly, the mandrill felt that more than ten shadows floating in the air appeared in front of them. These things were lingering cold, weird and strange. When they heard the footsteps of the mandrill, they were all excited and made a whisper. At the same time, he rushed over like lightning.

"Want to find fault? Mandrill is not easy to provoke." Mandrill suddenly sank his face and wanted to do it, but at this moment, it suddenly felt something sway on its body, and then it sprang out, uncontrollably a little. Surprised: "It's you? Why did you come out suddenly?"

It turned out that it was a group of shining strange lights that flew into the air. The Mandrill could see clearly that it was the Skull Shadow Jade Soul assigned to him for refining, but he suddenly appeared here for some reason.

"Before I saw that the fat man of the armored king refining the Jade Soul clone, I was quite greedy, but my own Jade Shadow Jade Soul is not very obedient. It just has been absorbing my Ice Profound aura, not usually. Communicating with me, but why does it pop up at this moment? It’s weird."

The mandrill's brain couldn't keep up, it scratched its head, and was about to summon Skull Shadow Jade Soul back, but the other party was entangled with those weird and strange floating shadows!


When it was too late, it was fast, Skull Shadow Jade Soul suddenly whizzed in the air, and directly slammed into those floating phantoms. The other party was originally looking for trouble with Mandrill, but was disturbed by Jade Soul. Of course, he was extremely annoyed. , They surrounded them without hesitation, and wanted to teach Skull Shadow Jade Soul a profound lesson.

It's a pity that these guys despise Bihun's abilities too much, and they suffer a big loss as soon as they come up!


Between the lightning and the fire, Bihun suddenly hit a guy who rushed forward, and the opponent immediately flew backwards, but Skull Shadow Bihun's movements turned out to be faster, and he caught up with Levitating Void with lightning speed. Ying suddenly turned into a huge green skull and swallowed the opponent in one bite.

"Buzzing!" In the next instant, the swallowed phantom vibrated strongly inside the skull. The guy seemed to want to explode, but was first absorbed and merged by the skull shadow Jade Soul.

"That's it, Bihun seems to like these phantoms... well, let's watch the changes temporarily and see how it reacts."

Mandrill became interested in that guy at this time, so he stood beside him with his shoulders in such interest, observing how Bihun captured those things.

"Squeak!" In an instant, stimulated by the arrogant appearance of the fierce skull capturing the same kind, the remaining floating shadows looked very angry, and they burst out screams in an instant.

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