Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1487: meet again!

On the border, Wuyangyang's army is stationed here. Even if a huge military camp is far away, you can see its outline, like a recumbent beast.

Once the beast moves, it must be extremely powerful and difficult to resist.

Yu Mo came here alone, and there was still some distance before he was discovered by the sentinel and intercepted.

"Who, so bold, dares to come here!"

A sound of slamming thunder broke the silence outside the barracks.

Yu Mo looked at the group of sentries, calmly and calmly, and said, "I want to see Emperor Xuan."

"Presumptuous, how can Emperor Xuan be seen by you?" The sentinel scolded.

"Hey, you are not a demon, but a human!"

Suddenly, a sentry shouted.

"He turned out to be really human."

The other sentinels also noticed this problem, and looked at Yu Mo condescendingly as if they were looking at it.

If it is a Demon God or Demon Venerable, they should be afraid of three points, but the other party is a human being, which is not a cause for concern.

All beings in the demon world are inherently proud of human beings, and they don't take them seriously at all.

"When did a human come to the devil world?"

They murmured in their hearts, and a sentinel patted his head and suddenly realized: "I know, I heard that the saint was reincarnated as a human, and this time she returned with other humans, it must be him."

"The saintly woman."

The sentinel's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered a new continent. Humans who had never been in his eyes at all, immediately became of great value.

Because he is a saint.

"You are a saint, what do you want to do?" the sentinel asked cautiously.

Yu Mo said disdainfully: "You are not qualified to ask, just report it and tell Emperor Xuan that Yu Mo is visiting."

"Yu Mo!"

The sentinel remembered the name, and seeing Yu Mo's fearless appearance, the sentinel dared not speak out.

"Watch him, I'll report." A sentry turned around and left.

Yu Mo took his time to relax and looked around in a familiar way, without any sign of fear at all.

This made several sentinels face each other, this human being is so bold, do you think that with the protection of the saint, you can sit back and relax?

They wanted to take Yu Mo immediately, but Yu Mo was so calm, they didn't dare to attack.

"Wait for Emperor Xuan's order, once we have Emperor Xuan's order, we can justly take him down." Sentinels thought.

Suddenly, a mighty team rushed out of the military camp and went straight to Yu Mo.

The sentinel turned pale in shock, and did not expect to be so mobilized.

Yu Mo looked at them calmly, his expression unchanged.

"Where is Yu Mo?"

A tall Demon Venerable came aggressively, and there seemed to be a burst of cold light in his eyes, giving people a great sense of oppression.

"Cangyu Demon Venerable!"

The sentry exclaimed, as if he did not expect Cangyu Demon Venerable to come out in person.

Hearing this name, Yu Mo froze in his heart, looked at Demon Venerable Cangyu with interest, and said, "It turns out to be the son of Emperor Xuan."

Cang Yu Demon Venerable is the son of Emperor Xuan, Emperor Xuan only has this only son, and the future position of Emperor Xuan is his.

Cang Yu heard about what happened to his father in Xuanwu City, and he was angry and angry. His father was the dignified Emperor Xuan, and he returned after a great defeat. This is a great shame.

As the son of Emperor Xuan, he also had no light on his face.

Just now, when Emperor Xuan heard about Yu Mo's visit, he sent him directly to greet him. Cang Yu had already learned from the Emperor Poison that Yu Mo and the Holy Maiden had a close relationship, so he naturally wanted to see the true face of Mount Lu.

"Presumptuous, you dare to come here, this is Emperor Xuan's military camp, aren't you afraid of death?" Cang Yu grabbed the lead and decided to give Yu Mo a showdown.

Yu Mo was indifferent, pointed to the ground under his feet, and said, "That's too bad! This is the land of the Southern Emperor, and now it is under the rule of the Holy Maiden, why can't I come here? It's you, who come uninvited, swords and soldiers face each other, you guys It's presumptuous!"

Cang Yu was taken aback by this confrontation. He didn't expect that a mere human would dare to argue with him, and he dared to say that he was presumptuous.

Cang Yu was furious and roared: "Take him!"

Yu Mo sneered and said, "Is this an order from Emperor Xuan? Are you sure you can represent Emperor Xuan? If you can't step down after a while, don't blame me for not reminding you."

The sentinel wanted to start, but after hearing this, he looked at each other, stopped subconsciously, and looked at Cang Yu as if asking.

Cang Yu suddenly remembered his father's original words, but told him to bring Yu Mo to see him, but did not let him do it.

Yu Mo is so calm and relaxed, is there really something he can't rely on?

Moreover, when his father heard the name Yu Mo, his expression was very strange, which made Cang Yu puzzled.

Cang Yu was in a dilemma, and finally decided to take a look first, and scolded sternly: "I don't need you to dictate things when I do things, and I will see my father later, then I will feel good about you, and then see how I play to kill you. ."

As soon as these words came out, the sentries heard it, and Cang Yu seemed to really dare not do anything to Yu Mo.

They were horrified and feared for a while. Fortunately, they didn't act rashly. After all, even Cang Yu didn't dare to act, let alone them. They must have eaten and walked away.

Immediately, the eyes they looked at Yu Mo changed subtly, and they didn't dare to underestimate it.

Yu Mo swaggered and walked straight into the central tent of the military camp under the gaze of the demon gods and demon lords.

A team of elite soldiers stood at the entrance of the central army tent and looked at them all, with a pressing sense of oppression in their eyes.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have fallen to his knees long ago.

Yu Mo is well-informed and can talk and laugh freely in front of the Devil Emperor. How could he be frightened by them, instead he looked at their eyes and observed each other curiously.

Knowing yourself and the enemy, you will be safe in a hundred battles. Wouldn't it be a waste of time to take advantage of this opportunity to get a good feel for Emperor Xuan's bottom line.

Seeing that Yu Mo was not afraid of themselves at all, they were shocked, and they put away their underestimation. If they can react like this under the momentum they set off, they are not ordinary people.

The demon world respects the strong, and there is no doubt that Yu Mo's performance has impressed them with admiration.

Cang Yu frowned, murmured in his heart, wondering what purpose he came here for, and his father seemed to attach great importance to him.

Is it because of his relationship with the saint?


As soon as Yu Mo stepped into the central army tent, the door behind him slammed shut, and the loud voice made one's heart tremble.

Yu Mo's face was the same as usual, he looked up and saw Emperor Xuan who was sitting like a dragon and a tiger.

Emperor Xuan had a gloomy face and kept observing Yu Mo.

Yu Mo smiled and said, "Emperor Xuan, we meet again."

Hearing this, Emperor Xuan's heart suddenly burst. Yu Mo said that he had met him again, which means that he had seen it before, but he had never seen Yu Mo's face.

What does this mean?

That is what he had been guessing all along was right.

Nandi is this person pretending to be.

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