Immortal Stars

Chapter 461: mining

Bronze rank blood, can reach Void rank in adulthood.

Silver-level blood, can reach black hole level after adulthood.

Gold-level blood, can reach the white hole level in adulthood.

Amethyst-level blood, can reach the mixed universe after adulthood.

It seems that the level of each bloodline differs only by one realm, but this realm fully illustrates the strength of a group!

Imagine a cosmic clan whose bloodline is at the gold level. Each clan can reach the white hole level when they become adults. If there are five thousand clansmen, that is a full five thousand white hole level terrifying forces!

Of course, gold-level bloodlines are extremely rare in the universe, and Amethyst-level bloodlines are even rarer.

The Demon Blood Wolf Clan is the descendant of the Remnant Demon. The Remnant Demon devoured several star regions and grew to the mixed universe. The bloodline has also reached the gold level, but the only thing that can be passed on to future generations is the silver bloodline.

Mie Cang reached the black hole level when he was an adult, which is several times stronger than the average black hole level martial artist. He could kill a black hole level star behemoth alone. After Wang Xu swallowed it, he also let Wang Xu from the black hole. The blood of the iron level has crossed to the silver level all at once.

If Wang Xu's bloodline level wants to be promoted, he needs to devour the gold-level star behemoth.

But the entire Meteor Dragon Starfield has never heard of a life with a gold-level bloodline. Wang Xu wants to meet and swallow it, which is as difficult as going to the sky.


The Bailan traveled in the universe for three full months, and Wang Xu also sat cross-legged in the realm training room for three months.

During this time, Wang Xu fully felt the power of the silver-level bloodline. The speed of absorbing energy in his body was much faster than the absorption of cosmic crystals at the beginning. In just two months, Wang Xu was from the initial position in one fell swoop. Void level, promoted to the upper Void level.

Wang Xu's strength skyrocketed again.

Not only has the realm improved, Wang Xu's secret technique has also made great progress. Wang Xu has never been able to break through the fifth layer of "Wuxiang Juli". Energy allows Wang Xu to make progress day and night, but after leaving the Qingyang Palace, "Wuxiang Juli" has almost no progress.

Now that he has the powerful absorptive ability of the silver-level bloodline, Wang Xu immediately began to practice "Wuxiang Juli". I have to say that the strong bloodline is really unusual. It only took two months for Wang Xu to break through to "Wuxiang Juli". The fifth floor of "Juli" will bring "Wuxiang Juli" to perfection.

Walking out of the realm training room, Wang Xu came to the central control room.

"Tianling, where are we now?" Wang Xu asked.

"Master, we have reached the 'Purple Vein Star Territory' and are now in the 'Tomb Recording Galaxy' in the Purple Vein Star Territory." Tian Ling said.

After three months of space-time jumping, Wang Xu has passed through the Meteor Dragon Star Field and came to the large star field "Purple Vein".

Like the Meteor Dragon Star Region, the Purple Vein Star Region was an ordinary small star region millions of years ago, but because of the discovery of several veins of ancient stars in the Purple Vein Star Region, it attracted a large number of cosmic groups. and space warriors.

The ore veins of an ancient Xingchen mine are invaluable. Several ore veins have been discovered one after another, allowing countless cosmic warriors to see the opportunity, not hesitate to cross the distance of hundreds of millions of miles, just to make a windfall.

With more people, the Star Territory is naturally more and more prosperous. The Purple Vein Star Territory took this opportunity to rediscover the veins of several ancient star mines, so that the status of the Purple Vein Star Territory has skyrocketed, and it has attracted many more people. Cosmic warriors, even the cosmic kingdom has paid attention to it.

In a short period of millions of years, the status of the Purple Veined Star Region has crossed from an ordinary small star region to a large star region, and the prosperity is the same for a while.

The reason why Wang Xu came here is to use the "time and space transition platform" here.

At the time of Meteor Dragon Star, Wang Xu once inquired about Meteor Dragon Star's space-time transition platform, and planned to use it to cross the star field and reach Tongtian Pavilion, but the star field that Meteor Dragon Star could reach was far from where Wang Xu was going. Far.

Therefore, Wang Xu drove the Bailan all the way towards the Purple Vein Star Territory, and stopped in several Star Territories on the way. Similarly, they did not have the Star Territory coordinates that Wang Xu needed.

"I hope that the Purple Vein Star Territory will allow me to jump to the 'Nether Thunder Star Territory'." Wang Xu thought to himself.

On the star map of Tongtian Pavilion, hundreds of small star fields and dozens of large star fields are marked. There are only four cosmic countries that need to be crossed. Through the study of the star map these days, Wang Xu has a reference to understand. The distribution of Tailong cosmos country was locked, and the Purple Vein Star Region was locked.

The Purple Vein Star Region is the closest star region to him, and it is also the greatest possibility to reach the Minglei Star Region.

The Minglei Star Territory is located on the edge of the Tailong Cosmos Kingdom. As long as he reaches the Minglei Star Territory, he can cross the Tailong Cosmos Kingdom and reach the nearby Secret Feather Cosmos Kingdom.

Starting from the Secret Feather Universe Country, through the Crazy Fighting Universe Country, and then to the Zongren Universe Country, we arrived at Wang Xu's destination - the Wildfire Universe Country!

Wildfire Universe Country is the origin of Tongtian Pavilion. At first, Tongtian Pavilion was built on Wildfire Universe Country in the name of Qibao Pavilion. Cabinet in charge.

The journey is far and there are many difficulties, but Wang Xu has no turning back, just to get the protection of Tongtian Pavilion.


three hours later.

"Master, the Tomb Recording Star is right in front of you." Wang Xu, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing, opened his eyes and saw a huge and prosperous star in the distance, almost the same as the Meteor Dragon Star.

"As expected of a large-scale star field, any galaxy capital of the galaxy can be compared to the star field capital of a small star field." Wang Xu sighed, the Tomb Recording Star in front of him is just a galaxy capital of a galaxy, the Purple Vein Starfield. The tip of the iceberg, but it can be compared with the star field, which shows the prosperity of the purple vein star field.

Bai Lan entered the queue of space battleships, waiting to enter the Tomb Star.

Soon, when it was Wang Xu's turn, a red light barrier swept across the Bailan.

Two Void-level soldiers in green combat uniforms took off.

"Identity card." The soldier said.

Wang Xu handed the ID card up, and after the soldier swept the instrument, he frowned: "From the Meteorite Dragon Star Region?"

"That's right." Wang Xu's identity card was made temporarily when he entered the Meteor Dragon Star, and naturally belonged to the Meteor Dragon Star Domain.

"You can't enter the Tomb Star." The soldier returned the ID card to Wang Xu and said.

Wang Xu frowned: "Why?"

"The domain master has issued a new decree. All outsiders, who want to enter any star city in the Purple Vein Star Region, need to go to the Xingchen vein to mine for a year and hand in ten 'flame cold stones' before they can enter the star city. Qualifications." The soldier said solemnly, "If you don't enter Xingdu, you don't need to hand in the Flame Cold Stone."

"Mining for a year?" Wang Xu couldn't help but feel angry when he heard this.

Because the Purple Vein Star Region is a large Star Region, it is so arrogant that people from outside the Star Region still need to mine for a year and hand in ten Flame Cold Stones, which is really unreasonable!

"Huh?" At this time, Wang Xu saw that there was also an outsider's space battleship in the team on the other side. The space soldier in charge of the inspection glanced at his ID card and let him go.

"They are also outsiders, why can they enter without mining?" Wang Xu asked angrily.

The soldier glanced at it and said, "This outsider has already handed in ten cold flame stones, and he has the qualifications to enter any star capital in the Purple Vein Star Region, but you don't."

"So, please leave Tomb Recording Star." The soldier said coldly.

Wang Xu frowned, with anger in his heart, but in order not to cause trouble, he could only bear it for the time being, and Bai Lan returned to the universe.

Back in the Bailan, Wang Xu was agitated. His final destination was not the Tomb Star. He only stayed for a while after a long cosmic journey, but he was told that all the stars in the Purple Vein Star Region needed ten stars. Yan Lengshi can only be released as a ticket.

In this case, wouldn't he waste a year on mining?

"Tianling, how many planets are there closest to here with star ore veins?" Wang Xu asked, the ten cold flame stones are not particularly rare star ore, but for the current Wang Xu, they are rare. Incomparable.

Wang Xu wants to buy ten cold flame stones directly, and he has 1.7 million cosmic crystals in his hand. This cost is completely out of the question.

But apart from Xingdu, the general Xingchen does not have a branch of Tongtian Pavilion, not even a chamber of commerce that sells ores.

"Master, there are three." Tianling replied.

"Go to the nearest one."

Afterwards, the Bailan made another time-space jump and went straight to a star with strange rocks.

The long cosmic fleet,, is more than the fleet that entered the Tomb Star.

Wang Xu shook his head. If he wanted to enter the star, he had to turn in Yan Lengshi, so naturally he could only choose to compromise.

"You are No. 152648685. This is your hoe. You can freely choose the location to dig, but remember, no matter what you dig, you must turn it in. Once you find it hidden, kill it immediately." The person in charge is a man with rock skin The stone man, his voice rumbled, "Your mining time is one year, and the things you dug in this year will be drawn to you according to 5% when you leave. Of course, if you want to leave early, just go to Just hand in three 'Magic Stones'."

"You go, next one."

Wang Xu walked out of the crowd with a mechanical **** and shook his head. This is simply exploitation. For one year of mining, only 5% of the proceeds are allowed to take away, and the remaining 95% belong to them. This is like free coolies. What's the difference?

People were under the eaves and had to bow their heads. Wang Xu could only accept his fate and soared up, looking for the mineral veins of the Flame Cold Stone on this planet full of star veins.

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