Immortal Creation

Chapter 60 Three Merits Gathered

Han Ming devoured the food, sweeping away her previous refusal attitude.

After eating, she was still not satisfied: "Anything else?"

Ning Zhuo: "Sorry, I'll bring you more next time."

Han Ming nodded: "It's better to give me some spiritual food. Although these mundane dishes are delicious, they are not very helpful for cultivators like you and me."

Ning Zhuo hummed: "I'll consider it."

Han Ming added: "And my soul. I must tell you that I can't hold on for many times if you do this."

"If you continue to smoke without restraint, my soul will be exhausted."

By then, Han Ming's soul will be scattered, and it will be impossible for him to even become a ghost cultivator.

It was precisely because of this realization that Han Ming chose to give in temporarily and compromise.

Ning Zhuo nodded: "What good suggestions do you have?"

Han Ming said: "Give me people! I can nourish myself by absorbing souls. With the foundation of souls, I can continuously provide you with soul essence."

Ning Zhuo smiled: "In fact, I have already prepared it for you."


Ning Zhuo stood up and left the cell temporarily. When he came back, he had three or five monkeys in his hands.

Han Ming's face darkened: "I said, I want people. I can absorb 30% of these monkeys at most."

Ning Zhuo laughed: "I can accept 30% efficiency."

"I am not a demon cultivator, I will not harm people. These beasts and goblins don't matter."

"There are many monkeys on Huoshi Mountain. Killing some of them can also provide some help to Huoshi Mountain City."

Han Ming finally couldn't help it and sneered: "Aren't you a demon cultivator?"

"You just don't know my background and are worried that I will absorb human souls and secretly accumulate strength."

"At the same time, killing people and killing monkeys makes completely different noises. You are worried that this will accelerate your exposure!"

Ning Zhuo smiled: "Thank you for reminding me, Han Ming."

"To be on the safe side, I will insert these mechanical needles next and monitor you strictly."

Seeing Ning Zhuo take out the mechanical needles again, Han Ming's pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip, and she was immediately angry and furious.

But this time, she only stared at Ning Zhuo and never cursed.

Lava Fairy Palace

Meng Chong couldn't remember how many times he had challenged.

To be precise, the number of failures was meaningless to him.

He just wanted to rush forward!

Among the rewards for passing the level, he chose the upper ring.

Open the door slightly to create a gap.

Meng Chong carefully extended the upper ring into room No. 2.

Ding Ding Ding...

He was generous and shot out all the colored diamonds.

Talent - running and thundering!

Spell - a breath of air!

Mechanism parts - upper ring!

The three forces worked together, Meng Chong pushed the door open violently, and the whole person rushed out like a cannonball.

His speed broke through the limit, and although the mechanism behind the door was triggered, it didn't have time to stop him. The metal black net cover was empty, and the heavy hammer platform just hit the floor tiles.

"Hahaha!" Meng Chong laughed, the whole person was wrapped in blue electric light, and rushed to the finish line at a high speed.

The floor tiles retreated quickly, but the speed was not as fast as Meng Chong.

But the next moment, Meng Chong fell apart!

Just before his vision went completely black, he saw clearly. It turned out that there were transparent silk threads between the walls, which were extremely sharp.

The faster Meng Chong rushed to the front of these silk threads, the faster he would be cut.

Countless puppet fragments were scattered all over the ground, and the fierce blue electric light stayed in the air for a while, and finally dissipated into the air unwillingly.

After his body came back to life, Meng Chong pouted and sulked for a long time.

Fei Si came to ask, and after learning the details, he sighed sincerely: "I didn't expect that the difficulty of this mechanism inheritance is so high!"

"Maybe we should start from this aspect and crack the mechanism trap first before we can move forward."

"What? Let me learn the mechanism technique?! I can't even make pills or tools." Meng Chong held his head and felt very troubled.

"I don't believe it!"

"I just can't handle that speed."

"As long as I can see clearly, I can pass through the wire mesh and reach the end!"

"It's decided. Next, I will have special training. Let's do it for three days and three nights without sleep!" Meng Chong announced loudly.

Fei Si immediately showed difficulty and quickly advised: "Master Meng Chong, this won't work."

"Recently, you always use your talent to rush and thunder too many times. You should look in the mirror."

Meng Chong looked in the mirror and found that he had deep dark bags under his eyes, a haggard face, and his cheekbones were a little prominent.

"I can still rush!" Meng Chong raised his head without any scruples.

Fei Si urged: "Master Mengchong, take it easy. Although the City Lord's Mansion provides you with unlimited resources of all kinds, it takes time to replenish your three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit."

"Now, your consumption rate is much higher than your recovery rate. This trend is not good."

Mengchong blinked: "Then what can I do to quickly replenish my spirit, energy and spirit?"

Fei Si said: "It's the exercises."

"Master, you have practiced the Five Elements Qi Law, this method can help you quickly replenish your energy. But it only has three levels, and the effect is not good enough."

"As for the spirit and spirit, there is no exercise to rely on, you can only rely on your body to digest naturally."

Meng Chong shook his head when he heard this: "Natural digestion is too slow! I'll go talk to my grandfather. He knows a lot of exercises. I can practice a few exercises to help me replenish my essence and spirit quickly, right?"

"Hahaha, I'm a genius! I have Kuang Ben Tu Lei, and my practice speed is extremely fast. At most six days, I can practice two exercises."

Fei Si smiled bitterly: "If it were that simple!"

"The city lord has calculated that there are strict entry standards for the Qi Refining Trial. If you practice other exercises, you will have other magic powers and will not be recognized. You must completely disperse your power before you can enter the palace."

Meng Chong: "Ah?"

Fei Si: "However, the city lord also calculated that there are very likely two other exercises in the Lava Fairy Palace, which are matched with the Five Elements Qi Law, allowing people to practice three Dantian at the same time."

Meng Chong sighed: "It's useless for you to say these, I can't even get through Room 2."

Fei Si: ...

Lava Fairy Palace

Under the indignant gaze of the Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit, Ning Zhuo opened the door to Room 9.

Entered the preparation room and pushed the door open.

Ning Zhuo, the puppet, entered a transit hall.

When he walked to the middle of the hall, he heard the sound of a mechanism, and the stone wall dropped, revealing three doors.

On the left door, there was a pale yellow auspicious aura, and the word "Buddha" was written.

On the middle door, there was a shining green light, and there was the word "Tao".

On the right door, there was a strong smell of blood, and there was the word "Demon".

"It's different from before."

"Buddhism, Taoism, Demonism..."

This was a bit beyond Ning Zhuo's expectations, but he quickly thought of the life of the three masters, who had practiced the skills of Taoism, Demonism and Buddhism, and accepted it.

He contacted Taoism, but there was no reaction.

He contacted Buddhism again, and as a result, he got a skill - "Mirror Platform Spiritual Sutra".

Finally, he touched the Demon Sect and got a technique called "Demon Blood-stained Tendon Technique"!

These two techniques, like the Five Elements Qi Law Technique, only have the first three levels. But Ning Zhuo studied it for a while, and his wooden body trembled with excitement.

"These three techniques support each other and can help people practice the three dantians at the same time."

"Buddhism, Taoism, and Demon Three Techniques, three dantians practice together to build the foundation?!"

"This, this foundation-building method is the best in the world."

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