The little guy was having fun, and when he turned around and saw his father, he smiled.

Oh my,

The baby is so cute.

My son is so cute.

Gu Xingchen was still worried that Xiao Nuomi would disturb his sister if he had so much fun.

Hey, that's what I thought.

On this side, sister Xiao Tangguo woke up!

Unlike her brother, the first thing Xiao Tangguo did when she opened her eyes was to cry.


She was crying because she was hungry!

As a result, she just cried twice at the top of her voice, and then she saw her parents appear in her sight.

"Oh, sister is awake too, do you want to drink milk?"

Little Candy is indeed a foodie. She stopped crying immediately after hearing about drinking milk, showing her nature as a foodie.

She twisted her little head to look around, looking very eager.

Gu Xingchen picked up Dabao and gave it to Lin Kewei to feed.

The episode in the bathroom just now was thrown out of their minds in front of the two little angels!

Next, those who should feed the baby should feed the baby, and those who should change the diaper should change the diaper.

After tossing and turning, it was already two o'clock.

Lin Kewei couldn't hold on and fell asleep in a daze.

After Gu Xingchen covered the babies with quilts, he also took the time to go to bed.

Maybe the little guy will wake up in the second half of the night.

The next day.

Gu Xingchen got up in high spirits.

The rice cooker for minced meat porridge was cooked on time, and two poached eggs and two side dishes were fried.

The fried eggs were the local eggs brought by Su Yuhe, and they were fragrant.

Lin Kewei was not picky about food, and she would eat whatever Gu Xingchen cooked.

Gu Xingchen was so happy to think that he had his own house and could move in when the time was right.

After making breakfast, he put it on the table and covered it, and then went downstairs to the supermarket to buy some fresh vegetables.

The vegetables in the supermarket were relatively fresh in the morning, and many elderly grandpas and grandmas would rush to buy them, except for Gu Xingchen.

The supermarket had a discount every morning, and the first 20 customers would get an extra egg.

Go downstairs and take the garbage away.

Go out, the elevator opens.

Gu Xingchen was confused, and what caught his eye was a big refrigerator.

The logistics guy looked very difficult.

Gu Xingchen smiled, "Let me help you."

Fortunately, the elevator was big enough, so the two of them could easily lift the refrigerator out.

The person who bought the refrigerator was an old man on the same floor as them.

"Thank you handsome guy, you are such a kind-hearted person."

"It's okay, it's hard for you to carry such a big refrigerator, it's just a small effort for me."

Then Gu Xingchen went to the supermarket to buy vegetables and came back. After tidying up the living room, he saw that it was almost time, so he called Lin Kewei to get up.

The bathroom in the master bedroom is very convenient for adults to wash and wash the babies.

The weather is hot now, although the babies don't sweat often, but clothes need to be changed every day.

Gu Xingchen took out the small clothes that the babies were going to change.

Looking at the small clothes of the siblings, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"The little tops of the little babies are only a little bigger than my palm... The little pants are also small, so cute!"

Children's things are so healing and energetic, and people can't help but love them.

Lin Kewei had to change the babies' clothes herself before she was willing to go to breakfast.

"Oh, babies, what's wrong with you?!"

Lin Kewei's anxious exclamation startled Gu Xingchen, who hurried over, "What's wrong, is there something wrong with the babies?"



Gu Xingchen walked over nervously and saw that the buttocks of the siblings were red.

The new parents were distressed. Gu Xingchen looked at the babies' diapers, "The fabric material is fine, and I sprinkled talcum powder on the babies, why is it still like this?"

Lin Kewei was about to cry.

No wonder she just saw the babies whimpering in the crib, looking very uncomfortable.

"Gu Xingchen, what should I do? The babies are feeling so uncomfortable now."

Gu Xingchen tried to calm down and then comforted her, "Don't worry, I'll call Dr. Pei and ask her what she said."

At this moment, Dr. Pei had just returned to the doctor's office, "This is red PP, you can use calamine lotion, or buy steroid cream topical ointment to use on the babies."

"It's hot, this situation is very common, the babies' skin is delicate, and it's easy to irritate the baby's skin."

"It's necessary to dissipate heat in time for the baby, keep their local skin clean and dry, and when they poop and pee,

Wash it in time and change the diaper frequently."

"Keep the skin dry and clean, and the red PP will soon return to its original state."

Hearing that it was a common skin problem, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Xingchen asked, "Doctor Pei, which brand of calamine lotion is better? Do I need to buy it at the hospital?"

"The effect is almost the same, any brand is fine, you don't need to buy it at the hospital, you can buy it at the pharmacy on the roadside."

After hanging up the phone, he went to the nearby street pharmacy to buy medicine as soon as possible, "Kewei, I'll be out for a while, and I'll be back in about ten or twenty minutes. ”

In addition to calamine lotion, Gu Xingchen also bought steroid cream topical ointment.

After buying the medicine, the two hurriedly cleaned the little angels' butts and then applied the medicine.

The expressions of the two little guys were so aggrieved.

It seemed that if I looked at them for a second longer, my heart would be so painful that I couldn't help but melt!

Fortunately, after the careful care of the two, the babies' red butts finally disappeared after two days!

The babies' delicate butts recovered, and they became happy little babies again!

That day, Gu Xingchen finally received a call from Su Yuhe.

The auspicious day for moving has been chosen, just three days later.

In the blink of an eye, the time for moving has arrived, and Gu Xingchen asked Rocket Head for help.

Rocket Head answered the phone and said it was no problem.

"Brother Chen, I'm in the dormitory. Hu Zi and Tie Zhu said they also want to go over to help."

"Okay, you guys come to Mingyue Community later and move at noon. "

Hang up the phone.

In the dormitory, Hu Zi and Tie Zhu asked curiously, "Brother Chen has just rented a house for less than a month, why is he suddenly moving to Yucheng Garden?"

"I heard that it is a high-end community and the rent is expensive every month."

Rocket Head smiled faintly, "Who said Brother Chen has to pay rent?"



"Because Brother Chen bought a house there, and it was paid in full, almost 2.4 million, a one-time payment!"


Rocket Head's words are shocking!

They just found out about Gu Xingchen's house purchase, and they all showed shock!

The house bought in full, nearly 2.4 million!

It's a lie!

Where did Brother Chen get the money??

Rocket Head laughed unfathomably, "Although Brother Chen's money is not enough, School Flower Lin has money."

"Ah? You mean, School Flower Lin paid for Brother Chen to buy it? "

The two swallowed their saliva, and tears of envy flowed from the corners of their eyes!

Fuck, so envious!

They also want to buy a house and hug the school beauty!

It's a pity that they don't have Gu Xingchen's fate, they don't have his handsomeness and temperament, and they don't have that luck.

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