I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2256: What a little cute!

Jiang Siming couldn't think of a more suitable entry point than [Innate Skills].

As the inheritance of Taoism, this technique is the most suitable choice.

People who are talented and clumsy have cultivated for a long time, and they can also keep fit and invade all diseases.

Moreover, people who practice [Innate Skills] generally practice the Daoist's abundance and righteousness. People who love to practice will basically be affected by this, with a broad mind and good moral character.

Gongfa will affect a person's xinxing. As a Taoist inheritance of innate skills, it is important to have a clear conscience and no narrow-mindedness.

People who study it in this way will naturally be affected by this after a long time, and they will be positive and upright.

If Jiang Siming taught them the [Nine Sun Magic Art], it is estimated that they will have to become militants and fight every day.

Because Nine-Yang Divine Art itself is the most rigorous and yang method, the person who learns will not have a good temper, especially warlike.

You Xiang Zhang Wuji, a foolish fellow, before you learned it, you were a coward, and no one dared to provoke him.

After learning how to make trouble everywhere, fight with others, and then look at the fireworker Tuo, before learning Jiuyang Divine Art, he was a clerk, and learned how to dare to fight with Zhang Sanfeng, you say no.

Congenital skills are different. They are not good at fighting. The main focus is on strengthening the body and nurturing the character.

People who study it prefer harmony and have the style of everyone.

After finalizing this decision, Jiang Siming suddenly felt that this piece was really great!

It didn't even hurt at all to use an all-purpose shard to put it together.

After he had the meeting, he found time to teach this exercise to the Guoshu University, and then they passed it on to all the teachers in Huaxia who taught the Guoshu class.

Anyway, this innate skill is very simple, it is easy to learn, and can be easily popularized throughout the country.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming happily collected the fragments, and in the future national martial arts classes, while learning martial arts, while practicing innate skills.

It is conceivable that in the next ten years, the new generation of post-zeros and zeros will have N levels of physical fitness better than those of the older generation.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Siming is already looking forward to the popularization of innate skills.

Bang bang bang!

The gunshot interrupted Jiang Siming's beautiful vision.

The sound of a flat tire from behind made Jiang Siming's expression instantly solidified.

Damn, it forced him to hit his tires.

His beloved vehicle was brutally murdered and turned into a waste car.

"You are really a little (D) can (S) love (B)!"

Jiang Siming was so angry that he leaned out from behind the airdrop box, and instantly took away the idiot who was still on the hillside for Jiang Siming who was afraid of the gun.

"Guilty!" Jiang Siming said, then took the MK14 from the airdrop and replaced the rifle.

At this time, Jiang Siming was equivalent to a dual-wield sniper rifle, one bolt and one continuous sniper.

The MK14 can be fully automatic, as long as it is stable and can damage and crush any rifle, including Groza.

Of course, the premise is to press firmly, otherwise the recoil of this gun can help you hit the sun.

Sniper player Jiang Siming just embarked on an improper road.

The car is gone, but fortunately, the car is no longer needed. Behind his **** is the safety zone.

Jiang Siming glanced at the seaside, and indeed no one crossed the sea anymore. Then he raised his foot and turned around and walked into the safe area.

Just ascending the slope, a grenade was thrown from the back slope.


Jiang Siming immediately flashed him, but he was still half-blooded.

Someone is playing a game of mantis catching cicadas?

From the direction where the grenade was just thrown, Jiang Siming immediately looked at the opponent from the hillside, and he was there.

Moreover, the opponent moved to the bottom of the slope, wanting to make Jiang Siming nowhere to be found.

But he was still caught by Jiang Siming.

"Playing grenade? My favorite!"

Jiang Siming opened the backpack, and the number of grenades on it was clearly marked with the number [11].

He has very few bullets in his backpack, and a lot of throws, just for playing.

It happened that someone wanted to play thunder with him, and Jiang Siming was very happy.


Several parabolas light up, and four or five grenades are thrown downhill.

When the opponent saw this grenade gift bag, his face was so scared that he yelled Asi, and began to jump up and down to avoid these grenades.

boom! boom! boom...

There was thunder rumbling underneath.

People who didn't know thought this was a bombing zone.

No matter how he dodges or circulates behind the bunker, he still can't escape this AOE range damage.

Before the thunder was over, the others were torn apart by the explosion, which was terrible.

Jiang Siming put away the grenade that hadn't been thrown out, and said angrily: "Just stick to this for a while, I want to throw it all out, disappointing."

After speaking, Jiang Siming stepped on his corpse without turning his head back.

At this moment, it has come to the fifth wave of poisonous circles. There were only 21 survivors of the original 45 survivors.

The security zone is brushed at the airport, and the airport is generally on the hillside behind the airport.

Jiang Siming killed all the way to Gaopo, killing several Voldemort and Phantom tanks in the middle.

The number of kills in his hand still came to 16.

This number of kills is already the first, not only in this round, but in the other 29 rounds, Jiang Siming has the largest number of kills.

The other highest kills are currently only 9.

But for Jiang Siming himself, Jiang Siming is not satisfied.

If you can kill one more in the game, there will be a little more chance of exploding fragments. It is not forgiving that Jiang Siming is not greedy.

Stuck on the right hillside, Jiang Siming and the opposite hillside are neighbors with the airport C building, although it is not known whether anyone is there yet.

But this position is already a dangerous point.

Jiang Siming glanced at the airport, his eyes were so fierce that he couldn't escape any wind and grass.

When subconsciously glanced at the Youtiao Tower, a figure was lying on the Youtiao, with a gun facing him!

Without needing to perceive danger, Jiang Siming himself has already begun to dodge in advance!


The dull gunfire.

Jiang Siming recognized it immediately, this was the voice of AWM.

Good guy, there is a boss hidden on the fritters.

And this person, when Jiang Siming was just ascending the bridge, there were four or five kill reminders, all of which were killed by a player with a French ID using AWM.

If you guessed correctly, it is him, still wearing auspicious clothes.

This shot of AWM hid, Jiang Siming did not flinch. On the contrary, at this time, the other party fired a shot to change the ammo, which is simply an excellent opportunity to beat the dog!

98K lifted up and hit the opponent's forehead with a shot.

But because the opponent was also a third-level helmet, this shot was not fatal.

When Jiang Siming cut into MK14 and prepared to fill the gun, this person had already crawled behind the side pillar, completely covering his figure.

Jiang Siming also disappeared deliberately. He counted the time it took to get the first aid kit and painkillers. After waiting ten seconds, he leaned back, only to find that the other party had disappeared.

On the elevated fritters, it seemed that the other side could not be seen at all.

Is it still stuck behind the stone pillar?

Jiang Siming was a little puzzled, but the next second, the danger perception came on!

Jiang Siming reflexively made a dodge action.

A Magnum bullet grazed his scalp!

Almost lifted his Tian Ling Gai.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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