I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2158: The temptation of 300 energy points! !

Fortunately, these masters did not stay in the match for a long time, and the points were enough, and they ran to the rankings immediately, without making ordinary players too painful.

Soon, Nuwa released a game announcement, which completely ignited the flames of war among bigwigs all over the world.

[The first Holographic Jedi Personal Mode World Tournament will start at the end of this year. The prize money of the tournament will exceed 10 billion soft sister coins, and 300 energy points will be issued as hidden rewards! 】

As soon as this announcement came out, players all over the world boiled over.

Ordinary players are going for bonuses, 10 billion, and 200 million bonuses for playing the Jedi with the front end is already very scary.

This ten billion is simply inhumane!

But there are still some people who care not about the bonus, but the 300 energy points.

When ordinary players don't even know what the energy value is, those who stand at the top already know the value of this thing.

Countries have secretly contacted all players who have obtained energy points in their countries, and have undergone unified testing and testing.

They found that this energy value is incredible.

Not only can it greatly improve the human body, it can also treat all kinds of diseases. There are four cases of patients like Danipova.

These four patients are all different symptoms, because lucky to get energy points, so that they are all cured.

This discovery made these big brothers pay so much attention to energy value.

As long as a drop of energy value can be obtained by ordinary people, it can instantly change the physique of a soldier.

If soldiers get, they can immediately become special elites.

If special elites get them, their strength will be even higher.

This kind of magical energy, no one would not want it, the temptation is too great.

Although it is the age of science and technology, the age of thermal weapons, you have it, and other countries have it.

Just talk about nuclear bombs. There are dozens of countries with nuclear bombs, but who dares to release this stuff?

You let him go and destroy each other?

No one would do such a thing, that's why the nuclear bomb agreement was born, prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons.

Even the United States must honestly hide its nuclear weapons and dare not take them out. If he dares to take the lead, other nuclear-weapon countries will unite.

Let's get rid of you who are leading the trouble, the big deal will be broken.

Therefore, nuclear weapons have been developed for so many years, but no one dared to use them. That is to say, Lao Mi was the first to develop and take advantage of it.

Two atomic bombs were dropped in Japan.

After that, I didn't dare to use it again.

A nuclear leak can wipe out a city. If all nuclear weapons are released, the earth will be gone.

Therefore, the current disputes between various countries have returned to the original ecology and the strength of the arms.

After all, no matter how strong you study the thermal weapon, you dare not use it to hurt others and yourself.

Instead of spending so much to research the thermal weapons that destroy the earth, it is better to return to the arms confrontation and the battle between people.

Now this energy value is the best opportunity. Whoever has the more will have the chance to give birth to super soldiers.

After all, a small amount of energy can have such power. If an elite soldier obtains a lot of energy, it may not be a real US team.

By then, the world will be wonderful, and having a super soldier is equivalent to having a super corps.

If there are more super soldiers, there will be more confidence and wrists.

This three-hundred-point energy value really makes all the big guys excited, they must strive to get their own people!

Because of this, more people send money to Jiang Siming.

Also because of the attention and orders of bigwigs from all over the world, [Holographic Jedi] took off completely!

Relying on these big guys to give money, Jiang Siming's account has almost increased by 10,000 small targets during this period.

Now that the company's liquidity has more than 30,000 small goals, I don't know how to spend it, alas, painful.

Jiang Siming recovered the money and didn't pressure their goods. He generously sent all the orders to them.

To him, he doesn't care about energy value, but he cares about fragments.

Compared with his energy, these three hundred energy values ​​are a planet in the galaxy, so small that it can be completely ignored.

Nu Wa also said that this energy value will not become a super soldier at all in the end. Even if someone gets more energy value, they will eventually be stuck at the limit of human fitness.

This is the difference between practicing external power and internal power.

Energy value, after all, can only help you become stronger, but it cannot give you internal strength. No matter how strong you train, you can only train to the level of Bruce Lee.

So what kind of super soldier, Captain America, can't be solved by energy value.

Of course, Jiang Siming would definitely not say it, because he has money and doesn't make a bastard.

Besides, he is not a lie, it is because they think too well, and they insist on thinking of a village flower as Chang'e. How can there be such a good thing.

The reason why Jiang Siming suddenly became so happy and not stuck with their goods is entirely because the more masters in the game, the higher the fragmentation rate will definitely be!

This is what he wants to see, and it is Jiang Siming's ultimate goal.

It's a pity that Jiang Siming hasn't picked up any good pieces every day in the rankings these days. Could it be that the European gas consumption is too large, and it will take a while to refill it...

If it doesn't work, you can only pin your hopes on the World Championship.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming chose to stop broadcasting for a few days, so as not to run out of European gas before he came back.

If it was what Jiang Siming thought, his European gas would have the same battery power as his mobile phone.

It's a pity that Jiang Siming couldn't figure out the thoughts of the fragments, it was purely his imagination.

Also give those players who are chasing his rankings a little hope.

He now firmly occupies the throne of the first place in the whole server, leaving behind the eight roads of second place.

And the second place is no longer Leizi, but several top players taking turns to seize.

Two of them are students from the Tian Group of Jiang Siming Guoshu University, but they are teachers from Guoshu University. They can only play soy sauce in this game.

It’s not that they don’t want to fight for it, but that they play internal skills, not guns...

You can't let them, these monks, rush in and fight with people with a pan, right?

This game has too much advantage in playing guns, and there is no way, gun battle games.

Instead of staying up all night to broadcast games, Jiang Siming will return to life again, accompany his wife and children at home, go to work without problems, and occasionally spend time with two other computer games in his office.

Because his holographic Jedi now pushes other game makers to release new games.

Several terminal game masterpieces have been launched recently.

Like what "Cyberpunk 2077", "The Brave Dragon", "Destiny 2" and so on.

As for why not holographic? Damn, it's not developed at all!

I can only use the terminal game masterpiece, and I want to retain more and more lost terminal game players as much as possible.

When Jiang Siming didn't play Holographic Jedi in his spare time, he could still go back to the computer and play 3A masterpiece for a change of taste.


[Author's digression]: Second!

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