I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2137: Seven hundred thousand people blacked out!

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, Yang Ma stood up for Jiang Siming's counterattack, disappointing all the keyboard men.

Li Qiang didn't dare to blatant Heijiang Siming again, but he still didn't give up and continued to post many negative comments on the Internet.

It is said that Jiang Siming survived this cyber violence purely by his background and financial resources, and he also made up the truth of the matter, turning black and white.

Seeing that someone likes his comments every day, Li Qiang is still very satisfied, and he decides to Heijiang Siming for the rest of his life.

Isn't it the richest man in the world? Isn’t it powerful? Isn’t it just a few bad money?

Anyway, on the Internet, Lao Tzu is God! Lao Tzu’s phone pinyin typing is invincible!

No matter what the richest man you are, no matter what hero you are, in front of the Lord, you can't miss it!

On this day, when Li Qiang was still dreaming of dreams on the hospital bed, his doctor came to wake him up.

"Mr. Li Qiang, I regret to tell you that starting from today, you will no longer enjoy the treatment of Qing Ai Dan in this hospital. We will recommend other treatment options for you."

The doctor's words, like a bolt from the blue, hit Li Qiang on the head, making him completely sleepy in an instant.

"How is it possible? Why do you change the treatment plan for me! I disagree!" Li Qiangqiang shouted.

The doctor helplessly spread his hands and said: "It is not our decision to change the treatment plan, but the decision of Heng Ai Pharmaceutical Company. They will no longer supply you with Qing Ai Dan, and you will naturally no longer be able to take Qing Ai Dan to treat cancer."

"What? Damn, why don't they say that they don't supply it! They are the king of heaven!" Li Qiang roared.

The doctor faintly replied: "They are a company, not a hospital. They can indeed decide the distribution of medicine at will. It's useless if you are angry."

"I'm not convinced! I want to use a clear cancer pill! I want to use a clear cancer pill!"

"Then you go to discuss with Heng Ai Company, forgive us for nothing we can do."

"Can't you buy it for me secretly? It's not that I don't give money." Li Qiang panicked.

The doctor shook his head regretfully, and said: "Qingai Pill is the most confidential and important cancer medicine. Every bottle and every pill is registered in the register, and the information of every patient taken is prescribed. We The hospital can't find any shortcuts for you either."

"I want to sue them, I want to sue Jiang Siming! He is a stubborn life! He is murdering!" Li Qiang roared incompetently.

"This is your private matter, but it is still recommended that you pay all other treatment costs first, otherwise we can only stop the medicine for you."

"What do you mean by other treatment expenses? Didn't I pay for a year?" Li Qiang asked blankly.

"The treatment cost of Qing'ai Dan is actually cheaper than any other anti-cancer treatment plan. Since Mr. Li can no longer use Qing'ai Dan, he can only choose other treatment plans. Naturally, he has to make up the difference."

As he said, the doctor shook his head, expressing regret: "In fact, Heng Ai Medicine has really done something very conscientious. These medicines are sold abroad at sky-high prices. In China, wage-earners can afford it. It's a pity. You can only choose other treatment options now, and the success rate will be greatly reduced."

The doctor said this with obvious irony.

If someone gives you cheap and easy-to-use medicine to save your life, you must spray others on the Internet and boycott other people's products.

I have never seen such a cheap one.

The nurses behind him also looked at him mockingly. This may be a brain injury.

Li Qiang was completely dumbfounded, and fell into despair...

There are many people similar to Li Qiang.

There is a new game anchor who was originally an ordinary person. Because of his outstanding performance in the holographic Jedi, he quickly became a hot and popular anchor.

In just half a month, his signing contract even jumped, and the platform was willing to pay a lot of money to sign with him, and relied on live broadcast of the holographic Jedi every day to get a lot of gifts.

It stands to reason that the future is boundless, relying on the holographic Jedi, the future will be bright.

However, this anchor is not grateful to Jiang Siming for giving him this opportunity in my heart. Instead, he feels that Jiang Siming made his fortune by traveling the Jedi to become the richest man.

He thinks he can follow his path and become the next Jiang Siming, so he has been secretly jealous of everything Jiang Siming has.

He felt that Jiang Siming had to belong to him in the future.

Under that vote, he also secretly joined in. At first he didn't take it seriously, and he thought it was impossible to be discovered.

However, just today, he wanted to make money live broadcast as usual, but found that his holographic account was directly blocked.

He was dumbfounded at the time and quickly called the platform. When the platform owner knew it, he scolded him and called him a fierce man, and almost rushed to his home to give him a life.

This emerging anchor had just begun to unravel the anchor and set sail, but died midway, and continued to become an ordinary person, because fans did not like to watch other games at all.

Later, even the live broadcast was cancelled by the platform owner and fired.

I heard that this person also ran to the gate of Jiang's group and knelt down to beg for mercy, confession with tears and tears, indicating that he would never do it again in the future.

Unfortunately, the results obtained have not changed.

There are many people who are similar to these two people, more than 700,000 keyboard guys, and Jiang Siming has won them all!

Since you hate me so much, don't buy my stuff.

These keyboard knights were naturally dissatisfied, and one after another spoke on the Internet, saying that Jiang Siming had no right to do this. This is a big bully.

The Jiang Group’s response is very simple. It is their freedom to sell things to them. You all scold our boss one by one and say you want to boycott our products.

Okay, now you don’t need to boycott you. We block you and put you on the blacklist.

If you don't sell it to you, you won't sell it to you. I'll just fool you!

If you don't accept it, sue them.

For this reason, many people took the Jiang Group to court with a single petition.

It's a pity that the results obtained haven't changed a little bit. Instead, a large amount of lawsuit fees have been posted.

But Jiang Siming's counterattack made everyone's scalp numb.

Dare to head head-on with 700,000 people, Jiang Siming is definitely the first person among the merchants of the ages.

No businessman will have trouble with money, and naturally will not have trouble with customers. A few dozen are okay, this is hundreds of thousands.

How much commercial profit can be generated inside, and such a style will completely make Jiang Siming and these 700,000 people stand on the opposite side.

But Jiang Siming doesn't care at all, let alone seven hundred thousand, if there are seven million, seventy million, seven hundred million in the voting column, he still dares to block black and block black!

He just wanted to kill the chickens and wary monkeys and tell the keyboard guys all over the world.

If you are capable, just follow me hard, but if you are not capable, you will have to take full responsibility even when you run wild on the Internet!

This is much better than online justice gloves, a KO! happy!


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