I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1766: Teacher Jiang!


Crisp slap in the face.

Li Yu was slapped and stumbled on the spot, covering his face and dared not make a sound.

He had no idea how his Majesty would beat him.

"Dare to confront my Great Qin State Master! With the intention of killing you! It is not an exaggeration to kill you!"

After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he shouted angrily: "Come on, take Li Yu into the jail! Let's wait!"


A group of fierce guards came over immediately behind Yingzheng, grabbed Li Yu, and twisted it up like a chicken.

Li Yu is completely dumbfounded, national teacher?

After Ying Zheng temporarily dealt with Li Yu, he didn't look at him directly, but immediately changed his face and said to Jiang Siming: "Guo Shi, are you not injured?"

The people present were finally convinced that your Majesty really called this young man a national teacher!

Gao Yao and Xiaoyue looked up in a daze, when Jiang Siming became a national teacher.

Regarding the name Yingzheng, Jiang Siming shook his head unsatisfactorily and said: "I didn't promise the national teacher, you still don't bark."

Everyone was shocked again, and Jiang Siming's attitude to speak to His Majesty was too arrogant and rude!

However, Ying Zheng was not angry at all. Instead, he smiled and said: "I know that talents like you do not want to be restrained by the court, and the national teacher is only a title given to him by me. I will never restrain him. I hope that he will agree."

Ying Zheng is shrewd, he is sure that Jiang Siming is an extraordinary person, even if he is not a fairy, he is a powerful person.

If Jiang Siming wanted to take his head, it would be easy.

Such a person, how can Ying Zheng be so stupid to order or deal with others.

Only solicit and show good, even if there is no chance to solicit, we must never offend.

Jiang Siming saw Yingzheng's thoughts and smiled, "Thank you very much, then."

Ying Zheng was overjoyed, and immediately took Jiang Siming to the palace to have a banquet, saying that he would continue to chat with the Chinese teacher all night.

In this way, Jiang Siming got on Yingzheng's carriage, and went to the palace with Yingzheng as a national teacher.

This incident shocked the entire Xianyang city.

Li Si was so scared that he dared not even eat food, and hurried to the palace to intercede with his nephew.

In the palace, Ying Zheng asked the royal chef to cook a lot of palace dishes and banquet Jiang Siming.

There were only two of them in the entire hall.

"Sir, since you left, I have been looking for you."

Ying Zheng said with emotion.

Hearing this weirdly, Jiang Siming waved his hand casually and said, "It's just a few words of chatting, you have a high level of understanding and understood it."

Yingzheng laughed and asked quietly, "Dare to ask Mr. But who came from Penglai Xiandao?"

Jiang Siming was taken aback, then understood.

Ying Zheng has been working hard to find the elixir of immortality, especially in the middle age, he did not hesitate to expend his national power, but also let Xu Fu go to sea to find immortals for elixir.

"There is no fairy island in Penglai, and mortals can't find it. You still don't waste your national power by doing useless work." Jiang Siming said.

"This... where does the gentleman come from?"

Ying Zheng didn't believe it.

Jiang Siming pointed to the sky and said, "Above the sky, do you think mortals can reach it?"

Ying Zheng immediately understood, believed it to be true, and asked expectantly: "Then dare to ask Mr., is there..."

"You mean immortality, right?"

"Yes, yes." Ying Zheng nodded hurriedly.

Since ancient times, the emperor has never wanted to live forever.

"Don't think about it, no, we immortals also have an end of life, but our life span is much longer than you."

Jiang Siming started to be a sacred stick, anyway, he was not sealed with strength in this copy, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a fairy.

Ying Zheng was disappointed when he heard this.

Jiang Siming looked at him, laughed, and said: "It's not good to live forever, but when your life is almost exhausted, I can extend your life span for a hundred years is not a problem."

"Really? That's great!"

Yingzheng is overjoyed. It's enough to add a hundred years of lifespan and ask for longevity.

Jiang Siming snickered, of course he was lying.

Anyway, the copy is gone after the end, where can I wait for the day when Ying Zheng is dying.

Bad cheques, give them whatever you want, and give Yingzheng a little hope.

"Then I would like to thank Mr., if that day comes, I am willing to share the country with the national teacher!"

"Pull it down, I'm not interested in this." Jiang Siming waved his hand.

Ying Zheng was not annoyed, but happier.

"Then I won't force you to eat vegetables, sir." Ying Zheng was happily like a second fool.

Jiang Siming was so happy, picked up the chopsticks and moved the chopsticks.

But when he ate something from the Qin Dynasty, Jiang Siming had no appetite at all.

"Sir, but the dishes are not as good as you want? I asked the royal chef to redo it."

Jiang Siming's eyes lit up and said, "The **** who came with me is a friend of mine I met. His cooking skills are very good. Why don't your Majesty let him cook for you?"

He knew that Gao Yao was still a young **** at this time, and he was not qualified to cook for the emperor, so he said something to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng really took it seriously, and immediately went to ask Gao to cook.

Gao Yao, who was still waiting tremblingly outside, heard that the emperor wanted him to cook, he fell from the sky and rushed to the imperial dining room.

Before long, several delicious dishes were served.

After Ying Zheng eats, he will be appointed as the master chef on the spot, and will be solely responsible for his diet.

Gao Jiao was almost about to fly, he knew that Jiang Siming must have recommended it, and he kept this favor in his heart.

After that, Ying Zheng and Jiang Siming continued to eat and drink. During the period, many high officials came to ask about the national teacher, but Ying Zheng rejected them and asked them to wait outside.

Jiang Siming did not come out of the imperial palace until he had drunk three rounds.

Not only did Ying Zheng personally send Jiang Siming out of the palace, he also arranged for him a very luxurious mansion in Xianyang, and promised to announce to the world tomorrow that Jiang Siming is the Great Qin State Master.

Of course, Ying Zheng promised that as long as he receives the gift tomorrow, Jiang Siming will go to court whenever he wants to go up, and he will never go up if he doesn't want to go up. He will never be restrained.

Jiang Siming had no reason to refuse this kind of treatment, so he agreed.

He came here to look for fragments. He has no interest in being an emperor. Having a ‘passport’ of a national teacher will be much more convenient in Daqin.

So be it.

The next day, Jiang Siming was above the court and was named a national teacher by Ying Zheng. His status was higher than Li Si.

Although many of the hundred officials disagreed, Yingzheng was able to reject all opinions and even dismissed an opposing official position on the spot.

The people below dare not say anything.

In this way, the news that Jiang Siming became the Great Qin State Master quickly spread throughout Da Qin.

Jiang Siming's National Teacher's Office.

Gao Yao laughed.

"Brother Jiang really owns you. You are now one person and more than ten thousand people. Haha, I'll pour you wine. Our brothers will not be drunk today!"

Jiang Siming is a national teacher, of course Gao Yao is happy, and he is really a friend of Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming helped him many times, and he remembered that.

Although Gao Yao has no culture, he really has nothing to say to friends and relatives.

"Brother, you can't drink too much, you have to go back to the palace soon."

Next to Xiaoyue persuaded, while a pair of beautiful eyes secretly looked at Jiang Siming.

She was also very curious, how did this young man suddenly become a national teacher? What kind of ability did your Majesty have fancy to him?

Gao Yao saw the look in his sister's eyes, and thought that the two of them had a play, and hurriedly went to the bathroom under the pretext of drinking too much, and left Xiaoyue to be alone with Jiang Siming.


Third more~

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