I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1755: Hashimoto Live

There are only a few online games that Jiang Siming can fancy, Tianya Mingyuedao, Niu Shui Han, and Jiu Yin Zhenjing, Jian Ling, Jian Wang 3.

These games are pure Chinese martial arts style online games.

It is a pity that all martial arts online games are inseparable from the Sabi Pit Money Planning Team.

These games are either not developed enough or brought into the abyss by the planning team.

In short, online games are short-lived games.

When I first came out, there were a lot of people playing, but after a while, everyone would get bored.

After all, few people have such good patience to do tasks and activities every day.

But Jiang Siming believes that his own holographic online game is definitely not following this model.

What he wants to do is a phenomenon-level online game that needs the best professional team to make it together.

Jiang Siming intends to dig up several top online game production teams and try his best to build a top online game for himself.

Anyway, the holographic Jedi hasn't come out yet, so holographic online games are not in a hurry.

You can just let it go and do it slowly, and it’s not too late to wait for the holographic Jedi to be fully deployed before you can play online games.

Boss Ma didn't know what Jiang Siming was going to do was a holographic online game. He thought Jiang Siming just wanted to do MMA.

Even so, he is happy to cooperate with Jiang Siming.

At the dinner table, it happened that Mr. Ding of Wangyi Game was also there. Jiang Siming and the two of them were together, and the three conveniences were decided.

Neither Boss Ma nor President Ding would have thought that a cooperation they casually agreed to at the table would make the world's most popular online game in the future.

This unreleased game will be completely popular all over the world in a few years!

When the meal was over, the party broke up, and everyone left.

Jiang Siming also walked into the parking lot, planning to drive home.

As soon as the car drove out of the parking space, a red Ferrari came just around the corner.

Seeing the moment when the two cars were about to knock on, Jiang Siming frowned. Who is that, who doesn't look at the road when driving?

He didn't want his car to be rubbed. Jiang Siming made the Ferrari lose its inertia and stand still.

Then Jiang Siming swaggered on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, and drove away leisurely.

Just after he left, on the Ferrari, a woman slapped the steering wheel angrily.

"Mayfair, what's the matter with you? Why don't you bump into it?"

Someone is questioning in the Bluetooth of the woman.

The woman called Mayfair said with annoyance: "I don't know Sister Bao, this car suddenly stopped moving. I don't know what's going on. It may be a brake problem."

"Oh, how come you didn't grasp such a good opportunity, then don't blame Anti for taking the lead."

"I won't give up." The woman said firmly.

"Well, it's up to you and Andy's ability, whoever has the ability to soak in Jiang Siming, whoever has to worry about eight lifetimes."

The woman showed a look of fascination when she heard it. She just glanced at Jiang Siming through the car window.

With just a glance, she was shocked. This person, no matter his appearance or wealth, made her unresistible.

No wonder it is said that Jiang Siming is the most undisputed husband of the whole people.

She must win Jiang Siming, she must!

Driving back home all the way, the house is engaged in outdoor barbecue.

Xinyi was pregnant, and everyone stopped her from doing it. Although Zhirou was good at cooking, she was not proficient in barbecue.

Therefore, during their barbecue journey, the smell of the things that are baked by so and so is heard from time to time.

When they found Jiang Siming coming home, they seemed to have found the savior, and they called Jiang Siming's concubine.

Jiang Siming was dumbfounded, parked the car in the garage, and immediately came out to work for the wives.

At night, Jiang Siming, who took a shower, wanted to randomly ‘draw’ a wife, Sui Juejue.

However, he heard Kannah Hashimoto muttering to himself in the next room.

Jiang Siming went over and saw that Nizi was recording a video for station B.

Since Jiang Siming invited her and Xinheng Yui to come to Xiaopozhan, the two women have paid special attention to Xiaopozhan's career.

Basically, a video is posted every few days.

Now the two have millions of fans on Xiaopo Station. On the UP main list, one is seventh and the other is tenth, which shows how popular the two are at Xiaopo Station.

"Today's video is over here. Regarding the live broadcast and what everyone discussed... (shy) about my feelings, Huan Nai will communicate with him before letting everyone know. Let’s not talk about it, everyone. Bye bye, see you next time."

As soon as Hashimoto Kanna finished recording the video, Jiang Siming walked in outside the door, before his hair was blown, and walked in in this dressing gown.

After all, Hashimoto Kanna had just arrived, and he hadn't gotten used to it. When he saw Jiang Siming like this, his face blushed.

After all, newcomers~ normal.

"How about recording the video?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile, and sat in front of her skillfully, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, Hashimoto entered his arms.

"Yeah." Hashimoto nodded shyly, burying his head in his chest.

"Listening to what you just said, did you have something to tell me?" Jiang Siming said amusedly, his hands are not being honest.

Hashimoto's face became even more blush, and he quickly confessed: "The fans in the station want to watch my live broadcast in China, and that is, I hope you will appear with me. I said I want to ask your opinion first."

"What is there to ask for? Of course I agree, it's just a small matter."

Jiang Siming replied.

"Really? When will we start the live broadcast?" Hashimoto Kannakazu.

"It's okay. It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day, or it's all right now."


"To be precise, one hour later."

"One hour? Are you going to blow your hair?" Hashimoto Kanna asked innocently.

Jiang Siming showed the smile of an old driver, and then...

More than an hour later, Hashimoto Kanna really started the live broadcast, in Jiang Siming's study.

It just so happens that you don't need to prepare anything. Jiang Siming's study has all the equipment.

As soon as Hashimoto's live broadcast started, users of Xiaopo Station rushed into her live broadcast room.

The number of people online has reached one million in just ten minutes.

It seems that Hashimoto Kanna is really popular at Kopa Station.

"Ahhhhh! My Huannai! You finally started the live broadcast!"

"Just after watching the latest video you posted, you started the live broadcast, praise!"

"Why is the background of Hashimoto Kanna's live studio so similar to Myojin's live studio?"

"Nonsense, people are going to get married, of course they will live together, what's wrong with using the live broadcast room."

"Uuuu, even though I know this is the truth, I still want to cry. I am broken in love, and my Huan Nai has been ‘scoured’."


"Hello everyone~ I’m Hashimoto Kanna, and I’m in Huaxia, in my fiance’s study, and I will broadcast it to everyone~"

Hashimoto Kanna skillfully greeted everyone in fluent Chinese.

Her Chinese is getting better and better, and there is no problem with simple communication.

Only compared to an hour ago, her face still had an undissipated blush.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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