I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1750: Focus on Jiang Siming

Everyone admires Jiang Siming's huge financial resources.

At first, everyone thought that Jiang Siming, the richest man in Asia, was all based on stock speculation.

After all, the reason why his value soared was Win Huan Finance.

But now everyone finds that it is much thicker than the surface.

The next day, another girlfriend announced, Tuantuan.

In the same way, Jiang Siming took out his own industry, which is the giant of the integrated novel industry, Sun Moon Literature.

It only took less than a few months from the beginning to the rise of Sun Moon Literature.

Now it has developed to a position that no one can shake. There are countless great authors under its banner, the financial resources behind the website are unparalleled, and the benefits are super good.

All the authors voluntarily came to Sun Moon Literature, coupled with Xia Ran and Lu Yao's good management, also let Sun Moon Literature become an existence beyond Yue Wen in just a few months.

Website traffic, number of readers, copyright awareness, etc., are vividly performed in Sun Moon Literature.

A large number of film and television companies have poured in, and Yuewen has become forgotten.

It's no wonder that someone, completely doing it by himself, has no one in the eyes of the text, treats the author as a fat sheep, and arbitrarily takes the copyright rights of others.

This bad hand happened to be caught by Sun Moon Literature, and it rose completely from scratch.

Now the website ranks first in the whole network in terms of the number of writers, the number of readers, or the volume of copyright transactions.

Moreover, Lu Yao and Xia Ran are very smart. They know that many foreigners like to read Chinese fantasy martial arts novels.

But because the translation was too bad, they borrowed Tang Ru's LILI translation artifact and started to develop overseas websites.

Within a month of development, it already has a large number of foreign readers.

This is something that all Huaxia Novel websites cannot do.

The current valuation of Sun Moon Literature is conservatively estimated at 10 billion.

In addition to Sun Moon literature, Jiang Siming still explodes new news and new melons every day.

Either it was announced that the whole Shanghai Pizza Hut had a 50% discount, or it was announced that certain theaters were free to watch movies, or Nanchang Wanda Paradise would also be free to play.

If it doesn't work anymore, let's set up a luxury discount promotion, or send a lottery with Huaxiang red wine.

Even more exaggerated, you can make your own claim, let Huawei Tianwen mobile phone limited-time discount, let Nokia's latest mobile phone come out in advance to send a lucky draw.

I found out after checking that Jiang Siming is the largest shareholder of Tianwen and Nokia's latest mobile phones! Grass!

and many more.

Jiang Siming has everything that has never been repeated, everyone can think of, and unexpected industries.

In the back, the popularity of the new girlfriend almost couldn't catch up with Jiang Siming's new industry and new company.

Everyone knows that Jiang Siming is rich, but he didn't expect him to be so rich!

Good guy, I feel that the whole world belongs to him...

Others naturally only have envy and emotion.

But some people don't just want to be envious.

In an office building on Baodao.

"I announce that our studio has ushered in the biggest target customer." A middle-aged woman in her forties was smiling, looking at all her subordinates below.

These men are almost all beautiful women, with fair complexion and long **** legs.

This is the country she laid down, these are her carefully trained men.

These women are not only impeccable in appearance, but also everyone has good talents.

Some are good at musical instruments, some are proficient in tea art, calligraphy, red wine, golf, etc. As long as the common things in the upper class, the women in it are good.

They even have high education, high IQ, and high EQ.

Even careers are diverse, including flight attendants, lawyers, fitness coaches, financial management elites, and even kindergarten teachers, models, and stars.

In summary, as long as the goddess type in the minds of men, you can find it from here!

The female subordinates were quite curious when they heard the middle-aged woman speaking.

"Sister Bao, why do you have customers again? Didn't it mean that we disappeared for a while after doing an order."

"Yes, Luna just made a big deal a while ago and successfully married Pan Shuai. Now there are discussions on the Internet about Sister Bao and our studio. Shouldn't it stop right now."

"Yeah, if the heat is too high, we are all exposed, and it will be difficult for our sisters to complete the task in the future."


The female subordinates spoke one after another, not satisfied with Sister Bao's decision.

Similarly, they all express their envy for Luna.

Luna is also one of Bao's employees, but her luck is against the sky, coupled with her own high emotional intelligence, it only took a short year to get into the big star Pan Shuai.

Now he is even married to Pan Shuai, Pan Shuai loves her too much, the high-profile official announced.

Except for Jiang Siming's big news recently, Luna is the most popular.

So they are also envious, but they also know that this time is not a good opportunity for action.

These women are all smart.

It's so easy to marry a rich man to a rich man. They fully understand the principle of slow work and careful work.

Generally, they will make many plans for which man they are looking at, and arrange the best ‘employee’ to approach each other according to the man’s preferences, work and rest.

Step by step, catch the opponent.

For example, if you are a rich second generation who loves to play cars, then Bao Jie will arrange car dealership models.

There was a very successful case last year. The other party was the son of the third richest man in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Lin Hao.

Lin Hao loves to play with cars, and one day he "coincidentally" came out of the garage and was hit by a lady's luxury car.

Hao Lin was very upset at first, but the other party immediately got out of the car and sincerely apologized to him.

When Lin Hao saw that the other party was so sincere, she was a pretty girl, and she looked extraordinary in her dress.

The heart also softened and didn't care about it at the time.

But he didn't mean to soak in, so he drove away.

However, Lin Hao did not know that he had fallen into Sister Bao's trap.

When Lin Hao participated in a sports car club event, he ‘accidentally’ discovered the girl who had smashed his car before.

The girl also pretended to meet by chance, behaving very happy, and apologized to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao has naturally faded, and his impression of girls has also risen a lot.

Then the girl succeeded in getting to Lin Hao's contact information, and after a simple exchange, Lin Hao found that this girl really deserves herself.

Not only does he look good, he has a good personality, but he also loves cars. He knows all kinds of luxury cars and sports cars, and is more knowledgeable than him.

In this way, Lin Hao slowly fell in love.

Within half a year, the two fell in love, and Lin Hao was extremely generous to her, giving her at least 30 million gifts.

And also for a lifetime. Originally, Lin Hao's parents knew that their son was in love, and they must investigate the wife's family.

But Sister Bao is very good. She set up a handbag company in Baodao and pretended to be the rich mother of Lin Hao's girlfriend, and ran to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to have a meal with the other party.

Lin Hao's parents no longer doubted and agreed to the marriage on the spot.

Now, Lin Hao and his parents are still in the scam.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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