I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1740: Two-year agreement

Had it not been for the ‘pain’ experience of Shemale Island, Sanji would definitely have lost his life after seeing the empress.

But even so, it still shed blood for a long time, but fortunately it was controlled by Chopper in time.

In front of the others, the empress turned back to the cold-hearted look of strangers.

Jiang Siming brought her here, one is to cure her illness, and the other is to finally confirm whether the empress is still possible with Luffy.

But it turns out that Luffy's protagonist luck has also failed.

Hancock scanned everyone, without the slightest fluctuation in his eyes.

Still the look and demeanor of a proud queen.

In her eyes, if it weren't for these people, they were Mr. Jiang's partners.

She guessed that she had already petrified them, especially the wretched Sanji and Brooke.

She hates men most, of course, except Mr. Jiang (shy and holding his face)~

Jiang Siming looked in his eyes, looked back at Luffy, who had nothing to do, and sighed.

Brother, don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame your brother for being too good.

"Since everyone is here, I have something to discuss with you."

Jiang Siming began to talk about business, and it was almost dawn, so he had to arrange things quickly.

When everyone heard Jiang Siming want to say something, they all gathered to listen carefully.

Lei Li was also curious about what Jiang Siming was going to say.

"Everyone knows that although we won the Chambord Islands battle this time, it was only a narrow victory. If Hancock hadn't helped us, we might have been caught by the Navy. We can't always rely on luck. The most important thing is to rely on it. strength."

As Jiang Siming said, Luffy and the others bowed their heads in shame.

If it weren't for Jiang Siming, let alone victory in that battle, it would be a question of how many of them could survive.

"To be honest, the current straw hat regiment is still too weak after all. This is not enough to support us entering the new world and facing extremely dangerous enemies in the new world."

"Billions of bounty pirates in the new world are everywhere. One billion or more is a common occurrence. There are even the Four Emperors Pirates. With our current strength, we can't beat them at all."

Jiang Siming doesn't want to fight by himself all the time, he prefers his companions to perform well.

Everyone's heads dropped lower.

Jiang Siming is not surprised, if they can face it calmly after listening and feel good about themselves, then it means they are hopeless.

"So I suggest that we immerse ourselves on the island for two years, practice in retreat, and then set off for the new world after two years."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, everyone's eyes lit up!

Rayleigh next to him interjected: "I agree with your suggestion. Luffy and the others do need training, but this island is not suitable for everyone to train. In fact, each of them needs a special training environment, so I suggest scattered. Go to various places to train alone."

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "The suggestion of Mr. Lei Li is correct, but this is normal. We are all wanted people now. If we go to other places, we will inevitably be discovered by the navy. Then everyone will be alone. One person, maybe one lieutenant general can handle us."

Lei Li was silent, Jiang Siming was right. With their current strength, it would be difficult to run away once they encountered the navy.

Regardless of Jiang Siming, Luffy Sauron Sanji might be able to run if he is a little stronger, but as for Usopp Chopper and others, Robin is not strong.

If they meet the navy, can they escape? Even if there is no navy, even if they encounter pirates, they may be in danger.

Seeing this, Jiang Siming chuckled: "Don't be so low, I mean under normal circumstances, under special circumstances, we can train alone."


Everyone looked up, what special situation?

Jiang Siming sold a pass and walked towards the center of the island.

"Everyone, follow me."

The female emperor followed Jiang Siming without even thinking about it, but Nami was not convinced and immediately followed.

This woman wants to occupy Brother Jiang, she wants to be beautiful! Brother Jiang is Robin and I!

Everyone followed, Lei Li scratched his head, wondering what Jiang Siming was going to do, but curiosity drove him to follow.

Soon, Jiang Siming took everyone to the center of the island.

It is full of jungle canopy, and there are big bumps and bumps.

Jiang Siming didn't say a word, with a move, the magic knife shot!

The sharp sword aura swept out, and the nearby trees and rocks were all powdered in an instant.

The center of the island was opened by Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming put away the magic knife and took out the holographic training ground.

The training ground was like a bunker, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The bunker is small, in an oval shape, with a total of ten doors outside.

Everyone was shocked, what is this stuff?

Jiang Siming smiled and explained to everyone: "As you all know, I often go out to train alone, but I actually train inside."

Luffy's eyes lit up, is it that Brother Jiang was trained so powerful in it?

But looking at the fortress-like building, I really can't see where I can train.

Jiang Siming first opened a door, walked in, and everyone hurriedly followed.

As soon as they entered, everyone was shocked to find that the scene inside was completely a world!

This is a huge dense virgin forest!

There are countless beasts lurking inside.

This is not right, didn't everything here just be swept away by Jiang Siming's sword.

How could there be such a big forest again, and there are so many beasts?

Most importantly, this area is dozens of times larger than the entire island. How is this possible?

Is it an illusion?

Luffy stretched out his rubber hand in disbelief to catch a little hedgehog.

Unexpectedly, when the hedgehog was in danger, he straightened his thorns immediately.

Luffy was miserable, and screamed while holding his hands.

Everyone didn't have the time to control him, and they were all shocked. This is true...

Jiang Siming saw that everyone was almost shocked, and explained the function of the training ground.

After a detailed explanation, everyone understood.

As for the origin of the training ground, Jiang Siming made up a reason and fooled it.

Everyone's attention was on the training ground, and everyone became excited.

With this training ground, wouldn't it be possible to receive the most suitable and best training by staying in it?

This is awesome! Artifact!

"I will personally adjust your training environment and opponents for everyone. Everyone’s training venue has a small house, which is a place for you to rest and eat. I will ask Hancock to store your food for two years in it. It will not expire, so everyone can rest assured."

Wow! This is too sweet~

Hancock immediately agreed: "As long as it is Mr. Jiang's request, the concubine will definitely do it."

"Then I can go to Sanji Cengfan? What if I don't get used to the food in Daughter Island without his food? Their food is a bit unpalatable." Lu Fei muttered.

Hancock's expression instantly cooled down, and he kicked Luffy.

"Dare to say that the food on our daughter island is unpalatable, say it again, you just wait to starve!"

Luffy immediately acknowledged it, unpalatable, but better than starving.

Sure enough, there is no possibility for these two people...


The third update~The next chapter will return to the real world. It is estimated that there will be a long time to leave One Piece temporarily, and I will write it when I save Ace~

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