I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1737: I didn't pay attention

Jiang Siming was also quite inexplicable. He just walked out of the room himself, how could he be regarded as a panda at once.

"Brother Jiang, why did you come out? You can't act so quickly now."

Robin found Jiang Siming and immediately came over to persuade him to go back to rest.

Jiang Siming asked curiously what was going on, and Robin explained everything.

"You mean Boya Hancock helped us? This is Daughter Island?" Jiang Siming was a little dumbfounded.

Robin nodded, and said, "Yes, she is completely on your side, saying that she is your friend."

Jiang Siming has a black question mark, what is she a friend?

He and the empress have met once, and they even started to meet, how could they be friends?

He didn't think that the empress was looking at him because he was handsome. The first time he met, he knew that this woman didn't like men at all, and it was useless to be handsome.

"Could it be that you killed two Celestials yourself?"

Jiang Siming guessed that nine out of ten, he also knew the female emperor's life experience and hated the Tianlong people.

She couldn't do anything. Jiang Siming beat the Tianlongren violently at the auction house and killed two.

This behavior may have touched her, so she was willing to help.

"She said that she was a friend, so that's it, but why don't we let us go ashore? Have we been on the boat?" Jiang Siming asked in confusion.

Robin explained: "There are rules in Daughter Island, and men must never come in."

"Hancock didn't follow the rules. The last emperor's mother-in-law New was negotiating with her, and there should be results soon."

As soon as Robin finished speaking, Nami appeared on the ship with a teleport.

Thunder Fruit Ability Now Nami is more and more adaptable, and teleportation is a piece of cake.

"Brother Jiang, why did you come out, you need to rest."

Seeing Jiang Siming Nami's first sentence is also the same, she and Robin are most worried about Jiang Siming.

"It's okay, I'll be cured in a few days, don't worry."

Jiang Siming comforted.

Nami had no choice but to leave it alone, but rather said with a bit of loss: "The queen has just negotiated with the previous queen. They said that only women are allowed to go to the island, and all men need to move to the most remote island, and cannot enter the island. "

Nami paused and said again: "However, after fierce negotiations, the Queen finally asked Granny New to agree and only allowed Big Brother Jiang to go to the island."

"Uncle Raleigh, too?" Robin asked in surprise.

"Uncle Raleigh can do too. He is kind to Daughter Island, but Uncle Raleigh doesn't want to go because he said he wants to take care of Luffy and them."

"Why can I?" Jiang Siming asked strangely.

Nami shook her head and said, "I don't know. This is what Queen Hancock quarreled with Granny New. She wants you to go to the island if she says, and she doesn't care about others."

"Brother Jiang, I have to ask about your relationship with the Queen~" Robin joked with a smile.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes, shit, and jumped into the Yellow River again to wash away.

Since it is the rules of Daughter Island, everyone naturally follows it.

So Jiang Siming got off the boat, while Luffy and the others stayed on the Sunshine and were taken to the island next to Daughter Island for treatment.

Jiang Siming became the only man on the island, and he was still lying on a stretcher. A female guard came and carried him to the island.

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry. This treatment was originally from Luffy.

He accidentally robbed Luffy's protagonist treatment, alas, this time it was really not his intention.

Jiang Siming was arranged in the queen's castle, living in the most luxurious room.

Along with him, there are Nami, Robin, Ram and Rem.

Jiang Siming stayed in peace, and seriously recovered from his injury.

He can't use fairy beans, he can only recover on his own, otherwise he will be resurrected with full blood.

Although Luffy will not let them land on the island, Daughter Island is still very sincere and sends them food and medical supplies every day.

Luffy and the others are also recovering quickly.

In the night two days later, Robin Nami and the others were already asleep.

Jiang Siming was meditating, but he heard footsteps outside the door.

He was silent, thinking someone was coming to attack.

But I heard someone knocking on the door.


"Me, Boya Hancock."

Jiang Siming was slightly surprised, and when he opened the door, the empress was standing at the door.

"Don't get me wrong, I came to you so late to discuss something with you."

Hancock's expression was a little unnatural.

For some reason, she was a little afraid to look at Jiang Siming's face and eyes.

"Then come in and talk about it." Jiang Siming gave way.

Hancock raised his leg and stepped in, leaving a fragrance of fragrance when he passed Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming closed the door, found a sofa and sat down.

"The Queen came to see me so late. Is there anything important?" Jiang Siming lit a Yulong smoke and spit out smoke rings.

"How is your injury?" Hancock asked.

"It's much better, thank you Queen for taking in. I heard Robin and the others say that in order to help, you even panicked and said it was my friend." Jiang Siming replied.

Hancock's face flashed with an imperceptible blush, and he said: "I just want to make friends with you, who makes you so bold and dare to kill the dragon."

"Listen to the Queen, you and Tianlongren also have a deep holiday?" Jiang Siming asked knowingly.

Hancock's face suddenly turned cold, he nodded, and said: "It's true that I hate the most, it is the Tianlong people, this group of so-called world nobles!"

"My second and third sisters, when we were young, were captured by the Tianlong people as slaves, and we were tortured. Although we escaped, we dare not retaliate against the Tianlong people, because behind them is the entire navy headquarters and the world government."

"Mr. Jiang, you did what our three sisters might not dare to do in their lives, so I, Hancock, admire you very much, so I want to help you."

Hancock answered sincerely.

Jiang Siming wiped off the soot and said, "How do I trust you? The total bounty of our straw hat group has almost exceeded six billion. How do I know if you deliberately wanted to blame me and then secretly reported to the Navy."

Jiang Siming just said that casually. As long as the empress explained it, he would believe it with Poxia Donkey.

But, never expected, Hancock stood up after listening, turned his back to him.

At the same time, Yushou pulled down the thin belt around his waist, and the whole dress was taken off by her on the spot.

Jiang Siming was dumbfounded, fucking! Lao Tzu's injury is still not healed, are you going to make me hurt?

Undressing was over quickly, Hancock immediately put it on again, turned and asked angrily: "Now you believe it?"

Jiang Siming looked confused: "What do you believe?"

"The mark on my back." Hancock said.

"Ah? I didn't pay attention. I patronized and looked down. Can I take it off again?" Jiang Siming asked.

Hancock: "....."


Third more~~

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