I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1725: I am getting married!

When Jiang Siming said this, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded for a few seconds, and almost couldn't believe their ears, whether they had heard it wrong.

"I, Jiang Siming, decide to have a wedding in the middle of next month."

It was this sentence that made the big guy confused.


"Did you get it wrong?"

"Is it getting married?"

"Married? No way?"


Everyone can't believe it.

"This... Myojin, are you sure you are not kidding?"

The host also thought Jiang Siming was joking.

Jiang Siming replied quite seriously: "I have no time to joke with you. What I say is serious. I can guarantee this with my personality."

When everyone saw Jiang Siming’s expression and listened to his tone, they gradually believed that Myojin didn’t seem to be joking...

The great **** next to him is always a dog with a dog expression. After all, Lao Jiang is crazy, this guy is blew up...

The most important thing is that this is a global live broadcast, with tens of millions of people watching it.

Even Chinese will be translated into foreign languages ​​by major broadcasting stations.


"Myojin won't be the donkey us?"

"Fuck! God man!"

"The scumbag really hammers...emm...but why can't I get angry?"

"I was shocked, Myojin is going to get married??"

"I don't believe me, this world is crazy!"

"Those who write novels dare not write like this!"


Europe and America:

"What did the interpreter say? Ming is getting married?"

"Or get married in this way?"

"I can't believe my ears, I can't believe my ears, it's too much!"

"He's not afraid of going to jail, it's illegal."

"Isn't Huaxia only able to do this in ancient times? Has it changed back now?"


Island country:

"Sri Lanka! This man is our man's idol!"

"...So many? He alone can handle it?"

"It's a special group! I seriously suspect that there are our Japanese girls in it!"

"I heard that the ancient emperors of China only received this kind of treatment. Is he the emperor's reincarnation?"

"Is it so arrogant if you have money?"


Great country:

"Siba! What is he talking about? Did the translator eat **** and misheard?"

"Seriously doubt the level of translation."

"It's really not a translation error, it's true, I have confirmed it by the next station."

"Axi! That doesn't mean that our Yoona is just one of him?"

"Woo, is our goddess so humble? Come back, come back soon~"


Every country was buzzed by Jiang Siming's news.

A man should give an explanation at the same time?

If this is a small country in Africa that is poor, everyone probably doesn't care. After all, it's a small country, and it doesn't matter what culture is different.

And the eye of the storm is Jiang Siming, the richest man in Asia, and a man with a reputation.

He said that he wanted to do this. It's strange that it doesn't cause a storm of public opinion in the world!

If it were not for their repeated confirmation, the translator would be scolded.

The atmosphere on the scene seemed to freeze and became very subtle.

The joy of winning the championship was completely shaken by Jiang Siming's heavy news.

The main reason is that everyone still feels too shocked to digest this news.

The host was the first to react, and she asked tentatively:

"Myojin, can you ask me curiously, is there anyone here?"

"You will know it then, and I will make it public."

The kite on the side was quite anxious. She was not afraid that everyone would scold her, but that they would scold Jiang Siming.

But the strange thing is that everyone's reaction did not seem to be much angry.

"Can you tell us why this crazy and bold decision was made?" the host asked.

Jiang Siming sighed, closed his eyes and thought for a second, and replied, "Because...some of them are something I must face, and I must be frank, but if I am still a man, I must To speak out."

"I can't love only one, and I admit that I am very diligent, but the only thing I can do is to do my best, from when we started to when I die."

This passage seems to have been said by many scumbags, but the purpose of those scumbags is completely different from that of Jiang Siming.

Jiang Si clearly didn't have to be responsible at all, and didn't have to give the future.

He can continue to be so chic, anyway, the money is too much to spend.

He can change N girlfriends a year with a character like Xiao Lizi, and then talk for a while and divide, and then look for the next one.

It doesn't matter if you talk about several at once.

No one will scold you, because everyone will think that you are not married or married anyway, and it is your freedom to find more teenage friends.

But Jiang Siming is different, completely different.

His resources and conditions are clearly better than any man in the world.

It can be said that if Jiang Siming does not get married, he can play for a lifetime.

However, he chose to get married, or publicly in front of thousands of people.

The most outrageous thing is that he also made such a promise and decision.

This man... just... can't describe it in words.

To say he is scum, is to say he is scum

But when the words came to my lips, I couldn't help but want to forgive him. Why?

He obviously can be scum for a lifetime, and he doesn't need to be scolded.

When Jiang Siming made public about Yoona Reba and Nancy before, everyone didn't scold him, anyway they admired him.

The men were even more attentive to him and worshipped him as the ancestor.

If Jiang Siming keeps going like this, he can always be like a fish and pick up girls everywhere.

But now, he has crossed the line.

They just stepped on a few boats and didn’t get married, but Jiang Siming did the most serious things...

After saying this, Jiang Siming took the kite and left. They didn't participate in the celebration of the championship, but chose to go home and stay behind closed doors.

And this live interview has spread all over the world at the speed of light.


emm...It seems that you can't write sake like that...I was tried, Lan Shou, see if I can change the sake.

This may be difficult to write. Sake can only do your best, so if you find that you can't see the chapter, please include it.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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