I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1723: Faze's give it a go!

Although the pig's head sacrifices to the sky, the mana is boundless.

But Jiang Siming and the others were obviously not so heartless and really sold the Great God.

"Then you hold on first. We are already on the road. Whether you can live or not depends on whether you can push us over."

As Jiang Siming said, the car no longer drove on the highway, but took a short road up the mountain and headed towards Shuicheng.

"Brother Jiang! I'll try hard to see if I can stick to it."

Great God said moved, and then began to change positions in Shuicheng, so as not to be discovered.

Surrounding them is the famous Faze.

Faze is not even third, they are too eager to score.

So seeing the great **** alone, and realizing that Shuicheng really has no one else, the four began to surround Shuicheng tightly.

When Jiang Siming's car drove to a position less than three hundred meters away from Shuicheng, a very **** thing happened and it ran out of gas...

"Walk forward." Jiang Siming chose to run forward without hesitation.

On the side of the Great God, Faze had discovered him, hiding in a three-story building.

The four Faze had already started a wave of grenade and Molotov cocktail attacks underneath.

But the fate of the great **** was only half of his blood exploded, and his fate was still there.

Not reconciled, Faze chose to rush to the building, three of them attacked the building, and one of them stuck outside to prevent the great **** from jumping off the building.

Great God gritted his teeth and chose a roundabout tactic.

He got stuck on the stairs first, and then ran upstairs without looking back. When Faze was surrounded by others, he jumped off the roof again.

The Faze player who got stuck downstairs was just opposite the great god, so he didn't kill him at the first time.

After the Great God jumped down, he plunged into another building and played around with snakeskin.

Faze was so angry that the three of them once again surrounded the building where the great **** was hiding.

Just when the three of them were about to attack hard, a gunshot sounded from a distance.

The Faze member who just opened the door and wanted to go in was lifted his helmet and fell to the door.

"F**K! His teammate is here! It's Ming!"

Faze was annoyed, but fell another member, and could only temporarily give up attacking the building and help people first.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming played at a distance of two hundred meters from them, and he couldn't make up for them temporarily.

Just prevent the great gods upstairs from coming down.

Although the great **** can indeed go downstairs to be a wave of warriors.

But he doesn't do it. Being a warrior can sometimes be a hero of a dozen.

But in most cases, the Warriors are given for nothing.

He didn't want to give it in vain, nor did he want to die without doing anything.

In the last hand, as the captain, he nodded more heads and checked the data.

Otherwise, if he is surpassed forever, he will lose face.

Therefore, the great **** who had made up his mind, stayed upstairs alive, and threw several Molotov cocktails toward the top of the stairs to prevent the opponent from going upstairs.

In this way, Faze was relieved, it would be fine if the opponent didn't get down.

Faze helped the two fallen players up, and they were in full play.

During this period of time, Jiang Siming and the three of them successfully ran to Shuicheng to support them.

The number of players on both sides is equal, 4v4.

Faze temporarily let go of the Great God and chose to enter the three-story building where the Great God had just hidden.

This building is the tallest building in Shuicheng. It can hold Jiang Siming's three people while staring at the great **** in the next building.

"You are finally here, I'm almost driven crazy, these four guys bite me like a mad dog."

When Great God saw his teammates coming, he was shocked.

"Don't talk nonsense, can you see where they are?" Jiang Siming asked.

"Yes, all four people are here, one on the first floor, two on the second floor, and one on the roof." Weishen reported.

Jiang Siming thought for a while, moved around, and walked around the other side.

With great retribution, he walked to the other side with confidence.

If the Great God reports a mistake in this wave, then he is basically gone, which is like giving it to Faze for nothing.

It's just that if this kind of report can still be wrong, Great God can retire early.

Jiang Siming walked around the three-story building unharmed and posted it downstairs.

It's a pity that there is no C4, otherwise he can make Faze crawl out of the building crying.

Jiang Siming touched it quietly, and let the great **** deliberately make steps, and the kite would always shoot to interfere with hearing.

So when Jiang Siming touched it, the Faze player underneath didn't even hear it.

But Faze is also alert.

Faze's sixth sense of G God felt something was wrong, so he asked the players below to take a look at the other corner.

However, God's reaction was a little late.

When this buddy came over, he collided with Jiang Siming.

Of course Jiang Siming is not polite to him. The M762 in his hand is like cutting melons and vegetables, instantly slicing him!

"He touched it in! It came in!" The man underneath was not replaced, and reported the final information to his teammates, and then was replaced by Jiang Siming who came in.

When the first floor was captured, Great God began to boldly shoot from the window on the second floor next to the second floor opposite.

The Faze members on the second floor were attacked by the enemy, and they had to take care of the first floor for fear that Jiang Siming would wipe them off, and at the same time they had to take care of the harassment of the great **** next to them.

Kite and Forever also rushed over.

God G, who was standing on the roof, frowned. As the man with the biggest leg in the team, he didn't plan to sit and wait for death.

Instead, choose to take the initiative.

On the top of the building, G spied his head and shot an M24, knocking down the kite coming.

After the kite fell to the ground, the eternal next to him responded quickly and fired at the roof of the building.

It's just that God G no longer shows up.

His purpose is to block the kite first and always come to support.

The kite fell to the ground, and he would always throw a rat avoidance device, fearing that his teammates would be compensated.

Then God G immediately went downstairs to help his teammates on the second floor withstand the great **** in the next building.

The gunfire is intertwined, and the attention of the Great God can only be forced to the G God.

The two teammates were completely liberated and stared at the stairs wholeheartedly.

This wave of God G's rescue is at the textbook level.

G God, who has been honed in the professional arena for more than a year, has improved more than one level in terms of personal strength and teamwork ability.

But how can 4AM be compared.

Jiang Siming stood still and caught Faze half of his attention.

God G was anxious secretly while exchanging fire with the Great God.

He was afraid that Jiang Siming would not come up. Then everything he just did was meaningless, it was just a delay of more than ten seconds.

Sure enough, ten seconds later.

Raising the kite forever, the kite rushed into a first aid kit, and the two rushed over to support.

The kite was very courageous, and chose to go all the way upstairs from the annex building next to it.

Because the tall buildings in Shuicheng are all connected, you can come and go freely.

The kite came to the top of G **** and their building.

"I'll count and attack together." Jiang Siming smiled firmly.




At almost the same time, Jiang Siming and the kite on the top of the building broke into the second floor at the same time!

Faze is messed up!

There are enemies up and down, God G can only stare at the kite upstairs first.

However, Jiang Siming's appearance on the stairs below officially announced their defense, and they broke through!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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