I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1488: Sun Moon Literature

"It shouldn't be that simple to recruit a large number of great writers?" Jiang Siming thought of this.

Xia Ran nodded: "Yes, so I suggest that Brother Jiang can integrate the two reading websites you have now into one, and then expand the scale. Use your banner to hire web authors. It is estimated to be very useful."

"That's a good way, then leave it to you, right?"

Jiang Siming doesn't have this ability. If you don't understand this business, don't do it by yourself. It's easy to leave it to professionals.

This is the essence of the shopkeeper.

"Then I can do it with Lu Yao, she is studying finance, and she knows better about running companies than I do."

Xia Ran didn't refuse, she herself wanted to do a good job for Jiang Siming's novel website.

"Of course you can, but it won't delay your study, will it?"

Jiang Siming felt a little guilty when he said this and asked two college students to work for him.

Emm...No way, lack of manpower~

"At first, it will be busy for a while, but Lu Yao said that we can build the company and give it to Brother Jiang's group, and then Brother Jiang can find a company professional to take care of the company's normal process. In fact, the novel website is very simple. , As long as you do a good job in the server and recruit good authors, the things you need later will become very simple."

"That's good, then do as you said, but you must ask for money if you want to dig people, how much money is needed?" Jiang Siming asked.

Can't let the two girls spend money to set up their own companies, then he, Lao Jiang, the richest man in Asia, is too embarrassed.

"It's a lot of money. I calculated with Lu Yao. If it saves a little bit, 20 million should be enough."

Jiang Siming laughed after listening to it.

"Twenty million? You eat plain rice when you are a great author, two silly girls, so let me give you a card, you use it first, if you don't have enough, you can ask me for it." Jiang Siming said with a smile .

Although Yuewen is now out of tricks, you can't deny that it is China's largest online novel terminal.

At that time, Yuewen spent nearly one billion yuan to integrate Penguin and Shanda literature, and only then has Yuewen that is thriving today.

The market value of Yuewen has already exceeded 10 billion.

These two naive girls were fantastic, and spent 20 million to fight against others.

"Also, have you decided where your company address is? Just go to my company. I will arrange a floor for your headquarters. It just so happens that you don't even need to recruit. The company has an existing staff department."

"Really? Then we can go to work there?"

"Yes, let you feel the life and bitterness after graduation in advance, do you regret it?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

"No regrets, no regrets at all!"

How can Xia Ran regret it, it’s too late to be happy, and I can’t wait to go to work in Jiang Siming’s company now~

"By the way, Brother Jiang, what if... what if we mess up and lose money..." Xia Ran asked carefully.

Jiang Siming replied domineeringly: "Even if you let it go, your brother Jiang can still afford this little money."

With Jiang Siming's support and affirmation, Xia Ran began to make arrangements.

After Jiang Siming hung up the phone, he gave them both a black card from a Swiss bank.

These two black cards each can overdraft 200 million US dollars, which is enough for them to dig people.

Even though these two little girls are still in college, they are really quick to do things.

The two went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to register the new company's trademark on the same day, integrated the two major websites of Tadu and Zongheng, and renamed it [Sun Moon Literature].

Then began to get a new website and server.

They don’t have to worry about the company address, and the employees don’t have to worry about them. This saves them a lot of things and makes many detours.

The two girls are smart, knowing that they don't have time and that kind of eloquence.

So they spend money to find a headhunting company to negotiate with those great authors.

At this time, it was the time when Yuewen made a faint move. A large number of authors wanted to leave, and people from the Riyue Literature Group came over.

And he offered a better treatment than before in Yuewen, and the most important thing was that the chairman of Sunyue Literature, but clearly stated that it was Jiang Siming.

With the guarantee of the richest man in Asia, these authors are not afraid that this is a leather bag company. They signed the contract smoothly and decided to change jobs!

A brand-new and powerful new web writing company is about to set sail.

Jiang Siming is also very much looking forward to this. Whenever he wants to read any novel he wants to read in the future, he will ask for the manuscript of the author and open it in advance, hehe.

Moreover, the current online literature company is really profitable, and many novels have been adapted into film and television dramas.

Even if the website only takes the share, it is enough to earn.

Yue Wen is typically too greedy, feels divided into not enough, and wants to eat all.

It's ridiculous.

The book was written by someone else's author. On what basis can someone else give you the copyright, a fool would agree. If you don't quit, you will be a ghost.

While expecting Xia Ran and the others to build a large web company for themselves, Jiang Siming also has work to do.

The second round of Group A of the Global Tournament finally kicked off.

Still in the PM Internet cafe, still full of seats.

On the big stage of the game, the current points of all teams have been clearly displayed.

4AM is impressively at the top of the highest ranking.


NO.1..【4AM】..【51 points】

NO.2..【TL】..【21 points】

NO.3..【Faze】..【19 points】

NO.4..【RNG】..【18 points】


In addition to the team standings, there is also a list of individual players.

【Personal List】:

NO.1..【4AM_Ming】..【24 kills】..【3155 damage value】

NO.2..【TL_Ibiza】..【7 kills】..【855 damage value】

NO.3..【RNG_XDD】..【5 kills】..【612 damage value】

NO.4.【NIP_Shroud】..【5 kills】..【595 damage value】


The two lists released the data of the first game of all players.

Of course, if there are top few, there must be bottom few.

Everyone noticed that the India team, which was launched before, really ranked last

NO.64..【India】..【0 points】

Not only is the team ranked last in the standings, but in the individual player rankings, Ah San's four players are also ranked in the last four.

NO.253..【India_Clrrd】..【0 kills】..【0 damage value】

NO.254..【India_Taaher】..【0 kills】..【0 damage value】

NO.255..【India_Vidrss】..【0 kills】..【0 damage value】

NO.256..【India_Brclr】..【0 kills】..【0 damage value】

Such embarrassing data is laid out there clearly.

Of course, there are some players who have 0 kills and 0 damage.

But the organizer deliberately ranked them to the end, anyway, they can be ranked anyway, so why don't you rank Asanmen last, who made them offend their boss, huh~

Seeing the ranking of himself and his team, the four Asan players were extremely annoyed.

But they are helpless, who makes them really have this data.

"For this one, we must be ashamed and show our true level!"

Captain Ahsan swears angrily, wishing to wait until he enters the game again, so that he can meet Jiang Siming when he landed.

It's a pity that he knows this probability is very small, so he will spare Jiang Siming's life for the time being, ha ha.


[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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