I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1395: Dare to say

Wang Han was also convinced. It turns out that Jiang Siming has such a good way to deal with women, no wonder they are willing to be lovers.

"Well, let's go back to the game. Amin, what do you think that many parents blame games for their children to delay their children's studies? This question is a bit acute, or let me put it from another perspective?"

Wang Han also feels that this issue is too sensitive, which is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of all parents who hate games.

But this is a matter of program arrangement, and he can only ask questions.

Jiang Siming was not at all embarrassed. Instead, he said amused: "I think the parents who say this kind of thing are themselves unqualified, they are a failure."


Wang Han even took a breath. This Amin was too courageous to answer questions. He dare to say anything?

After that, those parents can't hold back Jiang Siming's scolding.

"I know that many parents are very unconvinced after hearing this. They will definitely say, how did we fail? If it weren't for our children to indulge in online games, our children must be so promising and what kind of colleges and universities they must take."

Jiang Siming made no secret of ridicule when he said this.

"Then I want to ask these parents, in your era, there was no internet and no games, didn't you still fail to get a good university entrance exam? Why did you not study well in the first place?"

That said, many parents who had opinions in the audience lost their temper.

Yes, they had no internet or games at that time, even mobile phones, but they didn't read good books themselves. Many of them couldn't even go to high school.

"In fact, to put it bluntly, there must be something in every age that makes contemporary children addicted. You parents, you can't force the pot on one thing, but you have to find problems in yourself."

When Jiang Siming said this, he paused, and then said: "I would like to advise all parents who are particularly strict with their children, don't impose the regrets and dreams of your childhood on your own children."

"I am born to be useful. Sooner or later, he will go back to his own path. You can educate and guide him. But don't over-force. As long as the person is kind and has all the qualities he needs to learn, that's fine."

After saying this, Wang Han applauded, and many young people at the scene also applauded.

Children from the 80s and 90s, I believe that most of them have experienced the death order of being strictly controlled by their parents and having to read books.

Including the more stringent post-00s and post-10s, they are all people who come by and know what parents are thinking best.

Wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning every day for self-study in the morning, and study until ten o'clock or even later in the evening, and have to do homework when I come back.

I don’t have time to rest on weekends. I just read books every day, and occasionally get scolded for playing a mobile phone.

Such days are not one day or two days, but twelve years.

Who can stand this?

To be honest, there may be only one out of a thousand ordinary families who can go to a key university.

The son of a dragon born a dragon and a phoenix rat will make holes. Don't report too much hope to the child about what the parents are like.

This is like buying lottery tickets. It is just a pastime for rich people to buy lottery tickets, but many poor people buy lottery tickets with the intention of getting rich overnight.

If you fail the first time, then buy the second time, the third time...the Nth time. In short, they set themselves the goal of winning.

They have never made a fortune, so their children must also make a fortune.

At the end of the day, there is a high probability that both people and money are empty.

There are very few people who can win prizes, so why don't you stop in time and change to a path that can make money?

Knowing that my child has no interest in learning and no talent, I have to force it to waste the best time to learn other skills.

The end result can only be nothing.

This is no blame for the children, but for the parents' obsession.

I feel that forcing the children to study is entirely for their own good, and for them to find a good job in the future, not so hard, and so on.

Anyway, you can almost hear this excuse from every parent.

This is actually a kind of paranoia deliberately pulling you into his thinking circle, the purpose is to make you identify with him.

"Then Amin, how far do you think the game industry can go in the future?"

"It's far, far away. There will definitely be many rich people in the game industry in the future." Jiang Siming replied decisively.

After speaking, he smiled and said: "For those parents who have children who like to play games, you can let your children invest in the game industry and develop in that direction."

"Haha, I think it's good. Turning children's interests into careers may be the best way to quit their internet addiction." Wang Han smiled.

Qian Feng asked curiously at this time: "Boss, what game do you think will be the hottest in the future?"

"Virtual game." Jiang Siming replied quickly.

Everyone was taken aback, virtual games? Doesn't this only appear in novels?

Even VR games are still immature, and virtual games are estimated to have to wait until 2050.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "My company will launch a virtual game masterpiece next year. At that time, it may completely reform the game industry."

"Really? What game?" Qian Feng also likes to play games, can't wait to ask.

Jiang Siming smiled mysteriously: "This is a commercial secret. It is kept secret for the time being. You should be able to see it next summer."

"Well, then wait quietly. After talking about the game, let's talk about business."

Wang Han thinks that Jiang Siming is the best to do a talk show, because you don't have to worry about talking to Jiang Siming and asking questions.

Games, business, sports, music, etc. You can talk about anything you want.

"There was a news report a while ago that Buffett came to China to invite you to dinner and paid you three million dollars. Is it true?"

"False." Jiang Siming replied.


Wang Han almost thought it was fake news. Who knew Jiang Siming said: "It's four million dollars."

"Good guy, startled me, I really thought it was fake news."

After Wang Han smiled and said, he asked: "Later we heard that Buffett broke up with you at this meal. Did he scold you when he returned home? Isn't it convenient to disclose some reasons?"

"He's just a bad old man. He wanted to trick me into the company and fill in his stock market. I ignored him, so I got anxious." Jiang Siming said ridiculously.

Everyone suddenly realized, it's no wonder that Buffett is so anxious.

"Now it is said that you are the stock god, what do you think?"

"I don't dare to be anything like a stock god, don't keep blowing on me, take more time to spray Buffett." Jiang Siming replied.

Everyone is happy, Myojin, you are still so skinny, nothing wrong...


[Author's digression]: First more~

Today, our family went to worship the ancestors in advance, so the sake update is a bit slow. Please understand~~~

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