I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1197: Little prophecy!

In this game, heading will always cost more money than hitting the body.

Why do so many professional players spend a lot of time to practice headshots every day? It's because of close combat. You hit someone on the head, which is the simplest and most direct way to kill.

You can also fight for the most effective time to adjust the muzzle or avoid other people's gunfire.

It's just that the operation of headshot is too difficult to practice, and professional players can't make perfect shots.

Generally, the neck or chest is more hit.

But one fell down, and there was another next to him. The SSS member had already shot.

The muzzle is the same, taking Jiang Siming's helmet straight.

Jiang Siming had a second-level head, and as long as he was shot twice, he would die suddenly.

But Jiang Siming seemed to advance the direction of the bullet in advance. After knocking down the first person, he subconsciously squatted down.

This squat escaped the deadly bullet.

When the muzzle was moved, Jiang Siming also suddenly made him a headshot.

"Damn, this guy's operation is too ridiculous!" The SSS member who fell to the ground said indignantly.

In the end, there was one player left. This person rushed over the slowest. He knew that he was definitely not as quick as Jiang Si.

He simply came to mind, not to shoot first, he bet Jiang Siming would also hit him on the head.

Draw a scoop according to the gourd, steal the teacher on the spot!

The moment Jiang Siming shot, he also made a squat movement.

really! The bullets were wiped from the top of the head!

The team member was overjoyed, raised the gun with the fastest hand speed to open the mirror, and the index finger of his right hand pressed the left mouse button to death, and the bullets poured towards Jiang Siming!

"Pretty! Xiaobei! Hope!" Zhou Lili praised her excitedly, her hopeless expression rekindling hope.

However, the next second is beyond everyone's imagination.

Jiang Siming missed the first shuttle, and did not immediately adjust the muzzle and continue sweeping, but instead retracted the gun and moved away!

Steal the teacher? nonexistent?

The master's tricks can still let bad students learn from others?

You squat down to hide from my bullet, it doesn't matter, I walk around and hide from you again.

In this psychological game, Jiang Siming made the arrangements for the other party clearly.

When this buddy wanted to move again, Jiang Siming had beaten him into a rotten watermelon.

SSS, just like that, all of them were killed in the abandoned car area of ​​the bridge.

Jiang Siming's figure alone again appeared very depressed.

It's just that the audience and the players look at him, it's more like looking at a huge mountain, a huge mountain that they can never cross and surpass.

The four golden shadows turned into a box, and an orange light lit up.

Jiang Siming's eyes flashed, and it's been a long time since orange fragments appeared!

Can't even wait for the fragments to fly over, he walked over by himself and picked up the fragments.

"Pick up [Little Prophecy] Orange Fragment*1 (1/8), the number of fragments is not full, it is temporarily unavailable."

[Small Prophecy]: One of the secret techniques of the world of comprehension that can predict the future, the divination of Bu Ji is evil, the direction of prediction is random, and the event is random.

Note: The strength of the meta-infant stage can only be used once a month, and after using it, all true qi will be exhausted and enter a period of weakness.

Jiang Siming's body was shocked, little prophecy, all this stuff came out, bull.

Predicting the future, this kind of thing is only common among those liars, but those are blind people.

Jiang Siming's this is true, a means to predict the future.

However, the side effects are also very serious. It needs to exhaust all the qi, and it can only be used once a month.

However, Jiang Siming has fairy beans, once they are exhausted, one can be resurrected with full blood.

So this side effect is useless for him, hehe.

Another point made Jiang Siming's attention, this time the orange fragments also began to need to be synthesized.

The previous orange fragments were all done in one piece.

But this time, it took 8 yuan to get together, blue thin and blue thin~

Fortunately, Jiang Siming collected nearly 20 omnipotent fragments in these two months, which is enough for the time being.

Get this little prophecy done first.

"Pick up [Little Prophecy] Orange Fragment*1 (8/8), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

Get it together, get it done!

When Jiang Siming clicked to use it, the little prophecy came into his mind and became another secret cultivation technique of Jiang Siming.

Taking the brand-new Grade III A from Zhou Lili's box, searching for some grenade and drinks, Jiang Siming left the bridge.

Jiang Siming has reached 15 heads, and he still leads the kill list with ease as in previous games.

It's just a little different from last year. This year, the domestic teams generally played fiercely, so the number of players dropped drastically.

Unlike before, there are still four out of five people in the first four waves.

Now that the fourth wave is finished, there are only less than twenty left on the map.

The fragmentation rate has dropped, and now the competition is fierce.

Jiang Siming feels that life is a bit difficult~

But it is precisely because of this that he has to play every game well.

Coming out of the bridge, Jiang Siming drove the motorcycle that SSS had left on the bridge.

The paraglider stopped, there was not much fuel, and he was anxious to park the paraglider on the roof in order to block the SSS. It seemed very difficult to get it back...

For the paragliding experience, Jiang Siming was very happy.

This thing was new soon, he has proficient technology, can perfectly control the glider, and knows the various operations of the glider.

With this glider, it can often achieve extraordinary results.

Drive a motorcycle all the way to the high mountains outside the airport, where the great gods are always waiting for themselves.

Both of them regretted looking for the boat. If they had just smashed the bridge with Jiang Siming, they might be able to get a few heads.

It's a pity that when Jiang Siming finished the fight, they were still sailing in the sea, and they could only watch Jiang Siming's head count soaring.

The two are also used to it.

At this time, there were only 20 enemies and 8 teams left on the map. Jiang Siming glanced at the positions of the other teams at the place where the three of them were standing.

They are very biased, some are on the other side of the airport, some are even in Port N, and some are not yet in the circle.

The location of each team is very remote, and it is difficult for him to rush to find someone.

Jiang Siming glanced at their position, there should be a group of people coming to them.

Jiang Siming chose to stand still and watch the mountain scenery with Great God forever.

Before long, the fifth wave lap refreshed, and the sound of cars rang out on the other side of the mountain.

"Stop! They're on the other side!" Forever said.

"Lao Jiang, what do you say?" Great God looked at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming did not live up to his expectations and said decisively: "Just talk about hair, and it's done. On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep soundly?"

The Great God smiled and said, "I know you can say hitting, and seeing you kill people will make me greedy. Do it."

"Reminder, this team may be a strong team, so be careful yourself." Jiang Siming kindly reminded.

This team is the famous RNG team.

Ding Dong worked hard during this period, and his skills improved a lot.

And the team introduced a master, Emperor.

This player is also a genius boy who is about the same grade as XDD, and he is powerful.


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