I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1154: Ah Nu has transformed!

"Yiyi, do you want to go back today?" Jiang Siming asked casually.

Qin Yiyi nodded and said like a mosquito: "Well, my parents will be anxious if they don't go back."

"Well, I'll drive you back in a while." Jiang Siming didn't think much.

"Yiyi, why don't you stay today, just find a reason with your parents and say you're going to a hospital outside."

Zhao Xuan touched the mahjong, said jokingly, hitting an eight-tube casually, and over there a hundred billion shouted aloud with a smile!

Zhao Xuan rolled her eyes amusedly, and said to Qin Yiyi: "Yiyi, you must stay today. Sister has made plans for you to be a little bit awkward."

Qin Yiyi bit his lip with flushed cheeks and nodded shyly.

Seeing Qin Yiyi nodded, Zhao Xuan raised her eyebrows secretly at Jiang Siming, as if saying: "Isn't it? It's good to give you an assist. I can receive another ‘Love Consort’ tonight."

Jiang Siming is also quite ‘resisting’. He was going to enter the dungeon today to fight the world~ alas~

It seems that I can’t go today, it’s really ‘sad’.

The night fell quickly.

Tired Qin Yiyi, because it was the first time, was so tired that he fell asleep.

It was Jiang Siming who showered her.

During this period, Qin Yiyi never woke up...

It can be seen that he is indeed tired.

The corners of Xiao Nizi's mouth rose slightly when she was sleeping. Maybe she had a dream.

Jiang Siming settled her down, and was about to go to the bathroom to take a bath and then walk around in the dungeon. For fear of disturbing Qin Yiyi's sleep, Jiang Siming didn't even turn on the light.

"This city is so empty, this memory is so fierce, this street is full of traffic, who can I embrace, this brow is so heavy, this yearning..."

Turn on the faucet, take a shower and hum a song comfortably.

I still sang "Empty City" by Yang Thirty-two, don't talk about it, it's really nice.

If Jiang Siming played a cover, it would be very promising.

Singing and scrubbing are essential skills for bathing. I am embarrassed to take a bath without these two skills.

But just halfway through the bath, Jiang Siming suddenly found that another figure walked outside the bathroom door, with a familiar breath.

Jiang Siming subconsciously thought that it was a wife who ran over, and happily opened the bathroom door, grabbed the figure outside with one hand and dragged her in.

However, Jiang Siming realized that it was wrong after he took him into his arms. Although he did not turn on the lights, his night vision ability was also extremely strong.

He can see at a glance, this is not his wife!

No wife looks like this! What? Two dimensions!

Jiang Siming was stunned.

Who is this TM? It's not Ram.

But the breath of the other party made him very familiar.

and many more...

I rely on! Jiang Siming got it.

This is... A-囡? ? ?

Jiang Siming quickly went to see Ah-Nan's favorability.

Favorability: 205 points.

I go, when did it rise so fast? Why did it break through 200 so quickly...

Is this how Yukawa Wing's cat transforms into a human form Kuro Yukawa? It's too drifting... No, it's incredible!

"Are you... A-囡?" Jiang Siming dared to speak.

"It's my master~ I can already transform into a human form~"

"Puff, hehe...hehe..."

Jiang Siming was choked by the water poured from the shower head.

Ah Nu immediately raised her soft hand and patted Jiang Siming on the back.

"Master, are you swollen?"

Jiang Siming hurriedly stopped and said: "I'm fine, Ah-囡, then why are you transforming at this time?"

"Isn't it okay to be the master at this time? I listened to the master, and I didn't change it in front of others. I only changed it to the master alone." Ah-囡 explained obediently.

"Then... when did you come in?"

"Oh, Master, your door is unlocked. I waited for a long time at the door, and I secretly entered when the new mistress fell asleep."

Jiang Siming slowed down a little bit and quickly turned off the water.

Seeing Jiang Siming Guanshui, Ah-囡 thought Jiang Siming was about to start'petting' her, and closed her eyes happily expectantly.

Jiang Siming felt painful for a while, so he had to say: "A-囡, this, your master, I have not yet... this is the first time I saw you transforming. If we meet for the first time... I’m a person who has a slower personality and likes to live for a long time, you know?"

A-囡 opened her amber eyes and they flickered, very cute.

A-囡's eyes showed human thinking, and then nodded: "A-囡 understands, the master wants to see me transforming a few times, and then I will be good with A-囡, right?"

"Emm... be it."

Jiang Siming muttered in his heart, can it be delayed for a while?

Suddenly let him accept the same setting as Xu Xian and Ning Caichen, he was not ready yet.

Although Ah-囡 originally came from the second element, this kind of animal is very common in the second element, but he still did not adapt.

"That's good~ Ah-囡 knows. From now on, I will show it to the hostess when the hostess can't find it." Ah-囡 smiled, and a pair of cat ears fluttered.

Since there is no need for that, Jiang Siming feels a little relieved.

"A-囡, how did your transformation change? Can you change one for me to see?" Jiang Siming was a little curious.

A-囡 agreed very obediently, and a thought flashed, and it changed back to cat-like.

"Can I still speak human words when I change back?" Jiang Siming asked.

"Meow~" A-囡 shook her head, saying that she couldn't.

"Then change back and try again." Jiang Siming said.


He changed back to human form, but he still had no clothes. Jiang Siming was cautiously plopping.

Jiang Siming had to find another wife's clothes to put on her again, let alone, it fits and looks good.

After A-囡 puts on her clothes, she can transform into her clothes again, no need to be so sudden...

However, after the second transformation, A-Nan can no longer transform back into a human. The number of transformations is also required.

It can only be changed once a week. Both of these times, A-Nan spent a lot of energy. After the change, A-Nan shrank tiredly in Jiang Siming's arms to sleep.

Jiang Siming really didn't expect Anan to suddenly transform, and his favorability rating would break through 200 so quickly that he was caught off guard and unprepared.

Think about the appearance of A-囡's transformation just now, let alone, it looks really good.

Amber eyes flashed and flashed as if they could speak, strange and beautiful.

A pair of snow-white cat ears, silver white hair cascading to the waist, and a small white tail behind him.

It is impeccable even from the perspective of the second dimension world, especially if it is a cat ear.

The appearance of A-Yan made Jiang Siming see the reason why so many people like the two-dimensional element, and there is really no resistance to them~ I am dead!

But he really didn't have any strange thoughts about A-Nan. He only regarded A-Nan as a pet and a member of the family, just like Ari.

Oops, A-囡 will transform, and Ari in the future... won't it? ? ?

Ah-囡's cats have been so'violating the rules' all the time, so how can Ah-ri do things after that? She is the offspring of the famous nine-tailed demon fox!

[The author's digression]: A-囡: If anyone doesn't give my master's little attendant the sake ticket, I will cry and show him TnT...

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