I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1147: Love the people like a child, Liu Bei?

Jiang Siming's army began to attack the city. They have all rested for many days, replenishing their energy, eating and drinking.

Set up a tent when the sun is too hot, or go to a cool place for training.

Ten thousand times more comfortable than Pengcheng soldiers.

Under the two contrasts, the manifestation of combat effectiveness is simply the gap between bronze and the king.

Liu Bei knew that the siege had arrived and wanted to command everyone to defend the city.

It was found that the soldiers were weak even in defending the city. They couldn't lift a stone, and the bow and arrow were very difficult to pull.

At this time, the hundreds of Crimson Armed Forces underneath gathered in a group, besieging the city with a shield and an iron barrel defensive formation, and the arrow could not hurt them at all.

Only the boulder can harm them.

In addition, the movement speed on both sides is not proportional at all.

When Liu Beijun destroyed a hundred-man team, a dozen hundred-man team of the Crimson Armored Army reached the entrance of the city wall and started to erect ladders and hit the city gate.

Liu Bei was anxious, cheering on the soldiers with his throat, but the soldiers were really exhausted by the past few days.

In the end, Liu Bei could only watch Jiang Siming's soldiers climb up the city wall. He could only vent his anger and kill a few, and then began to retreat.

It doesn't matter if Pengcheng is lost, Xuzhou is so big, there are still many cities, leaving the green hills without worrying about firewood.

This is Liu Bei's life motto, probably inherited from Liu Bang.

The coach was defeated, and the next battle was very simple. Not long after, Pengcheng's door opened and the whole army entered Pengcheng.

"Lord, Liu Bei has already taken people to abandon the city and fled, and before he left, he took away hundreds of thousands of people in the city." Zhao Yun came back in blood and told the report.

The blood on his body is naturally not his, it is all of the enemy.

"Oh? I also took away the people, I heard that Liu Xuande loves the people like a child, but is it true?" Guo Jia sneered.

Xun Yu laughed and said with a haha: "Feng Xiaomo wants to be deceived by the surface. Liu Bei is carrying hundreds of thousands of people behind the palace. I think it is to prevent our army from chasing and killing them and using the people to block the knife."

Xu Shu contemptuously said, "This Liu Bei is really a benevolent villain!"

Jiang Siming chuckled and said, "It's useless to say these, but the three of you are talking about, should our army hunt down?"

Guo Jia immediately said: "I think it is time to kill, and the two armies are fighting. Although the people are innocent, there is no way. If Liu Bei keeps threatening the people in the future, will our army not attack?"

Xu Shu objected: "The lord, I think that you can't chase him down. Pursuing Liu Jun will trample on the death and injury of hundreds of people. It will also hurt the hearts of the people in Xuzhou and the lord's reputation."

Xun Yu means the same thing, and it is not recommended to hunt down.

The two of them are kinder-hearted compared to Guo Jia, and of course Guo Jia is right, he is only thinking about Jiang Siming.

Now that the three military divisions disagree, the lord Jiang Siming has to make a decision.

Jiang Siming thought about it for a moment, then smiled.

"Since Liu Xuande wants to kill two birds with one stone, block our army and win the hearts of the people, and make the people think that he loves the people like a son and wants to take the people with him, then we will expose his purpose."

"Zilong, the order goes on. The three armies chased after Liu Bei's fleeing army. They only chased but did not kill. They followed the people until Liu Bei fled into other cities. I want to see if Liu Bei would let the people into the city. ."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, all three military divisions had bright eyes and praised the lord's wit.

This move was so unique that it not only drove Liu Bei exhausted and embarrassed, and consumed Liu Bei's army to a large extent, but it also exposed Liu Bei's true colors.

Zhao Yun also felt very interesting, and immediately passed the order.

The fifty thousand Xuanjia army began to hunt and kill Pengcheng, and soon caught up with Liu Bei's army, which carried hundreds of thousands of people.

When Liu Bei saw that the Xuanjia Army was catching up, he was so scared that he hurried away with the soldiers, and the people were immediately left behind by them.

The Xuan Jia army didn't chase it, just following the people.

After half a day, Liu Bei's army finally ran into Guangling City tired.

As soon as Liu Bei entered Guangling, he immediately shut the gate of the city and said nothing to come out.

But after a while, hundreds of thousands of people who followed the escape appeared outside the city gate, and the people begged Liu Bei to let them in.

Liu Beisheng was afraid that these people would be mixed with Jiang Siming's soldiers and spies, so he refused to open the door.

"General Liu, Master Liu, please let us in~"

"General Liu, you brought us out, saying that we will be fine if we go to Guangling, but why don't you let us in when it's all there?"

"Liu Bei, you are a back-and-forth villain! You just use us as a shield!"

"Yes, Liu Bei is really a hypocrite!"


The people complained and scolded Liu Bei, the hypocrite.

Liu Bei heard clearly from the tower, his expression on his face was wonderful.

"These people must be pretended by Jiang Bei's Xuanjia Army. Send my order. Those who approach the tower, shoot!"

When Liu Bei gave an order, soldiers shot arrows immediately.

The nearest people were shot and killed innocently, so they could only run away crying,

Seeing the remarkable effect, Liu Bei smiled triumphantly.

He doesn't care about the life and death of the people, as long as he has land and soldiers, no matter how innocent the people are.

But Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who happened to be chasing over, heard Liu Bei say that they had shot the people. They could hardly believe their eyes when they watched the people fall in pieces.

"Big... Liu Bei! How can you kill innocent people indiscriminately!" Zhang Fei was angry.

When the three brothers first met, Liu Bei cared and cared for the people that way.

He and his second brother admired Liu Bei's righteousness and great benevolence for the people, and they fell in love with Liu Bei.

But now, seeing this scene, Zhang Fei's eyes are staring.

"Liu Xuande, you kill the people indiscriminately, because my third brother and I have always thought you are a chivalrous man who loves the people like a child, so Guan Yu has taken my eyes off!"

Guan Yu squinted Danfeng's eyes, showing the anger in his eyes.

But Liu Bei was indifferent. Instead, he sneered and said: "Joke, you two spine-broken dogs, betrayers, and still have the face to talk about humanity and justice with me?"

If Guan Zhang and Liu Bei had just broken brotherhood before, then now they have become complete enemies.

"Liu Xuande, I'm fighting with you!" Zhang Fei was so angry that he jumped and was about to charge his army. Fortunately, Guan Yu stopped him.

"Yide, Hugh must be reckless, so rush to Liu Bei's arms, we wait for the lord's order."

Soon, Jiang Siming's Chinese army battle appeared outside Guangling City.

Seeing so many people homeless and helpless, Jiang Siming sighed and said:

"If the order continues, the army will let go of one path, and then arrange a team of people to **** the people back to Pengcheng, telling them that they will never hurt the people and let them go back with peace of mind."

"Here!" Wei Yan hurried to do it.

All the soldiers admired Jiang Siming's actions very much. This is true love for the people like a child!

Liu Bei, this hypocritical villain, compares with Jiang Siming, it's really a huge difference!


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